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Expressing opinion

Listen carefully to the statements read by your teacher
Go to the corner that best matches your opinion on the topic
(strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree)
Discuss why you and your friends choose that opinion
Report your reason back to the class
Refute another corner’s opinion
Let’s try it out!
Teachers give too much homework
Kdrama is really interesting.
Students should be allowed to use
smartphone at school.
Mondays are the worst days
We shouldn’t allow children to eat fast
Women will never be equal to men in the
Making mistakes in English is OK as long
as people can understand you.
America is the best place to live.
I prefer individual work to group work.
Alien really does exists.
Family is important but money is more
Females are better students than males.
Influencers are fake.
Dogs make better companion than cats
You don’t need to get married to be happy.
Clowns are more scary than funny.
Playing video games makes you smarter.
Homework should be banned
School should only be four days per week.
If I could choose, I would choose to be
pretty rather than to be smart
Humans are the most dangerous creatures
in the world
Math is an important subject to learn
It is better to be rich with no friends than
poor with many friends
Bad words are not that bad
Staying at home is better than going on
Being really short is better than being
really tall
Flying is the best superpower
Women are more complicated than men
American accent is better than British
Men gossip more than women
I would rather be poor and honest than
rich and dishonest
Kids are smarter than grown-ups.
It’s better to be an only child rather than
have siblings.
Extroverts are too loud
It is better to be an early bird rather than
a night owl
Graduation ceremonies are boring
It is better to live in a country rather than
in a big city.
I prefer to have big family to small
I would rather live in hot, sandy desert
than in the North Pole.
Flying is the best superpower.
McDonalds is the best fast food
restaurant of all time.
Money makes you happier.
there is too much pressure on high
school students to pick a career path
World would be a better place if women
were in charge
I Would you rather travel 100 years
forward than 100 years back in time
I would rather be able to fly than read
people’s minds
Humans meant to eat to live, not live to
It is better to be TikTok famous than
Instagram famous
DC is better than Marvel
Books are better than movies
Beauty are more important than brains
introverts are too quiet, extroverts are too
Music is getting worse over time
I would rather be good at exams than be
good at sports
Students should be able to give their
teachers grades
Barbie doll is not a good role model for
young girls
high school students should wear
whatever they want to school
children should be allowed to keep
secrets from parents
Children should be paid to go to school
Parents should have a right to spy on
their children
Computers can replace teachers.
boarding schools do not help students
Rainy season is better than dry season
winter is better than summer
It is better to live in a world without
social media
It is better to be a cat than to be a dog
Tomato is a fruit
It is better to have a pet unicorn than a
pet dragon
It is better to have a robot teacher than a
human teacher
Climate change is not a real threat to our
Junk food should be ban from school
Medicine is a more valuable degree than

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