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The flowchart topic is How to calculate profit or loss

based on income and cost.

The description of the flowchart is:
•This flowchart helps you to find out if you are making
a profit or a loss from your business or personal finance.
•You need to enter your income and cost, and the
flowchart will compare them and tell you the result.
Key points
• This flowchart shows us how to calculate your profit or loss in a few
steps. We just need to know your income and cost, and the flowchart
will tell you the result.
• It is a clear and logical way of solving a problem. We can see the flow
of data and the conditions that affect the outcome.
• It is a simple and easy-to-understand process. We just need to input
any income and cost, and the flowchart will do the rest for us.
• It helps us to plan and design our code. We can use the flowchart as a
blueprint for writing our code, and make sure it works as expected.
the activities of the flowchart
• Start: Oval shape representing the beginning.
• Read Income and Cost: Rectangular box for processing data, where
the numbers are gathered.
• Compare Income and cost: Diamon shape for a decision, checking if
income is greater than or equal to cost.
Yes: Calculate the profit (income minus cost) and Print the calculated profit
No: Calculate loss (cost minus income) and print the calculated loss.
• End: Oval shape indicating the end of the flowchart.

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