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• VVER-1200/523 is the latest generation iii+ nuclear reactor. This reactor has 5 layers:

• 1.Fuel pellets : The crystal structure of the fuel pellets are retain with radioactive elements.

• 2.Fuel rods : It helps huge barrier immune to heat & high pressure.

• 3. Reactor shell : It can cover the whole fuel assembly tightly.

• 4. Core catcher : A core catcher is a device which can provide to catch the molten core of
nuclear reactor.

• 5.Reactor building: Reactor building is the last line of defence.It avert escape of radiation.

• The Nuclear part of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is housed in a single housed
building asmissile shield.
The positive impacts of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant will be industrial and
progressive framework, profitable extension, knowledge transfer,tree plantation, no
greenhouse gas effect if the project follows national and international laws and legislation
properly.If the emergency cooling system of the Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant is
suspended because of lack of water or power, its activator will meltdown, triggering a
disaster like Chernobyl and Fukushima.

Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant will not be able to generate low cost electricity but it will
provide utilization,golden opportunities from taxes which will help to support a healthy
economy.It has 2 units which have 1200 MW.IT'S financial cost is USD 12.65 billion.It was
constructed with a Russian loan about USD 11.38 billion.It was expected to generate 19
billion kWh per year.It's levelized electricity cost is 56.73(USD/MWh.

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