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•Organisation of the manor

-Medieval Europe was an agrarian world where wealth was based on land ownership.

-Fiefds or manors; where the centre of economic activity.

-Manors consisted of two parts:

•The demense: Was the territory exploited directly for the lord.
•Dependent holdings: Were small plots of land granted or leased by the lord to the peasants.
In return they had to give him part of their harvest and work the land of the demesne a certain number
of days per year.
They also had to provide the land with certain services.
•Work on the manor.
-Manors were self sufficent, all the agricultural tasks were carried out on them and all the necessary articles for everyday life were crafted there.

-Rudimentary tools were used to work the land. In order to maintain soil fertility, biennial crop rotation was practised:every year, half of the land was left fallow. As a consequence, crop yields were very low.

-Items necessary for daily life were crafted in the manor workshops: ex, thr forge, carpenter, cooperage, etc. Certain facilities were owned by the land lord, who collected taxes from the peasants for their use.

-As a result, there was little trade, which tended to be handled by a few intenerant merchants who travelled between the manors.

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