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Republic of the Philippines


Cabambangan, Villa De Bacolor, Pampanga

3rd MODULE 3RD TRIMESTER AY 2022 - 2023


(Community Center and Primary HIV Care Clinic)

Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
A partial fulfillment of the requirements in

Marketing Management
Submitted to:

Dr. Jesus D. Panlilio

Submitted by:

Cahrhen Cordova

March 14, 2023


Marketing Strategy ……………………………………………………………………………………….……………………………………

4.0 Marketing Strategy

Developing a marketing strategy for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the Philippines would

require considering the local context, cultural nuances, and healthcare landscape. Here is a suggested

framework for a PrEP marketing strategy in the Philippines:

Target Audience: Identify the target audience for PrEP in the Philippines. This could include key

populations at higher risk of HIV, such as men who have sex with men, transgender individuals, and

people who inject drugs. Tailor the marketing efforts to resonate with the specific needs, concerns,

and cultural sensitivities of these target groups.

Education and Awareness: Conduct comprehensive education and awareness campaigns to increase

knowledge and understanding of PrEP among the target audience and healthcare providers. Use a

variety of channels, including social media, television, radio, community outreach programs, and

partnerships with local organizations to disseminate accurate information about PrEP, its

effectiveness, and benefits.

Provider Engagement: Engage with healthcare providers, including doctors, nurses, and pharmacists,

to ensure they are knowledgeable about PrEP and can confidently discuss it with their patients.

Provide training and educational materials to healthcare professionals, highlighting the importance of

PrEP in HIV prevention and addressing any concerns or misconceptions they may have.

Access and Affordability: Address the issue of access and affordability by collaborating with local

healthcare institutions, insurance providers, and government agencies to increase coverage and

reduce costs for PrEP. Advocate for inclusion of PrEP in national health programs, insurance coverage,

or subsidies to make it more accessible to the target population.

Community Partnerships: Establish partnerships with local community organizations, non-

governmental organizations (NGOs), and advocacy groups working on HIV prevention and LGBT+

rights. These partnerships can help reach the target audience effectively, leverage existing community

networks, and address stigma and discrimination associated with HIV and PrEP.

Tailored Messaging: Develop culturally appropriate and targeted messaging that resonates with the

local population. Emphasize the benefits of PrEP in the Filipino context, such as empowering

individuals to protect their health, reducing the stigma associated with HIV, and promoting healthy

relationships. Highlight testimonials from individuals who have benefited from PrEP to provide

relatable and inspiring stories.

Digital Platforms and Peer Influence: Leverage social media platforms and digital marketing strategies

to reach the target audience effectively. Utilize influencers, community leaders, and advocates who

are trusted within the target population to share information about PrEP and encourage its use.

Monitoring and Evaluation: Continuously monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the marketing

strategy through metrics such as PrEP uptake, awareness levels, and feedback from the target

audience. Adjust the strategy based on the results to optimize impact and address any challenges or

gaps identified.

Ongoing Support and Follow-up: Establish a system for ongoing support, counseling, and follow-up for

individuals using PrEP. Provide resources for adherence support, regular HIV testing, and linkage to

other healthcare services, creating a holistic approach to HIV prevention and care.

Cultural sensitivity, local partnerships, and ongoing engagement with the target audience and

healthcare providers are crucial for the success of the marketing strategy. Additionally, aligning the
strategy with existing national HIV prevention initiatives and policies will help create a cohesive and

comprehensive approach to PrEP promotion in the Philippines.

4.1 Target Market

The target market for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) in the Philippines typically includes

individuals who are at high risk of acquiring HIV. This includes but is not limited to the following


1. Men who have sex with men (MSM):

MSM often faces a higher risk of HIV transmission due to various factors, including a higher

prevalence of HIV within this population. Targeting MSM with PrEP education and

access can help address this vulnerability.

2. Transgender individuals:

Transgender individuals may also face elevated risks of HIV transmission, particularly when

engaging in certain behaviors such as sex work or substance use. Providing targeted PrEP

information and services to this population is essential.

3. People who inject drugs (PWID):

Individuals who engage in injection drug use are at increased risk of HIV transmission through

needle sharing. Offering PrEP as part of a comprehensive harm reduction approach can help

reduce the risk of HIV transmission among PWID.

4. Sex workers:

Sex workers are a key population at higher risk of HIV transmission due to their engagement in

multiple sexual encounters with different partners. Including sex workers in PrEP outreach and

education efforts can be crucial in preventing new HIV infections.

5. Serodiscordant couples:

Serodiscordant couples are those in which one partner is HIV-positive, and the other is HIV-

negative. PrEP can be an effective prevention strategy for the HIV-negative partner in such

relationships, reducing the risk of transmission.

6. Individuals with inconsistent condom use:

PrEP can also be beneficial for individuals who have inconsistent condom use or face

challenges in negotiating condom use consistently. These individuals may still be at risk of HIV

transmission and can benefit from additional prevention options like PrEP.

It's important to note that the target market for PrEP may evolve over time, and it is crucial to

consider the local epidemiology, prevalence of HIV, and risk factors within the Philippines when

determining the target audience for PrEP programs. Additionally, it's important to approach the

target population with cultural sensitivity, considering their specific needs, concerns, and healthcare-

seeking behaviors.
4.2 Positioning

Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is a highly effective HIV prevention strategy that involves taking

antiretroviral medication before potential exposure to HIV. When positioning PrEP, it is important to

emphasize its key features, benefits, and target audience.

Positioning Statement:

PrEP for HIV Prevention: Empowering Individuals to Take Control of Their Sexual Health and be


Key Messages:

Protection Before Exposure: PrEP provides a proactive approach to HIV prevention by offering

protection before potential exposure to the virus. It empowers individuals to take control of their

sexual health and reduce their risk of HIV infection.

Highly Effective: Highlight the high effectiveness of PrEP in preventing HIV transmission when taken as

prescribed. Emphasize the scientific evidence supporting its efficacy, which can give individuals

confidence in its ability to keep them safe.

Peace of Mind: Position PrEP as a reliable tool that offers peace of mind to individuals at high risk of

HIV infection. By taking PrEP consistently, they can engage in sexual relationships without constant

worry, allowing them to enjoy their lives while protecting themselves.

Accessibility: Emphasize the availability and accessibility of PrEP, making it accessible to a wide range

of individuals. Highlight the efforts to make PrEP affordable and the availability of support programs

or subsidies to ensure that cost is not a barrier.

Confidentiality: Highlight the confidential nature of PrEP services, assuring individuals that their

privacy and confidentiality will be respected throughout the process. This can help address concerns

related to stigma or disclosure.

Comprehensive Approach: Position PrEP as part of a comprehensive approach to HIV prevention that

includes regular HIV testing, condom use, and other risk reduction strategies. Emphasize that PrEP is

an additional tool that can be used alongside existing prevention methods.

Tailored for High-Risk Individuals: Highlight that PrEP is specifically designed for individuals at high risk

of HIV infection, such as men who have sex with men (MSM), transgender women, sex workers, and

people who inject drugs. By targeting these populations, PrEP addresses the unique needs of those

most vulnerable to HIV.

Supportive Healthcare: Emphasize the importance of a supportive healthcare environment in which

trained healthcare providers offer counseling, education, and ongoing monitoring to ensure that

individuals receive the necessary support while using PrEP.

Empowerment and Health Ownership: Position PrEP as a tool that empowers individuals to make

informed decisions about their sexual health. By providing access to PrEP, individuals can actively

protect themselves and contribute to reducing the spread of HIV in their communities.

Success Stories and Testimonials: Share success stories and testimonials from individuals who have

used PrEP effectively. These personal narratives can inspire others to consider PrEP and highlight the

positive impact it has had on their lives.

Remember to tailor the positioning messages to the specific context and target audience you are

addressing. Different populations may require different messaging approaches to effectively convey

the benefits and importance of PrEP.

4.3 Marketing Program

When developing marketing programs for different pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) medicines, it is

essential to consider factors such as the target audience, product differentiators, key messages, and

channels for promotion.

Identify the Target Audience: Understand the specific demographics and characteristics of the target

audience for each PrEP medicine. This could include MSM, transgender individuals, sex workers, or

people who inject drugs.

Educational Campaigns: Develop comprehensive educational campaigns to raise awareness about the

benefits of PrEP and the specific features of medicine. Emphasize the effectiveness, safety, and

convenience of the product in preventing HIV transmission.

Healthcare Provider Outreach: Establish relationships with healthcare providers to ensure they are

knowledgeable about the PrEP medicine and its prescription guidelines. Provide them with

educational materials, training, and support to encourage them to recommend and prescribe the

medicine to appropriate candidates.

Collaboration with HIV/AIDS Organizations: Partner with local and national HIV/AIDS organizations to

leverage their expertise, community reach, and resources. Collaborate on joint awareness campaigns,

events, and educational initiatives to promote the PrEP medicine and its benefits.
Peer-to-Peer Outreach: Engage individuals who are already using PrEP successfully as peer educators.

These individuals can share their experiences, address concerns, and provide support to those who

may be considering PrEP. Peer-led outreach programs can help build trust and credibility within the

target community.

Digital Marketing: Utilize digital channels such as social media, websites, and online forums to

disseminate information about the PrEP medicine. Develop engaging content, including videos,

testimonials, and infographics, to educate and engage the target audience.

Community Events and Workshops: Organize and sponsor community events, workshops, and

support groups to facilitate discussions around PrEP and its benefits. These events can provide a

platform for individuals to ask questions, share experiences, and receive guidance from healthcare

professionals and community leaders.

Partnerships with Local Clinics and Pharmacies: Collaborate with local clinics and pharmacies to

ensure easy access to the PrEP medicine. Provide them with promotional materials, training on

product features, and support to promote the medicine effectively.

Targeted Advertising: Utilize targeted advertising campaigns through online platforms, print media, or

local radio stations to reach the specific demographics of the target audience. Tailor the messaging to

address their needs, concerns, and motivations for considering PrEP.

Data Collection and Feedback Mechanisms: Establish mechanisms to collect data and gather feedback

from PrEP users and healthcare providers. This information can help evaluate the effectiveness of the

marketing programs and make necessary adjustments to improve future campaigns.

Remember, marketing programs should be culturally sensitive, tailored to the local context, and

compliant with relevant regulations and guidelines. It is essential to continually assess the impact of

the marketing efforts and adjust strategies as needed to maximize the reach and effectiveness of the

PrEP medicine within the target audience.

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