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30 second mysteries

Case 1:
• Two men dressed in dark clothing enter a wealthy neighborhood in
the early morning hours. They move quickly from house to house,
taking everything they can. A policeman observes the pair – but does
not approach or arrest them.

• The mystery:
Who are the men?

Answer: Garbage men collecting trash.

Case 2
A man works with the police to identify criminals. His help is invaluable
even when he wasn’t witnessed the crime. Many of the criminals he
identifies are never caught, but the police continue to ask the man for
help. Coincidentally, the man’s first name describes what he does to help
the police.

The mystery:
What is the man’s first name and what is his occupation?

The man is a police sketch artist named Art.

Case 3:
Thousands of people attend a professional sporting event. During the
event, a person drives around in a large vehicle for nearly a quarter of an
hour. The driver does not count the number of laps completed and doesn’t
appear to be competing in any way. The spectators often appeared
disinterested and don’t bother to cheer when the driver finishes.

The mystery:
What is the vehicle’s purpose and what is the event?

The vehicle cleans the ice at ice hockey games.

Case 4:
A man walks to a place where nothing will happen for several hours. He
stands in a city square with thousands of other people – many of whom
are speaking foreign languages. The man checks his watch regularly and
looks upward in nervous anticipation.

Where is the man and what is he waiting for?

It’s New Year’s Eve and the man is in New York’s Times Square waiting
for midnight.
Case 5:
Kim travels all over the world for free without ever buying a plane ticket
or paying for lodging. She travels quickly – in some cases she visits three
different continents in a single week. She works in every country that she
visits, but only gets paid in one.

The mystery:
What is the woman’s occupation and what type of company does she
work for?

Kim is a pilot who works for an airline.

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