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• External Factors (objective)

• Internal Factors (subjective)
Difference between
• Attention is the ability to focus on a specific object
or part of a conversation in a given environment
while ignoring others (Styles, 2005). Once the brain
gathers information from the surrounding
environment, attention allows one to select on
what they want to focus on from the brain.
• It is attention that enables one to pick their area of
interest. For instance, being able to have a phone
conversation in a noisy night club while ignoring all
the loud music.
• On the other hand, perception is the ability to become
aware of one’s environment by creating meaning from
what is obtained by our sensory organs including ears,
eyes, skin, smell and taste buds (Styles, 2005).
• Perception allows a person to interpret information
from our senses based on existing information and
• For instance, white color appears the same under
different light intensity and objects remain the same
whether at close or long distance.
Assignment to do Right Now
• What do you know up till the
difference between Perception &
• Come up with at least 5 differences
and your attendance will be marked
based on your responses in the

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