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Business Free Talk

Chapter 1 Office Basics

Lesson 5 Schedule

1 2 3
Expressions Discussion Further Reading
Useful expressions under Questions for you to discuss An article for you to read
this topic for your reference. freely with your teacher. after class.
Useful expressions about schedule.
You can refer to them to provoke your thoughts in
the Discussion part.
Expressions Glossary
(suggested time: 8mins)
arrange agenda

Schedule helps you to manage your thorough rough

time at work. In this part, you are going to tight stick to sth.
study and practice some expressions and
sentences about schedule. concentrate on ...
have an appointment with sb.

In Sentences
• Don't make your schedule too tight. Allow some time for
unexpected* tasks.
• I always make a rough schedule before I start work.
• Generally I put difficult tasks in the morning, when I'm
energetic* and can concentrate on work.
• I have an appointment with my client this afternoon.
2 Discuss questions about schedule.
Use your experience and imagination to talk about
them with your teacher.
Discussion Discuss these questions in detail with
(suggested time: 15mins) your teacher. Give reasons and explanations for
your opinion and speak as much as possible.
You can use words you learnt in Expressions to
Q1. Do you have a daily work schedule? What would you help you.
do first
when you arrive at your office?
Q2. How do you arrange your everyday schedule? Do you
something you must do every day? If you have a demanding*
task, would you do it in the morning or in the afternoon?
Q3. Can you always stick to your schedule? Have you run
into any
accidents that upset* your schedule?
Q4. Some people prefer to plan for everything at work and
put all
tasks on the schedule, while some prefer to make only a
rough schedule. Which one do you think is better? Why?
3 Further Reading
Do you want to be a successful person? Then you
may want to know how successful people spend
their day effectively. You can read it after class if
you are interested.
Further Reading

1. They have a morning routine.

2. They work even when they are not in working hours.
3. They do important work first.
4. They keep their full schedules in one place.
• schedule /ˈskedʒuːl/ 5. They take every minute of their work seriously.
• seriously /ˈsɪriəsli/ 6. They relax when they finish their work.
• teamwork /ˈtiːmwɝːk/ 7. They understand teamwork boosts efficiency.
• boost /buːst/
8. They don’t panic when things don’t go as planned.
• efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsi/

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