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What is agricultural nursery?
- A place where plants are propagated and grown to desired age.
- A place where are grown commercially, either for sale direct to the public or to
other retailers.
Purpose of Nursery
1. Nurseries are used for artificial plantation. We raise
nurseries in those areas where natural regeneration is low or
2. Nurseries are raised to get plants of the right
size at the right time.
3. Nurseries are raised to get such plants which are
good in health.
4. Nurseries are raised to get plants of the desired
spp. species pluralis
Importance of Nursery
Establishment of nurseries is important for the following reasons:
• Production of proposed size and age of seedlings.
• Production of the desired number of seedlings.
• Production of healthy plants of the desired spp.
• Production of plants of superior quality.
• Production of desired plants at the right time.
• Production of seedlings at a cheaper cost.
▪Nurseries are broadly classified on the
basic of types of production and types of
sale like:

Retail Nursery
This type of nursery raise plants for
sale to the general public. These places
are small, locally owned nurseries that
sell seasonal, annuals, ornamental
trees, other landscaping plants and
garden decoration to the general public.
Wholesale Nursery
Wholesale nurseries usually grow plants in bulk for the
purpose of selling to large clients. These clients may
include florists, garden centers or departmental stores.
Private Nursery
• A private nursery grows plants exclusively for a single client.
The private nursery may be owned by the client or it may be
under contract for use by the client.

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