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Poseidon Wrath

BY:Chase lockwood
The Storm
*One Would Think that you would not go out in
the ocean with a massive storm but not my

* I was 7 years old at the time

* There was 2 thunderstorms that ended up

crashing right over us and merged into one
storm as far as the eye can see

* The path to escape was a dangerous one but

somehow i made it out alive
Listen to the weather channels
* We were warned by the weather
channel on the radio about the storm
but we chose to ignore it
* Even if they might be wrong half the
time it is much better to play it safe so
what happened to me doesn't happen to
Some Boats aren't meant for the ocean
* It is recommended to make sure that
you boat has the proper qualities a boat
should have when going into the ocean
* there are a lot of safety requirements
including ones that you wouldn't really
think of at first
* a thing we forgot about is that a boat
can be to small for the ocean and
waves can easily sink it
The Aftermath
* Childhood trauma is sadly a thing that
affects a lot of people and can have
horrible results if left alone
* I am very lucky that this whole event
didn't affect me mentally
* This event actually helped me find life
as a very amazing thing and taught me
at a young age that I shouldn't take it for
The Journey
* First we had to get off the island
* Second was to try to race the storm
* Next a second storm appeared
* Then we Beached on a marshy plain
* Then we hid in a makeshift buggy bored hut
* Then we walked for 2 hours through 2 feet of
* Finally we found civilisation and was helped
by this kind family that let us stay in their

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