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Conflict Theory

John Nathaniel Sy Piecco

Charlize Jeen Macaro
• Conflict theory is a prominent perspective within sociology that focuses
on the role of social conflict and power imbalances in shaping society. It
provides a framework for understanding how various groups, such as
social classes, races, and genders, interact and compete for resources,
influence, and control.
What is Conflict Theory?
• First developed by Karl Marx, is a theory that society is in a state of perpetual
conflict because of competition for limited resources.

• It’s also used to explain wars, violence, and many other social phenomena.

(According to the theory, people with wealth and power try by all means to retain
it and that usually means suppressing the poor and powerless.)
• The constant power struggle among the various social groups and institutions within
the society.
• It revolves around concepts of social inequality in the division of resources and focuses
on the conflicts that exist between classes.
• It holds that social order is maintained by domination and power, rather than consensus and
• It claims that society is in a state of perpetual conflict because of competition for limited
resources and focuses on the competition between groups within society over limited
Key Concepts and Assumptions
• Conflict theory is characterized by several key concepts and assumptions:

• Power and Inequality

• Social Change
• Class Struggle
• Ideology
Power and Inequality
Conflict theorists emphasize the unequal distribution of power
and resources in society. They argue that this inequality is a
primary source of conflict between social groups.
Social Change
Conflict theory posits that social change occurs when dominant
groups are challenged by subordinate groups seeking to improve
their status. This change can be gradual or revolutionary.
Class Struggle
Marx's class struggle theory remains central to conflict theory. It
focuses on the tension between the bourgeoisie (capitalist class)
and the proletariat (working class) as they compete for economic
and political power.
Conflict theorists examine how dominant groups use ideology to
maintain their power. They argue that ideologies often serve to
legitimize existing social hierarchies.
That’s all folks!

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