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• Business Letter Is A Letter Which Is Used By Organizations To Communicate In A Professional Way With
Customers, Other Companies, Clients, Shareholders, Investors, Etc


• A Business Report Is A Collection Of Data And Analyses That Helps Make Relevant Information Easily Accessible
To A Company.
The main purposes of Business Letter are;
•Convey Information: The basic purpose of any business letter is to convey information regarding business activities.
Information can be transmitted through business letter to customers, suppliers, debtors, government authorities, financial
institutions, bank and insurance companies and to any other parties related with the business.
•Conclude Transaction: This is one of the specific purposes of business letter. To conclude in completed transactions business
letters are frequently used.
•Creation of Demand: Business letters especially circular letters used to create demand for new products. Circular letters can
communicate many people in the same time.
•Creation of Goodwill: In this electronic era messages can be sent within few seconds through electronic media but a well
decorated business letter has its own importance in creation positive image of the company.
•Expansion of Business: Through goodwill messages and through circular letters existing market can be expanded.
•Establishment of Relationship: Another important purpose of business letter is, it helps to establish mutual relationship with
the customers, suppliers and with the other interested parties.
•Evidence: Business letters are also used to maintain documentary evidence. Letters can be preserved for future reference.
•To Inquire: A business concern not only sends messages but also receive information from the outside. To run the business
any firm need different types of information from outside. Through business letters firms can inquire regarding necessary
•Placing Order: It is a very common purpose for using business letter. Both trading and manufacturing concerns need to place
orders for finished goods or raw-materials to run the business.
•Problem Solving: In the course of business, disputes and misunderstanding may arise. Business letters play vital role in
solving such misunderstandings.
1. Date
Mention the date that you are writing the letter on the left side of the letter. Use the day, month and year format eg 2/08/20.
2. Reciever’s Address
Make sure the sender’s address is left aligned as well. It is a good idea to include the sender’s email id or the receiver’s phone
number. If you are writing a physical letter, include these details on the envelope.
3. Salutations
All business letters should start with a salutation and the name of the person the salutation is addressed to. For example,
Respected Bryan Adams. Use their full name and a comma.
4. Body Text
State why you are writing the letter. It is appreciated when business letters are short and to the point. The body text will vary
depending on the type of business letter format you are writing.
5. Call to action
Clearly mention the actions that the receiver should take after reading the letter. This will increase the likelihood of them
taking the action.
6. Signature Block
Sign off the letter with your name and signature. Ensure that the sign is either in black or blue ink.
7. Enclosures
Mention enclosures if the letter has any. Enclosures are the attachments to the letter. This will give the receiver a clear idea
about what to expect in the envelope.

1. Write two hours a day

It’s a goal that many of us have, and it’s a worthy one: make writing a part of your daily routine. If you can do more than two
hours, that’s wonderful, if you can only do less, that’s okay too. The trick is to write for the same amount of time every single
day, and to be dogmatic and consistent about it.
2.Use a Playlist
I have several friends who swear by this method. Just like you’d do for an exercise routine: make up a playlist of your most
inspiring or mood-specific songs, enough to last the duration of your writing session.
3.Keep a notebook (or take notes on your smartphone)
This is a good option for those on the move, and for those who write best in short, quick bursts. These days, there’s a
temptation to share your brilliant thoughts in real time. But hold some back. Carve out a secret world for yourself where your
ideas can incubate, amass, connect, and flourish.
4.Work in your head
This is the anytime/anywhere solution. Just don’t forget to (eventually) record your ideas in a more tangible form! “I can write
anywhere,” Hilary Mantel has said. “I long ago learned to write and polish a paragraph in my head.”
5.Wake up early / Stay up late
These methods are flip sides of the same coin, with a shared goal: solitude. Discover those odd hours when the world is mostly
quiet and still, no ringing phone, no self-replenishing inbox, etc.. Because when it comes down to it, writing is between you
and the page. The knowledge and the story are already inside you; everything else is a potential distraction.
Persuasive Letter

Persuasive Letter is a letter written to persuade an organisation/s or individual/s towards

accepting the writer's (sender’s) issue, interest or perspective. It can be written to any type of
organisation i.e. school, bank, college, NGO, municipality etc. The individuals can be a
director, CEO, government official etc. The motive of the persuasion letter is to ‘Get your
work done’ in layman terms.
The persuasion can be related to any matter, it can be:
•A complaint
•A sale
•A request or any other matter which requires convincing
Positive (Goodwill) Messages
Goodwill messages are as essential to healthy professional relationships as they are to personal ones. Thank-you,
congratulatory, and sympathy notes add an important, feel-good human touch in a world that continues to embrace technology
that isolates people while being marketed as a means of connecting them. The goodwill that such messages promote makes
both the sender and receiver feel better about each other and themselves. In putting smiles on faces, such notes are effective
especially because many people don't send them--either because they feel that they are too difficult to write or because it does
not even occur to them to do so. Since praise for someone can be harder to think of and write than criticism, a brief guide on
how to do it right may be of help.
Type of Message

Thank-You Notes

 Congratulatory

 Expressions of
Negative Messages
•Just as in life, the workplace is not always sunny. Sometimes things do not go according to plan, and it is your job to communicate
about them in a way that does not ruin your relationships with customers, coworkers, managers, the public, and other stakeholders.
When doing damage control, bad-news messages required care, diplomacy, and skillful language because your main point will meet
 Help the receiver understand and accept the news.
 Be clear and concise to avoid being asked for additional clarification.
 Reduce the anxiety associated with the bad news as much as possible by expressing sympathy or empathy.
 Maintain trust and respect between you and your audience to ensure the possibility of good future relations.
 Deliver the bad news in a timely fashion through the appropriate medium.
 Avoid the legal liability that comes with admitting negligence or guilt.
 Achieve the designated business outcome.

A memo, short for memorandum, is a way to inform a group of people about a specific
problem, solution, or event. A memo should be brief, straightforward, and easy to read. It
informs recipients and provides an action plan with specific next steps.
You may send a memo as a paper letter, fax, or PDF attached to an email. Although the
widespread use of email essentially replaced memos in many circumstances, memos are still
helpful for some important messages.

What is the purpose of a memo?

Memos are designed for official internal communications of a business or organization.

They are often sent to an entire organization but are also useful for informing a single
department, team, or smaller group of people. Memos disperse necessary information using
a simple, easy-to-follow format
1. Heading
The heading lists who is receiving the memo, who is sending the memo, the date the memo was written, and the subject of the
memo. You can view how to format this section below.
To: [Recipients’ full names and job titles or department]
From: [Your full name and job title]
Date: [Today’s date]
Subject: [What the memo is about]
Since you addressed the recipients in the heading, there’s no need to include a greeting.
2. Opening statement
This section can be between one and three sentences. The opening statement is where you briefly state the purpose of your
memo. Include only a summary of the most crucial information in this section. Later you’ll be able to get into the details.
Try starting with, “I’m writing to inform you . . .”
3. Context
In three to ten sentences, provide context. Context is where you let people know what you’re writing about, why you’re writing
them, and any other critical information.
This section may include the following:
•Supporting evidence
•Why your organization made the decision you’re discussing in the memo
•Background information
•A problem statement
4. Call to action and task statement
This section can be either two to three sentences or a bullet-pointed list. This is where you lay out the next steps for your
recipients. Write about what the recipient should do after they read the memo or how you plan to solve the problem you’ve
Try writing, “Please [task you’d like completed] by [due date]” or “I appreciate your cooperation in this matter.”
5. Discussion
The aim of this portion is to persuade the recipients to follow your recommended actions. Lay out all of the details that support
your ideas, beginning with the most critical information. Give specific supporting facts, ideas, and research that back up your
memo, organizing the information from strongest to weakest.
6. Closing
The closing section is an opportunity to end your memo on a courteous note. We recommend you share what you want your
recipients to take action on one more time here, as well. Generally, memos don’t include a farewell. But if you want to have
one, make sure to keep it brief.
7. Optional additions
You can include a summary or attachments with your memo if you need to. You should include a summary if your memo is
more than one page. Summaries help recipients more easily digest the information you’ve shared.
8. Revise
Now that you’ve written your memo, it’s time to revise! Follow the steps below to ensure your memo is as clear and concise as
possible. Remember: the shorter, the better.
•Cut out any unnecessary material.
•Clarify your main points.
Report Writing

Report writing is a formal way of writing in-depth about a subject. A report’s writing style and tone are always formal. The
target audience is the segment on which you should concentrate. Writing a report about a school event, a business case, etc. are
a few examples.
Purpose Of Report Writing
A report has lots of purposes both in the academic and professional world. But since It’s usually used in the professional world
most of the time, we are going to share with you the three main purposes of this document:
1. Making decisions
In our modern world today, most individuals and business organizations need a lot of information. Reports provide huge
amounts of information that is required to make important decisions. Also, individuals get to understand a specific area based on
the information presented in a report.
2. Conducting investigations using report
When there is a serious problem, a study group, committee, or commission investigates the issue to find the root cause of the
problem and present findings with the recommendations in a report. At school and in the business world, problems will always
arise. However, how you deal with these problems determines whether you’ll grow and thrive or fail miserably. Professionals
who delegate this task to a report writing service will understand the problems that they are facing and come up with effective
3. Professional advancement
A report plays a huge role in professional advancement. To get promoted and improve job satisfaction, intellectual ability is
essential. And this ability can be demonstrated by writing a good report and submitting it to the relevant authorities.
4. Managerial tool
Reports are essential for managers because they can be used for organizing, planning, motivating, coordinating, and controlling.
All managers need reports to get essential information that will help them make informed decisions. When managers make
informed decisions, the business will naturally grow and thrive.
Kinds of Report Writing

 Long Report and Short Reports

 Internal and External Reports
 Vertical and Lateral Reports
 Periodic Reports
 Formal and Informal Reports
 Informational and Analytical Reports
 Proposal Reports
 Functional Reports

Long Report and Short Reports:

These kinds of reports are quite clear, as the name suggests. A two-page report or sometimes referred to as a memorandum is
short, and a thirty-page report is absolutely long. But what makes a clear division of short reports or long reports? Well,
usually, notice that longer reports are generally written in a formal manner.
Internal and External Reports:
As the name suggests, an internal report stays within a certain organization or group of people. In the case of office settings,
internal reports are for within the organization.
We prepare external reports, such as a news report in the newspaper about an incident or the annual reports of companies for
distribution outside the organization. We call these as public reports
Vertical and Lateral Reports:
This is about the hierarchy of the reports’ ultimate target. If the report is for your management or for your mentees, it’s a
vertical report. Wherever a direction of upwards or downwards comes into motion, we call it a vertical report.
Lateral reports, on the other hand, assist in coordination in the organization. A report traveling between units of the same
organization level (for example, a report among the administration and finance departments) is lateral.
Periodic Reports:
Periodic reports are sent out on regularly pre-scheduled dates. In most cases, their direction is upward and serves as
management control. Some, like annual reports, is not vertical but is a Government mandate to be periodic in nature.
Formal and Informal Reports:
Formal reports are meticulously structured. They focus on objectivity and organization, contain deeper detail, and the writer
must write them in a style that eliminates factors like personal pronouns.
Informal reports are usually short messages with free-flowing, casual use of language. We generally describe the internal
report/memorandum as an informal report. For example, a report among your peers, or a report for your small group or team,
Informational and Analytical Reports:
Informational reports (attendance reports, annual budget reports, monthly financial reports, and such) carry objective
information from one area of an organization to maybe a larger system.
Analytical reports (scientific research, feasibility reports, and employee appraisals) show attempts to solve actual problems.
These analytical reports usually require suggestions at the end.
Proposal Reports:
These kinds of reports are like an extension to the analytical/problem-solving reports. A proposal is a document one prepares to
describe how one organization can provide a solution to a problem they are facing.
Functional Reports:
These kinds of reports include marketing reports, financial reports, accounting reports, and a spectrum of other reports that
provide a function specifically. By and large, we can include almost all reports in most of these categories. Furthermore, we
can include a single report in several kinds of reports.
Purposes of report writing
A report has lots of purposes both in the academic and professional world. But since It’s usually used in the professional world
most of the time, we are going to share with you the three main purposes of this document:
1. Making decisions
In our modern world today, most individuals and business organizations need a lot of information. Reports provide huge
amounts of information that is required to make important decisions. Also, individuals get to understand a specific area based
on the information presented in a report.
2. Conducting investigations using report
When there is a serious problem, a study group, committee, or commission investigates the issue to find the root cause of the
problem and present findings with the recommendations in a report. At school and in the business world, problems will always
arise. However, how you deal with these problems determines whether you’ll grow and thrive or fail miserably. Professionals
who delegate this task to a report writing service will understand the problems that they are facing and come up with effective
3. Professional advancement
A report plays a huge role in professional advancement. To get promoted and improve job satisfaction, intellectual ability is
essential. And this ability can be demonstrated by writing a good report and submitting it to the relevant authorities.
4. Managerial tool
Reports are essential for managers because they can be used for organizing, planning, motivating, coordinating, and
controlling. All managers need reports to get essential information that will help them make informed decisions. When
managers make informed decisions, the business will naturally grow and thrive.
What Is Presentation?

Definition: A presentation is a form of communication in which the speaker conveys information to the audience. In an
organization presentations are used in various scenarios like talking to a group, addressing a meeting, demonstrating or
introducing a new product, or briefing a team. It involves presenting a particular subject or issue or new ideas/thoughts to
a group of people.
It is considered as the most effective form of communication because of two main reasons:
 Facilitates instant feedback.
 Use of non-verbal cues.
In small presentations, we can make use of a blackboard, graphs, charts and slides as a visual aid. Whereas, in large
presentations, we can make use of films, slides, videos, animations or modern computer graphics, as a visual aid.
Purpose of Presentation
1.To inform: Organizations can use presentations to inform the audience about new schemes, products or proposals. The
aim is to inform the new entrant about the policies and procedures of the organization.
2.To persuade: Presentations are also given to persuade the audience to take the intended action.
3.To build goodwill: They can also help in building a good reputation
What are Visual Presentations?

Visual presentations are a visual aid that can be used in both business and academia to help explain concepts or topics that
might otherwise be difficult for an audience member to understand without seeing them firsthand.

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