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Describe strategic control planning in business

method of managing the execution of a strategic plan

considered unique in the management process

handle the unknown and ambiguous while tracking a strategy’s implementation

strategic control is a way to find different methods of strategy implementation by adapting to changing
external and internal factors to achieve strategic goals.

Prioritize evaluation of elements that relate directly with the mission and vision of the organization and
which can affect the organization’s goals.
As a CEO, what kind of strategic control planning processes would you

Develop aggressive digital IInvent innovation-centered

strategies that would endeavours like research and
strengthen operational development units or innovation labs
effectiveness; provide a so that they develop novel goods,
superior customer experience; services, and technologies, promote The company should consider
and utilize data for better permanent enhancement and implementing strategies that
decision-making, allowing the flexibility in your organizational
company to compete culture.
are based on flexible
effectively in the digital age. approaches like agile
methodologies for strategic
planning in order to cope with
changing markets and shifting
consumer tastes that require
Implement robust cybersecurity
Introduce sustainability in the
protocols and invest in advanced
the firm to be able to adjust
company’s operation,
security technologies to protect its operations rapidly so as not
procurement, and product
innovation that coincides with
sensitive data and ensure the to lose out in competition
privacy of customers and
ecological responsibility and
stakeholders, safeguarding the
business strategies leading to
company from potential cyber
improved green and ethical
threats and data breaches.

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