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G O N Z A L E S , M A RY J A N E
Water is essential for life, and plants are no exception.
Plants rely on water for their survival just as animals
do. Water is necessary for photosynthesis, which is
how plants use energy from the sun to create their own

The quantity of water that plants need depends on

several factors:
• type of plant
• climate
• soil conditions
Traditionally, plants are typically watered daily, often
several times a day to ensure they receive an adequate
supply of moisture. However, this traditional method of
watering demands manual intervention, which can be a
time-consuming and inefficient process.

There are a number of automated irrigation systems that

can be used to water crops more efficiently. These systems
can be programmed to water the crops at specific times and
for specific lengths of time. Automated irrigation systems
can help to improve water use efficiency, reduce labor costs,
and improve crop yields.

1. Understand the concept of Arduino programming in terms of

automated irrigation systems;

2. Set up an Arduino Nano-based irrigation system that uses a

soil moisture sensor to control the watering;

3. Write a code for the Arduino Nano to control the irrigation

system based on the soil moisture sensor data;

4. Run and test the Arduino Nano-based irrigation system; &

5. Identify and troubleshoot any potential problems with the


Developing an electronic circuit and

wiring for projects with microcontroller
boards like Arduino.

A low cost, flexible, and easy-to-use

programmable open source
microcontroller board that can be
integrated into a variety of electronic
projects. And it can control relays, LEDs,
servos, and motors as an output.

Determines the amount of soil moisture

by measuring changes in capacitance to
determine the water content of soil. This
can be used in an automatic plant
watering system or to signal an alert of
some type when a plant needs watering.

Control units which, when electrically

energized or de-energized, either shut
off or allow fluid flow.

A power supply adapter that provides

from 7 to 12V(Volts) of DC (Direct
Current) is required. Make sure the
power adapter complies with your
Arduino board specification.

Jump wires are used for making

connections between items on the
breadboard and Arduino’s header pins.

An easy-to-use display module, It can

make display easier. Using it can reduce
the difficulty of make, so that makers
can focus on the core of the work.

A relay is an electrically operated switch

that can be turned on or off, letting the
current go through or not, and can be
controlled with low voltages, like the 5V
provided by the Arduino pins.
Controlling a relay module with the
Arduino is as simple as controlling any
other output.

The Cable for Arduino Nano (USB 2.0 A

to USB 2.0 Mini B) 30cm Connects
speed-critical devices, such as
smartphones and peripherals that require
a Mini-B connection to your computer.
The following step-by-step approach was used
to design, build, and test an Arduino Nano-
based soil moisture-sensing system. A flow
chart is used to utterly establish the plan of
action regarding the experiment from initial set
up to the final output of the system.
Arduino programming for automated irrigation involves the
utilization of an Arduino microcontroller for the operation and
supervision of an irrigation system designed for plants, gardens, or
agricultural fields. This method enables the automation of the
plant watering process, taking into account multiple factors like
soil moisture levels, prevailing weather conditions, and
personalized watering timetables.
Programming plays a pivotal role in enhancing the efficiency,
accuracy, and effectiveness of an irrigation system when working
with an Arduino Nano.
In the initial stages, coding imparts the intelligence required for
automating the watering process. By crafting code for the Arduino
Nano microcontroller, users can configure the system to make
informed decisions regarding the timing, quantity, and duration of
watering for their plants.

Additionally, coding enables the seamless integration of diverse

sensors and data inputs into the irrigation system. Soil moisture
sensors, temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and even weather
forecasts can all be seamlessly incorporated into the system.
Moreover, coding empowers the utilization of conditional
statements and decision-making logic within the system, a
fundamental aspect of efficient water management. Through
coding, you can establish rules and conditions that the system
must follow. For instance, you can stipulate that the system should
exclusively initiate watering when the soil moisture level drops
below a specific threshold.
Below is the Arduino Nano code provided to manage an irrigation system by establishing
specific thresholds for determining soil moisture levels, whether it is wet or dry.
Library & Defining
• The Arduino constant
code presented here is created for a soil
moisture monitoring system.
• It makes use of a soil moisture sensor, an I2C-connected
Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), and a relay to regulate plant
watering according to the soil's moisture content.
• The code starts by importing two crucial libraries: "Wire.h"
for I2C communication and "LiquidCrystal_I2C.h" for
interacting with the LCD screen. It proceeds to create an
instance of the LiquidCrystal_I2C library, setting the I2C
address of the LCD (0x27) and defining its dimensions as
16 columns and 2 rows.
Library & Defining
• The ‘A0’ is defined as the ‘sensorPin’, indicating the
Analog 0 pin to which the soil moisture sensor is
connected from the breadboard. Then, the wet and dry
threshold are set as constants, representing the criteria for
determining soil moisture content.
• The ‘sensorValue’ stores the analog reading from the soil
moisture sensor. Next is the ‘percentage’, in which it holds
the calculated moisture percentage. Then the ‘relayPin’ in
which is connected to Digital pin 13 that controls a relay to
activate or deactivate the watering system.
Setup Function
• In the setup function, the initial step is to invoke
pinMode(13, OUTPUT). This particular line holds
significant importance in the code since it establishes the
configuration of digital pin 13 as an output. Within the
scope of this project, pin 13 serves a pivotal function as it
governs a relay's operation. Relays, functioning as
electrically operated switches, are responsible for
determining whether the plant is supplied with water. By
designating pin 13 as an output, the code guarantees the
system's ability to transmit signals to the relay, enabling it
to either initiate or halt the watering procedure.
Setup Function
• Serial communication plays a vital role in the debugging
and performance monitoring of an Arduino-based system.
Within the setup function, Serial.begin(9600) is utilized to
initiate serial communication, operating at a baud rate of
9600. The baud rate specifies the data transmission speed
between the Arduino and any connected device. The
purpose of initializing serial communication is to enable
the code to send real-time messages, alerts, and sensor data
to a connected computer. The ability to relay information
from the Arduino to an external device is particularly
valuable in ensuring that the system operates.
Setup Function

• In the setup function, the next set of instructions focuses

on initializing the LCD display. This is done through the
lines lcd.init() and lcd.backlight(). This step is crucial for
ensuring that the LCD screen is prepared to present
information to the user effectively. The lcd.init() function
serves to set up the display, making it ready to receive and
showcase text and data. Following this, lcd.backlight() is
employed to activate the LCD's backlight, ensuring that the
displayed information is clearly visible to the user.
Setup Function
• In addition, lcd.setCursor(0, 0) is used to position the
cursor at the top-left corner of the LCD screen. This action
specifies where the information will be displayed on the
screen. The code is now poised to exhibit data and
messages precisely where they are intended to appear. To
provide users with immediate clarity regarding the system's
purpose, the setup function concludes by presenting an
initial message: "Soil Moisture Meter." This message
serves as a welcoming introduction, communicating to the
user that the system is fully prepared to monitor soil
moisture levels and provide relevant feedback.
Loop Function
• In the loop function, a crucial role is managing the
watering process and updating the LCD display based on
the "humedad" variable, representing soil moisture. If
"humedad" is 450 or higher, indicating sufficient moisture,
the LCD displays the moisture percentage, and the
watering relay is set to "LOW," signifying no further
watering is needed. On the other hand, if "humedad" falls
below 450, showing insufficient moisture, the LCD
updates with the moisture percentage, and the relay is
activated to "HIGH," initiating the necessary watering for
plant health and growth.
• In the loop function, a significant aspect is ensuring the
user remains informed about the soil's moisture condition.
This is accomplished through conditional statements that
assess the "percentage" variable, representing the
calculated moisture level. When the percentage is under
20%, denoting extremely dry soil, the LCD is updated with
a straightforward directive, "Water the plant!" In the 20%
to 50% range, indicating moderately dry soil, the LCD
provides the message "The soil is dry," gently reminding
the user to monitor the plant's water needs. When the
percentage exceeds 50%, signaling healthy soil with
sufficient moisture, the LCD conveys the message "Soil is
healthy," affirming that the plant's water requirements are
• Finally, towards the end of the loop function, a one-second
delay [delay(1000)] is added to ensure system stability and
prevent abrupt shifts in data and message. This delay
determines how frequently readings and messages are
updated, ensuring that the system's replies are ordered and
understandable. The loop function's core essence is its
never-ending repeating. The loop function restarts after
each repetition of reading, calculation, control, and display.
This recurrent pattern provides continuous monitoring and
updating of the soil's moisture state, supplying critical
information to the user and enabling automated watering
1. Confusion in Library to be used:

• The code establishes various constants and variables related

to soil moisture and pin configurations. Yet, there exist
inconsistencies in variable naming (e.g., sensorPin and
SensorPin), which can lead to confusion and potential errors
when referring to these variables.
2. Establishing the thresholds:

• In this code, there is a discrepancy between the comments

and the actual code. The comments mention "wetThreshold"
and "dryThreshold," but these variables are not defined or
used in the code. This can lead to confusion and might not
provide accurate moisture level measurements. A resolution
involves assigning appropriate values to these thresholds,
enabling the system to recognize wet and dry soil conditions
3. No coding error but the soil moisture status
won’t display on the LCD and Serial monitor:
• Despite the absence of apparent coding errors (i.e., the code does
not generate error messages), the soil moisture status fails to
display correctly on both the LCD and the Serial monitor. This
situation typically indicates a logical or functional issue within the
code, or a disparity between anticipated and actual outcomes.
Possible logic errors in the code may hinder the accurate
calculation or display of the soil moisture status. In cases where
the code does not format the data correctly before presenting it on
the LCD or Serial monitor, the result may not align with the
intended presentation.
After conducting the laboratory experiment, the following are the established

• Understanding Arduino programming is essential for

implementing automated irrigation systems. The concept of
Arduino programming enables the development of code that
controls the irrigation system based on sensor data.
• The setup of an Arduino Nano-based irrigation system
utilizing a soil moisture sensor is an effective approach. This
system intelligently regulates watering based on the real-
time moisture readings from the soil sensor.

• Writing code for the Arduino Nano microcontroller to

interpret and respond to soil moisture sensor data is a critical
step. This code enables the irrigation system to make
informed decisions about watering, optimizing water usage
and promoting efficient irrigation practices.
• The running and testing of the Arduino Nano-based
irrigation system is crucial to ensuring its functionality and
reliability. By monitoring the system's performance,
accuracy of soil moisture readings, and validation of
irrigation actions, potential issues can be identified and

• Identifying and troubleshooting potential problems with the

system is an ongoing process. Regular monitoring and
evaluation of the irrigation system allow for the detection
and resolution of any issues that may arise, ensuring its
continuous and optimal operation
Therefore, we conclude that the Arduino Nano soil moisture-
sensing system has various practical applications in the
agricultural industry. It offers an automated solution for
irrigation, reducing manual labor and ensuring accurate watering
based on specific soil moisture requirements. This technology
can be used in large-scale farming operations, greenhouses, and
even home gardens. The effectiveness of the Arduino Nano soil
moisture-sensing system lies in its ability to optimize water
usage by providing water only when necessary. This not only
conserves water but also promotes healthier plant growth and
minimizes the risk of overwatering or underwatering.
Upon conducting this laboratory activity exercise, some problems were also
encountered by the students. Thus, the following recommendations are suggested
based on the work achieved during the activity:

• Refinement of Variable Naming and Comments: Ensure

consistent variable naming conventions to prevent confusion in
the code. Comments should accurately reflect the variables and
their purposes.
• Clarification of Threshold Definitions: Define and utilize the
"wetThreshold" and "dryThreshold" variables in the code to
establish clear parameters for soil moisture levels.

• Expand Testing Scenarios: Encourage students to experiment

with different soil types, plant species, and environmental
conditions to assess the system's adaptability and performance
under diverse circumstances.
• Incorporate Additional Sensors: Introduce other environmental
sensors (e.g., temperature, humidity) to expand the system's
capabilities and enhance its responsiveness to varying conditions.

• Implement Wireless Communication: Explore the integration of

wireless communication modules (e.g., Bluetooth, Wi-Fi) to
enable remote monitoring and control of the irrigation system.

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