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Dear Diary, 5th/1st/23rd

Toady we were at the Broulee beach, for we were on an epic holiday with my friends Thomas
and Lucas. We saw, when we first arrived vivid shades of blue which greeted me. When we
entered the sea, many colourful sea creatures were revealed to be lurking under the waves.
Some of them included a hermit crab, a sting ray and a manta ray.
We decided to make a totally awesome crab farm to investigate what crabs would do if lots of
them were crammed into a bucket of sand (with some water). The result told us that crabs,
when crammed together need to dig under the sand faster than others so they could be
comfortable and have enough space to move around in. My overall thought was that this was
a very interesting experiment.
Later that day my dad found a small baby manta ray that’s been beached. When we picked it
up, it started having a crazy and creepy fit resulting in Lucas having a (Slight) heart attack. I
thought it was a very cool experience.
When we got back to our holiday cabin, we were very tired but happy. Then we started
gaming after a nice hot shower. We then had a delicious dinner.
Thinking back on the day, I realised that the stingray was a coffin ray:

There also was a small coral reef that was teeming with life. It seemed like a
great place, but I didn’t want to be electrocuted so I didn’t go deeper. Sadly,
Lucas was electrocuted making him leap out of the water with a yelp,”
Argh!!!!”. It was very loud, and everyone got a shock, but in the end he was
Overall, it was a very fun day and I loved it.

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