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Characteristics & Elements

of a Business Letter
Characteristics of a Business Letter
Business letter is one of the vital component in the
success of a business. To ensure that we are writing an
effective business letter, there are “Ten (10) Cs” we
should consider.
1. Completeness
refers to the inclusion of complete information. The
business letter should letter should answer to question
WHO, WHAT, WHEN, WHERE, and HOW to produce a
good and complete business letter.
2. Correctness
refers to the correct grammar, punctuation, spacing
information and structure. It also refer to the correct
format of a business letter.

To attain correctness, double check the spelling of the

names, address letters properly, verify numbers and
amounts, always check the dictionary.
3. Conciseness
refers to being direct and brief without compromising
the complete idea. In writing a business letter, we
should not include unnecessary information which
might confuse the reader.
Instead of saying: At the present time
Say: Now
Instead of saying: Prior to
Say: Before
Instead of saying: Pitch in
Say: Join to
Instead of saying: Start from scratch
Say: Make new from nothing
Instead of saying: Meet the deadline
Say: Complete the job
4. Coherence
refers to the smooth flow of ideas in a business letter.
The content of a business letter should be in order and
easy to follow.

Some of the devices that you may use to achieve

coherence are use of synonyms, use repetition of
words, and use of sentence patterns.
5. Clarity
refers to the readability of information which is easy to
understand. We should bear in our minds that simple
words are more preferred than complex ones.
6. Concreteness
refers to the use of specific words not general words.

Instead of saying: Return of Investment

Say: Profit

Instead of saying: Market penetration

Say: Successful selling
7. Courteousness
refers to the politeness of the tone of the business letter. Being friendly by showing
positive approach is the key for a successful communication in business.
Negative Positive
bad good
sad glad
old new
hard easy
slow fast
disagree agree
delay early
demand request
8. Consideration
refers to the use of professional tone to show respect to the reader of the
letter. Also, we need to anticipate the “YOU” attitude in writing our letter.


We are glad to offer you the best

Instead of saying: services.

You will be pleased to find must-

try services in our branch near
9. Consistency
refers to the uniformity of the time and style of the
writer of a business letter.
10. Credibility
refers to the personality of the writer as himself which
might reflect on his writings.
Elements of a Business Letter

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