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Name : Fausta Nandana Rasendriya

NIM : 24060123120027

Class : B Informatics

Best Experience

My best experience was on holiday to Pari Island. Our family went on a boat and that's
when I felt seasick for the first time. When we got there, we put our things away and headed
straight to the beach. The sand is soft and clean white.

We immediately started building sand castles, playing in the waves, and playing ball. Our
big family really enjoyed it. After that we rested for a while and had lunch. Many delicious foods
have been prepared.

Then, we continued playing in the afternoon. We went out to sea by boat to see the
beauty of the underwater world. Arriving at the location, we put on water masks and started
diving to see the underwater beauty. The coral, plants and fish there were so beautiful that we
forgot about time while playing there.

Not only that, we also played bananaboat, which was very exciting and tense. We will be
dropped in the middle of the sea while speeding. Even though it was a little scary, it was really
fun. After that, we also toured the sea around the island and saw the beautiful sea views.

As the sun began to set, we cleaned up and gathered around the campfire. We grilled fish,
meat, sausages and drank hot chocolate. We sing, eat together, play guitar, and much more.
Enjoy the beautiful evening on the beach.

After that we packed our things and headed to the accommodation to spend the night
there. Even at night, the atmosphere looks very busy. As a big family, we play board games in
the evening. That was the best day of my life, gathering with brothers and sisters from a large
family. I really enjoyed being with them.

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