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Health Promotion

Preventing Malaria in Volta

Presented By:
Richard Obeng-Tawiah
Problem: The selected topic for our health promotion campaign is

"Preventing Malaria in Volta Region." Malaria is a significant public

health issue in the Volta Region, causing a high number of illnesses and

deaths, particularly among children and pregnant women.

● Solution: To address this problem, our campaign aims to implement a comprehensive strategy. We will focus on community

education to raise awareness about the importance of bed nets, proper sanitation, and early diagnosis and treatment. Our goal is

to reduce the prevalence of malaria and improve the overall health of the community in Volta Region.
Malaria primarily affects the entire population of the Volta Region, with a higher

Who ? vulnerability among children and pregnant women. This includes residents of both

urban and rural areas.

Addressing malaria is crucial because it is a preventable and treatable disease that imposes a heavy burden on the

healthcare system and the local economy. Malaria also leads to absenteeism from school and work, which

Why ? has long-term socio-economic consequences. Our campaign seeks to make a difference in the lives of the
people in Volta Region by reducing the incidence of malaria and promoting a healthier community.
How: Our campaign will be implemented through a multi-faceted approach:

• Strategy 1: Educational Workshops - We will conduct educational workshops in local schools and communities to raise awareness

about malaria prevention. These workshops will include information on the proper use of bed nets, maintaining clean surroundings, and

recognizing the symptoms of malaria.

STRATEGIES: We have chosen these
• Strategy 2: Collaboration with Healthcare Providers - We will collaborate with local healthcare strategies because our research indicates

that community education, coupled with

providers and clinics to ensure that prompt diagnosis and treatment are available to those affected
access to healthcare services, is an
by malaria. effective approach in reducing malaria
incidence. Social media and online
promotion will help us reach a wider
• Strategy 3: Social Media and Online Promotion - We will utilize social media platforms and
audience and engage the community in

online channels to disseminate information, engage with the community, and provide updates on our efforts to combat malaria.

our campaign's progress.

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