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Paper 1 Info

What is Paper 1?

Paper 1 is an analysis of two previously unseen non-literary texts.

Students write a separate analysis of both texts. The texts selected
for this examination will be two different types: usually a
predominantly visual text and a written text.

Each text is accompanied by a guiding question that directs

students to consider a formal or stylistic aspect of the text.
Communication Defined

▪ Says what?
▪ Through which channel?
▪ To whom?
▪ With what effect?

▪ What is the text about?

▪ What is the goal of the text, what is it
trying to do?
▪ Remember: when you’re discussing
purpose, descriptive words are verbs
or verb phrases.
Common purposes of texts:
● entertain – to make the reader enjoy reading
● persuade – to change a reader’s opinion
● advise – to help people decide what to do
● analyse – to break down something to help people
to understand it better
● argue – to make the case for something
● describe – to give details about a person, place,
event or thing
● explain – to make clear why or how something
● inform – to tell a reader about something
● instruct – to tell a reader how to do something

**This is not a comprehensive list**

Audience/Effect on the

▪ Who is the text aimed at? Is it a

particular group?

▪ What effect (emotion) does the text

create in the reader?

▪ How does the text make you feel?

When describing the audience of your text consider the following

● Demographics. These measure important data about a

group of people, such as their age range, their ethnicity,
their religious beliefs, or their gender. A text’s creator will
modify tone, diction, structure, images, etc based on
demographic information.
● Education. Education considers the audience’s level of
schooling. If audience members have earned a doctorate
degree, for example, the text’s creator may elevate their
style and use more formal language. Or, if audience
members are still in college or high school, they could write
in a more relaxed style.
● Prior knowledge. This refers to what the audience already
knows about a topic. If an audience has studied certain
topics, they may already know some terms and concepts
related to the topic. A text’s creator may decide whether to
define terms and explain concepts based on your
audience’s prior knowledge.
Structure (Text Type)
▪ What text type is it?

▪ What are the characteristics of that text type?

▪ Blog?
▪ Infographic?
▪ Opinion Column?
▪ Print ad? Online ad?

▪ What kind of tone is used in the text?

▪ Sarcastic, Humorous, Serious?
▪ What type of language is used?
▪ Technical, Academic, Casual?
▪ HOW does the text ‘talk’ about the
Textual Features
▪ What features are used in the text to
convey its meaning?

▪ Literary Devices (Metaphors &

▪ Structure (layout, sentence length)
▪ Visuals (colour, type of visual)
How do text and image work together to
persuade the reader?
● Text type: online ad
● Typical features of ads
○ This differs because…
● The image enhances the textual message of patriotism by fostering anger and encouraging its
audience to think of the subject as a saviour figure.

● Work choice/diction
○ “Witch hunt”
○ Connotation - Salem, McCarthy and communism
○ Relevance to patriotism and how it works with image
○ Relevance to persuading reader
● Other Device

Saviour Figure
● Christ-like/religious figure pose
○ P/P/A
● American flag
○ P/P/A
● People following

● Emphasize HOW image and text work together
● Emphasize HOW it is persuasive to its audience
● Conclusions should synthesize all your points to answer the guiding question.

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