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Discover the kinesthetic side of your life

Marcel Miret Oriol Sierra Cristbal Prieto

Definition: A kinesthetic person normally tries to improve a language not by focusing on the visual or auditive aspects. He will try to be active always asking spontaneously and trying to make people notice them constantly by moving themselves. Even when theres no need to touch or to focus into something or someone, a kinesthetic person will direct his attention to that because they think thats a good backup.

Characteristics of the kinesthetic style

Kinesthetic learners are not used to learn in the traditional classroom programs. They understand things when they are able to handle and examine them.
The need of being active, not quiet and focus their attention into something or someone; e.g.: one person or even the pencil itself theyre holding with their moves. They will always carry one object which will help them to focus themselves; a pen, a pencil They need to have it always near and take notes. If theyre reading any text they would find a good chance to involve themselves by moving their hands (lots of gesticulating) and getting fully involved in the text. Taking it as if it was personal. Plus they will point while they read. Everytime they speak, they use lots of verbs (action before description) and words of action that will help them to get involved with the topic theyre discussing.

Characteristics of the kinesthetic style

When they are discussing something, they cant avoid touching people near them or just glancing to let them fully understand what theyre talking. If they are watching a presentation or even a conference, they usually get lost if theres lots of slides or audios; they prefer the interaction of the speaker. On the other hand, the subject or matter of discussion must include a nice and participatory conversation, otherwise if theres a written text theyll just avoid it.

They cant study or even do exercises in a room with a television or a laptop because they get distracted. The room always has to be the same (routine) and real quiet.

Their memory is not so good so they will always stick a copy of their classes schedule or even the subjects theyre studying; they will always look at them and even if thats a routine, it will be harder for them to remember.

Characteristics of the kinesthetic style

They tend to clear off their desk. They just want to have the useful stuff they need to get their work done in that specific moment. Finally, a kinesthetic person will always be eager to improve their knowledge not by doing lots of reading or listening, they will just look for conferences, nice and long discussions with teachers (that they will always remember) just because they remember word by word of everything they have paid a constant attention.

Materials to use with kinesthetic learners

Computers Calculators Typewriters

If you are a kinesthetic person: - Always keep moving yourself (you need your daily routine of sports, extra activities, meeting people) - Practice your English skills by going abroad and interact with new people. You can always learn different cultural aspects (or even new different ways of learning English)

-Try to follow a routine as much as you can. Kinesthetic people follow routines and maintain their lives organized by habits.

Thanks for your time and patience.

Marcel Miret Oriol Sierra Cristbal Prieto

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