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Meaning • Legal consultants are a lawful profession. People are
never above the law and the professional world.
Generally the law exists to govern and provide guidelines
for society. So in the running of activities there will be
rules to be obeyed. It has to do with the administration of
obligations and rights that are closely related to
government laws and rules.

• A legal consultant is an individual or agency, who has a

deep knowledge of the law. It is used as a trusted legal
adviser, which both companies and individuals can use.
Type of Legal Consultant
Types of Legal Consultants


Corporate Legal
Consultant Capital Market Criminal
Definition of Type
Corpoorate Legal Consultant Capital Market

A legal consultant for a company is someone This profession is a calling for consultants who
who understands the law and is tasked with have a special field of work in terms of capital
specifically handling company legal issues. markets. Where the party will carry out various
So you can know that the consultant position tasks or work, which are closely related to the
here functions to provide guidance, solutions capital market and the legal consulting service
and direction regarding legal problems being must first be registered with the OJK and
experienced by the company. HKHPM.
Definition of Type
Criminal Employment

Criminal law consultant whose job is to employment consultant, who specifically

provide advice or opinions to clients handles various matters relating to
regarding criminal law acts. So this employment. One of the things that
profession is tasked with providing happens the most is work accidents,
explanations to clients regarding the risks various things related to industry, how to
or consequences of actions or legal actions solve problems in the workplace,
that have been or will be carried out by comfortable work tools and so on.
clients. Meanwhile, the criminal act
mentioned is a legal act, which is outside
the court.
Legal Consultant Duties
Legal consultants must also be able to make the right decisions in difficult
situations and have the ability to predict the results of the decisions taken.
Apart from providing legal advice, Legal Consultants can also assist clients
in drafting contracts and other legal documents.
They ensure that the documents comply with the law and protect the client's
interests. Legal Consultants can also assist clients in the negotiation process
and other legal transactions to ensure that clients obtain the legally desired
Legal consultants also have a role in resolving legal disputes between clients
and other parties. They can assist clients in reaching agreements with other
parties through mediation or arbitration.
Target Market
Today almost all consultans are focused on market-entry targeting
businesses on foreign consumers/clients.
There are few consultans in business/company who target clients to the
local youth market

This is because in the eyes of people “legal consultants” have expensive

merit rates and lack of education on the importance of licenses and
covenants in their daily activities. And of course they will be recharging
prices to educate the public on the importance of the law.
For Examples’s of Legal Consultant
1. Corporate Law (PT, CV, FIRMA) - General Corporate.
2. Labor Law/Employment Law.
3. Agrarian Law/Property/Real Estate Law.
4. Contract Law.
Contract Drafting
1. Based on the Civil Code, it is stated that “ the agreement applies or valid as a law for the
parties that make it” it means that the parties are actually free to make and determine the
clauses in the agreement as long as it does not conflict and fulfill the legal requirements of
the agreement.

2. The agreement that we can provide is a cooperation agreement, a construction agreement,

a sale and purchase agreement, a lease or rental agreement, a work agreement, a premarital or
post-marital agreement and other agreements as needed.

3. Apart from designing, for clients who already have an agreement and ask for our opinion,
we can or can provide Legal Opinion services. and if they have made the agreement
themselves but have not signed it and ask for our recommendation, then it falls into the
contract review category
Purchase of Property
1. We can offer legal advice and counsel against clients (younger
generation) who wants to buy property.

2. Few young people understand other costs such as notary, House

Ownership Credit (KPR) costs, Land and Building Title Transfer Fee
(BPHTB) costs, different ways of Purchase Binding Agreements on
L&B (PPJB) and Notarial Sale & Purchase Agreement (AJB) and so on.
Corporate Secretary
1. After the company was established, a lot of changes occurred according to the
development of the company's business.
2. These changes such as capital increase, change of directors, change of articles
in articles of association and others.
3. When these changes occur, a general meeting of shareholders is needed and
then deed with a notarial deed.
4. In addition, these services are related to compliance such as the annual GMS.
5. Actually it can also be included as an annual tax retur as one of them but
considering that we have resource difficulties, we can talk about services
other than legal services in the future.
When you want to use the services of a legal
consultant, of course you need to know the
amount of costs that will have to be paid. This
will relate to the legal consultant fees that will
be charged to the public. Please note in advance
that the types of rates charged by consultants
vary. However, in general, you need to know the
types of costs first:
Type of Cost
1. Wholesale Costs The first type of fee that can be charged by legal consultants is wholesale
fees. This type of fee will refer to the process of resolving a client's legal
case from the initial stage to the limit, which has previously been agreed
upon by both parties. Meanwhile, the payment scheme will allow clients
to get full legal services. This means that clients can use this service to
resolve client legal problems from the initial stage to completion.

2. Hourly Cost This refers to the amount of time you use a service to determine its
cost. So it can be said that the amount of fees you will get depends
on the number of hours used by the legal consultant in the process of
resolving the client's legal problems.
Type of Cost
3. Fixed Cost The payment scheme determined based on this method will be used by
corporate parties to obtain legal consultation services within a certain
time period.
Meanwhile, regarding the time and settlement process that can be
obtained, the amount of costs that will be incurred will be determined
based on a predetermined mutual agreement. In general, companies will
use this payment scheme to obtain input or various policies that will be
The explanation above is some of the things you need to know regarding the payment
scheme, which is carried out by legal consultants. After knowing the payment system,
of course you will no longer have difficulty in determining a consultant who has rates
according to your abilities
For legal consultants who are just starting their careers, the initial salary can range
from 3 to 5 million rupiah per month. However, if legal consultants have several
years of work experience and have a recognized specialization, their salary can reach
10 to 20 million rupiah per month. For legal consultants who is experienced, their
annual salary is around IDR 900 million to IDR 2.4 billion.However, with this
income, they usually already hold an important position, namely head of the legal
division in a company.the in house counsel profession
Legal Basis
The considerations include Article 28F of the 1945 Constitution stipulates that
everyone has the right to communicate and obtain information to develop their
personal and social environment, as well as the right to seek, obtain, own, store,
process, and convey information using all kinds of available channels. A person who
needs legal services outside of court is essentially wanting to obtain legal information
and is guaranteed by Article 28F of the 1945 Constitution. It is a person's right to
choose a source of information that is considered appropriate and reliable. So the legal
basis of the legal consultant it is based on the Law.
Legal consultants have a role to conduct legal audits against companies that will conduct
public offering processes. Which, according to legal audits, the legal counsel of the law
would provide a legal opinion contained in the prospectus.

The responsibility of a stock market legal consultant on law auditing and legal opinion it
provides for a company that will do public bidding consists of civil, criminal and
administrative responsibility.

The main task of a Legal Consultant is to provide accurate and quality legal advice to
clients. They must deeply understand the legal problems faced by clients and provide the
best solutions to these problems.
Thank u for listening <3
If there is anything y’all guys still
confused about, feel free to ask!

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