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Lecturer: Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum

Ahmad Husein Nasution

Ummi Aisah Nasution


The conclusion is part of a research paper that is written briefly and clearly regarding the

results of the research that has been carried out by the researcher and provides suggestions or

recommendations for next research. The conclusion in a research paper is important because it

contains the entire discussion briefly, concisely and clearly and is easy for readers to

remember. So, the purpose of drawing conclusions is to provide information and opportunities

for readers to find out quickly about the final results of the research conducted.
How to Write a Conclusion in Research Paper
The following are the steps you can take to write a conclusion in a research paper:

1. Reread the results of the research that has been carried out. This is important to ensure that you
have a good understanding of the results you have obtained.

2. Determine the research objectives. This will help you to determine what to conclude from the
results of the research that has been carried out.

3. Write a short and clear conclusion. Just write the most important conclusions so that readers
can remember it more easily.

4. Don't use language that is too complicated, use language that is easy for readers to understand.

5. Explain how the results of your research can help in solving the problem being studied or
answering research questions.

6. Make sure the conclusions you write are in accordance with the results of the research that has
been carried out, and do not contain interpretations or assumptions that are not supported by
the data.
Things to Avoid When Writing a Conclusion in Research Paper

1.Concluding something that is not supported by existing data and


2.Simplifying or ignoring important aspects of the research..

3.Concluding something that cannot be applied or is not useful.

4.Concluding something that is not relevant to the topic or research


Acknowledgment is a part of an article that serves to

acknowledge and appreciate contributions from individuals
or institutions who were not directly involved in the research
or writing of the article, but provided significant support or
assistance. Contributions acknowledged in an
acknowledgment may take the form of financial assistance,
technical support, academic advice, or various forms of
collaboration that do not include writing the body of the
How to Make Acknowledgments in Research Paper

The following are the steps for making an acknowledgment in an article:

1. Place Acknowledgment: Acknowledgments are usually placed at the very end of the
article, before the reference list.

2. Define Contributions: Clearly define the contributions that will be recognized. This
could be financial support, equipment, technical assistance, or academic advising.

3. Name Individuals or Institutions: Name the individuals or institutions who contributed

and be clear about the role or support they provided.

4. Use Formal Language: Use formal and respectful language when writing an
acknowledgment. This should sound polite and respectful of the contribution made.

5. Don't Overdo it: Avoid making acknowledgments that are too long. Mention significant
contributions, but avoid making them too detailed or redundant.
Referencing is important in all academic work
because it shows where you have used others’
ideas in your work especially for research
report and journal publication (Allen, 2000).
The source of reference is a series of writings
written at the end of a scientific paper which
includes: the author's name, title, publisher,
the publisher and the year identity of
publication which is the source or reference
used by the researcher
APA STYLE (The American Psychological Association)

APA style is one of the most common citation

styles. It is used in fields like sociology, business,
philosophy, political science, computer science,
and other science fields. APA style uses in-text,
parenthetical citations to cite quotes and other
borrowed materials.
To cite an online journal article in a reference entry in APA style (7th edition) include the following elements:

1) Author(s) of the article: Give the last name and initials (e. g. Watson, J. D.) of up to 20 authors. Separate the last two names
with with an ampersand (&). For 21 or more authors, include the first 19 names followed by an ellipsis (…), then add the last
author's name.

2) Year of publication: Give the year in parentheses followed by a period.

3) Title of the research article: Only the first letter of the first word and proper nouns are capitalized.

4) Title of periodical: Give the full, non-abbreviated title of the periodical in title case. It should also be italicized.

5) Volume number: The volume number is also italicized.

6) Issue number: For journals that are paginated by issue give the issue number in parentheses.

7) Page numbers: Give the full page range.

8) DOI: Include the digital object identifier (DOI) as a hyperlink starting with “”
According to APA 7, all journal article citations should include an issue number. This is different from APA 6.
A journal article reference entry in APA 6 format looks like this:

Plessis, T. du. (2006). From Monolingual to Bilingual Higher Education: The Repositioning of
Historically Afrikaans-Medium Universities in South Africa. Language Policy, 5, 87–113.

In APA 7, the issue number is placed in parentheses after the volume number:

Plessis, T. du. (2006). From Monolingual to Bilingual Higher Education: The Repositioning of
Historically Afrikaans-Medium Universities in South Africa. Language Policy, 5(1), 87–113.
How to Search the Good references The example of credible link or website of national and i
1.Make sure the reference source is clear journals
2.Try to find the latest publications 1.
3.Don't forget to include the source 2.
Thank You!
Happy Writing!

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