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The Stereotypical sequence of problem solving

1. Identifying the problem: I consistently struggle with

procrastination when it
comes to completing assignments, leading to stress and
missed deadlines. (Difficulty
managing time and tasks

2. Representation of the problem: I need to understand the root causes of my

procrastination, whether it's due to lack of motivation,

fear of failure, or poor time management
(Identifying underlying factors contributing to

3. Planning the solution: I decide to break down tasks into

smaller, more
manageable steps, set realistic deadlines, and explore
methods to boost motivation, such as
creating a reward
4. Executing the plan: I implement the new approach by creating a detailed
schedule, setting incremental
goals, and incorporating motivational
techniques to overcome procrastination and improve productivity.
(Taking proactive steps to address the
root causes of

5. Evaluating the plan: After a period of following the new plan, I assess
whether my
approach has resulted in improved task completion, reduced
stress, and a more efficient use of time. (Determining the
effectiveness of the
implemented strategies.)

6. Evaluating the solution: Reflecting on the process, I consider which aspects of the
plan were most successful,
whether any challenges persisted, and use
this knowledge to refine my approach to time management and

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