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English for Academic and Professional Purposes


Week 15
Topic 10: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey
(In-class Presentation)

Rozielle-Ann O. Romualdo, LPT


ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

In-Class Agenda:
1. Introduction (20 mins.)
2. First Period / Lecture/Discussion/Class Activity (60 mins.)
3. Break (20 mins.)
4. Second Period / Lecture/Discussion/Class Activity (60 mins.)
5. Wrapping-up (20 mins.)

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Introduction (20 mins.)

Check-in / Housekeeping
➤ Attendance
➤ Checking-in
➤ Announcements and Reminders
➤ Short prayer

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

First Period (60 mins.)

Lecture/Discussion/Class Activity

Intended Outcomes:
➤ Define a questionnaire
➤ Compare and contrast the two types of questionnaire; and
➤ Design, test, and revise survey questionnaires

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Guide Questions:

➤ What is the purpose of a position paper?

➤ How do position papers from different disciplines vary
from one another?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


➤ How to Write a Position Paper

* Guide before Writing your Paper
* Position Paper Outline
➤ Various Kinds of Position Paper
* Give your Stand
* Analyzing an Issue

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Present the survey questions that you
have crafted based from your

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

• How do you come up with your survey
• What are the things that you consider in
designing the survey questionnaire?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Designing Effective Survey

• Survey questions should be easy to understand and
hard to misinterpret.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

1 Writing Good Questions

 Use common language and clearly defined terms

 Use mostly closed questions
 Include demographic questions to help identify the sample
 Use precise, unambiguous language
 Make sure questions are valid and reliable.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

2 What to Avoid!

 Avoid double-barreled questions

 Avoid leading, biased questions
 Avoid loaded questions
 Avoid repetitive questions
 Avoid personal questions

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

3 Gathering Demographic Information

 Do you expect age or gender to play a role in people’s opinions?

 Do you expect education level or income level to play a role?
 Do you expect size of household or length of employment to play a role?
 Do you want to compare responses from different groups?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

4 Sequencing your Questions

 Group questions that are similar

 Put them in a logical order
 Place demographic questions at the beginning
 Put any sensitive or difficult questions at the end
 Put any open-ended questions at the end

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Types of Questionnaire Questions

1 Yes/No

Are you currently employed?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Types of Questionnaire Questions

3 Multiple Choice

What precautions does your store take to curtail shoplifting?

a. Sensormatic tags
b. Ink dye tags
c. Employees circulating on the floor
d. Dressing room attendants on duty
e. Surveillance cameras

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Types of Questionnaire Questions

4 Agree/Disagree Scale

Drug use is a problem among our employees

a. Strongly Agree
b. Agree
c. Neutral
d. Disagree
e. Strongly Disagree

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Types of Questionnaire Questions

4 Ranking

How much of your household’s shopping and recreation occurs downtown?

a. Little or none
b. Less than half
c. About half
d. More than half
e. Most or all

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Types of Questionnaire Questions

5 Rating

Rate the following factors according to their influence on you when you
bought your home? (5=very important and 1= unimportant)
a. Commuting time
b. The home itself
c. Purchase price and financing
d. Proximity to friends and family
e. Schools
ACCESS Computer College
Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Types of Questionnaire Questions

6 Checklist

From what sources did you finance your business? Check all that apply.
a. Bank
b. Savings and loan institution
c. Personal savings
d. Federal or state government loan
e. Other

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

5 Formulating Response Categories

 Limit types of questions and responses sets to no more than three

 Give clear-cut answer choices
 Make response sets easy to navigate
 Make sure response categories don’t overlap
 Make sure responses cover all possibilities

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Overlapping Response Categories

How many credit hours have you completed at _______?
_____ 1-25
_____ 26-55
_____ 56-85
_____ 85 or more

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

6 Revising Your Questionnaire

 Have you asked everything you want answers to?

 Will the answers help you make recommendations?
 Are your questions unbiased, clear, and to the point?
 Are they logically arranged?
 Is the questionnaire neat and uncluttered?
 Is it carefully edited?
 Can respondents complete it quickly and without difficulty?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Be sure to test run your questionnaire!

Once questionnaires with a mistake go out, it’s too late to

correct them! This has a negative effect on your credibility as a

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Second Period (60 mins.)

Lecture/Discussion/Class Activity

➤ Reading Outline
* Definition of Outline
* Steps in Creating a Reading Outline
* Rules for Outlining
* Types of Outlines

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

 Have you experienced entering a restaurant or a café and you

were asked to answer a series of questions about your
experience at that place or their service? There are some
places where all you need to do is to choose the type of smiley
that speaks of how you feel after your experience at their
place. These are examples of simple survey questionnaires.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


A questionnaire is a structured series of questions designed

to collect primary data from respondents. A well-designed
questionnaire motivates respondents to provide accurate
and complete information which is very helpful in attaining
the survey’s objective.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Designing a Questionnaire

Here are the

suggested steps on
how to develop a

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Question Wording Basic

Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Write short and simple questions

Respondents are often unwilling to study an item in order to

understand it. Assume that respondents will answer the questionnaire
quickly. Therefore, provide clear, short items that will not be

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic
Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Write short and simple questions

Example: Given the current trend of more hits, Better Question:

more home runs, longer games in general, and “Steroid use has both
more injuries in baseball today, do you think positive and negative
that steroid use should continue to be banned effects on baseball. Do
even though it is not enforced? you think that steroid use
*Problem: Long questions can be confusing. should be banned?”

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Question Wording Basic

Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Avoid leading questions

Wording that influences respondents to consider a subject in a weighted manner,

or injects a preference or opinion.
 Do you hate the president of the Philippines?
 Who do you think of when you hear COVID-19?
a. China b. Pres. Duterte c. Chinese d. Lockdown
 What makes our product better than our competitors’ products?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Question Wording Basic

Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Appropriately Use Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions

Use open-ended questions when responses need to be elaborated by

the respondents for exhaustive and comprehensive data gathering. They’re more
suited to exploratory research that looks to describe a subject based on trends
and patterns.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic
Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Appropriately Use Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions

Closed-Ended Questions are popular because
they provide greater uniformity or responses and are
easily processed compared to open-ended questions. Example: Why do you play
However, in closed-ended questions, the response
1. Enjoyment
categories should be exhaustive and mutually exclusive. 2. Health
In other words, all possible options should be provided. 3. Friends
4. Other -----

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic
Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Questions must be non-threatening and attempt to evoke the truth.

When a respondent is
concerned about the consequences of Example:
Who do you think consume more
answering a question in a particular cigarettes: you or your friends?
manner, there is a good possibility that
the answer will not be truthful.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic
Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Question Clarity

Avoid ambiguities and vague words (e.g. usual, regular, normal)

Example: Example:
What is your number of serving of eggs in a Do you watch television regularly?
typical day? *Vague questions are difficult to
Problem: How many eggs constitute a answer (what is the meaning of
serving? What does a typical day mean? “regularly”?
Better Question: Better Question:
On days you eat eggs, how many eggs do How often do you watch television?
you usually consume?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Questions should mean the same thing to

all respondents. All the terms should be
understandable or defined, time periods
specified, complex questions asked in

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic
Adapted from Filiberto, D. (2013) with some notes from Baxter, L. and Babble, E. (2003)

Don’t use double-barreled questions

Ask one question at a time. Avoid asking two questions, imposing

unwarranted assumptions, or hidden contingencies. Whenever you use ‘and’
on a question or a statement, check if it is double-barreled.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic

Don’t use double-barreled questions

Example: *How would someone respond if they

Do you find the classes felt their SHS classes were more
you took during your first demanding but also more boring than
semester in SHS more demanding their JHS classes? Or less demanding
but more interesting? Because the
and interesting than your JHS question combines “demanding” and
classes? “interesting”, there is no way to respond
 Yes yes to one criterion but no to the other.
 No

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic

Don’t use double-barreled questions

Do you find the classes you took during your first

semester in SHS more demanding than your JHS classes?
 Yes
 No

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic:

Clearly define the response scale dimension or continuum

When using a response scale, clearly define the Do a Bipolar or Unipolar

dimension or continuum respondents are to use rating scale: Bipolar
in their rating task measures both direction
and intensity of an
Example: attitude: Unipolar scale
Response categories – Make them logical and measures one concept
meaningful: NOT:
Many....Some....A Few..... Very Few.... None with varying degrees of

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Question Wording Basic:

Minimize presuppositions

Presuppositions are assumptions about the world whose truth are taken for granted.
Answering a question implies accepting its presuppositions, a respondent may be led to
provide an answer even if its presuppositions are false.

Better Question:
Example: What are your usual hours of
Are you a DDS or a Dilawan? work?
What are your usual hours of
Problem: presupposes that Problem: Does respondent
work, or do you not have usual
one of the alternatives is true. have usual hours of work?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

R E M E M B E R !!!

Each question should have a

specific purpose or should
not be included in the

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best used for: What changes do you recommend
for the school to do in order to
 Breaking the ice in an interview help students perform better?
 When respondent’s own words are
 When the researcher does not know all
the possible answers

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best Used for:

 Collecting rank ordered data
it is my  When all response choices are known
that…  When quantitative statistical tool results are

So thi
s  Example:
 In which of the following do you live?
 A house
 An apartment
 A condo unit

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Other Forms of Closed-Ended Questions

1 Likert Scale

2 Multiple Choice

3 Rating Scales

4 Ranking Questions

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best used for assessing a person’s opinion

and feelings about something

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best used when there are finite number of


ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best used when there are finite number of


Which of the following best describes

your current civil status?
 Single
 Married
 Widowed
 Divorced

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best used for rating things in relation to other things.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires


 Best used for ordering answer choices by way of preference. This allows you to
not only understand how respondents feel about each answer option, but it also
helps you understand each one’s relative popularity.

Rank the following subjects in order of preference – 1 being

your favorite and 5 being your least favorite.
 English  Social Sciences
 Mathematics  Music, Arts, PE and Health
 Science  TLE
 Filipino  Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Designing a Questionnaire

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Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires
Designing a Questionnaire

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Qualities of a Convincing Position Paper

 Contain a clear proposition or statement that

must be defended
 Assesses conflicting opinions or opposing views
on the issue
 Take a firm stand on the issue
 List arguments in an organized manner to defend
the stand
 Presents factual evidence or proofs to support

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Parts of a Position Paper

 Start with a topic sentence that attracts and

Introduction summarizes the issue 1 paragraph
 Inform the reader of your point of view

 Start with a topic sentence that attracts and

Body summarizes the issue 3 paragraphs

 Inform the reader of your point of view

 Start with a topic sentence that attracts and

Conclusion summarizes the issue 1-2 paragraphs
 Inform the reader of your point of view

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Flow from Paragraph to Paragraph

 Keep your voice active

 Quote sources to establish authority
 Stay focused on your point of view
throughout the essay
 Focus on logical arguments
 Don’t lapse into summary in the
development --- wait for the

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Position Paper Writing

 Topic could be simple or complex – but your argument must be sound and logical.
 Center around a personal belief that is supported by research
 Near and dear to your heart
 Know the opposite view as well as you know your own stance when you take a
 Know all the possible challenges that you might face as you support your view
 Must address the opposing view and chip away at it with counter evidence
 Find arguments, present arguments for the other side of your position or points in a
fair manner, and then state why they are not sound.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Position Paper Writing

Introduce your topic with a

little background information.
Build up to your thesis
sentence, which asserts your

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Position Paper Writing

 List possible objections to your position
 Such labels would affect profits of major corporations.
 Many people would see this as overreaching government control.
 Whose job is it to determine which restaurants are bad? Who draws the line?
 The program would be costly.
 Support and acknowledgement of the opposing points
 It would be difficult and expensive for any entity to determine which
restaurants should adhere to the policy.
 Nobody wants to see the government overstepping its boundaries.
 Funding would fall onto the shoulders of taxpayers.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Sample Position Paper

1. What is the proposition?

2. What are the possible objections?
3. How did the author counter the possible objections?
4. What are the words or phrases used by the author to state his or her stand?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Position Paper Writing

 Explain that your position is still the best one, despite the strength of counter
 The cost would be countered by the improvement of public health.
 Restaurants might improve the standards of food if warning labels were put
into place.
 One role of the government is to keep citizens safe.
 The government already does this with drugs and cigarettes
 Summarize your argument and restate your position.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

When you write a position paper...

 Write with CONFIDENCE

 State your opinion with authority. After all, your goal is to demonstrate that your
position is the correct one.
 Be assertive, but don’t be cocky.
 State your points and back them up with evidence.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Writing a Position Paper

 A position paper presents an arguable opinion about an issue. The goal of a

position paper is to convince the audience that your opinion is valid and worth
listening to.
 Writer’s role is to take one side of the argument and persuade the audience that
you have well-founded knowledge of the topic being presented.
 Argument must be supported with evidence to ensure the validity of claims, as
well as to address the counterclaims to show that writer is well-informed about
both sides.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Issue Criteria

 To take a side on a subject, you should first establish the arguability of a topic
that interests you. Ask yourself the following questions to ensure that you will
be able to present a strong argument:

 Is it a real issue, with genuine controversy and uncertainty?

 Can you distinctly identify two positions?
 Are you personally interested in advocating one of these positions?
 Is the issue narrow enough to be manageable?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Analyzing an Issue and Developing an Argument

 Select a topic.
 Do some research on the subject matter.
 Ensure that your position is well supported.
 Listing out the pro and con sides of the topic.
 Support counterclaims, along with a list of supporting evidence for both sides.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Supporting Evidence for Counterclaims

1. Factual Knowledge – information that is verifiable and agreed upon by almost

2. Statistical Inferences – interpretation and examples of an accumulation of facts.
3. Informed Opinion – opinion developed through research and/or expertise of the
4. Personal Testimony – personal experience related by a knowledgeable party.

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Audience and Position Paper

Once you have made your pro and con lists, compare the information side by side.
Considering your audience, as well as your own viewpoint, choose the position you
will take. In considering the audience, ask yourself the following questions:

 Who are your audience?

 What do they believe?
 Where do they stand on the issue?
 How are their interests involved?
 What evidence is likely to be effective with them?

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

Viewpoint and Position Paper

In determining your viewpoint, ask yourself the following:

 Is your topic interesting?

 Can you manage the material within the specifications set by the instructor?
 Does your topic assert something specific and propose a plan of action?
 Do u

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Feedback on Pre-Class Exercise

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Visit google classroom for English for Academic and Professional

Purposes and answer Class Activity #1 – Written work- Read the
academic texts from various disciplines and evaluate each text
using the table provided.

30 Minutes

ACCESS Computer College

Week 15: Designing, Testing, and Revising Survey Questionnaires

Wrapping-up (20 mins.)

Lesson Summary
Assignment for Week 2
➤ Read Topic 1 readings and handouts
➤ Watch Topic 1 lecture videos
➤ Complete pre-class exercise

ACCESS Computer College

Week 13: Writing Various Kinds of Position Paper

If you think you can do it, YOU CAN

If you believe you can do it, YOU WILL
If you trust you can do it, YOU WILL MAKE A DIFFERENCE

ACCESS Computer College

Week 1: Orientation/Course Introduction

ACCESS Computer College

Week 1: Orientation/Course Introduction

1. Marque, G., Quinones, T., & Mambiar, L. C. (2021) Personal
Development for Senior Highschool. Indepently Published
Electronic References:

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Week 1: Orientation/Course Introduction

Keeping in touch:

➤ Google classroom

➤ Fb Group Messenger

➤ Send email via Learning Management



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