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Education 3-13

Presented by:
Muhammad Waqar Saddique
Ahsan Javed
Talha Rana
Waqar Ahmed Khan
 The research was conducted as case study, defined by
 Cohen Manion and Morrison as specific instance
 Researcher is likely to be an actor in case of case study


 Participant observation
 Close examination of the data provided by wikis.
 Semi structured group interviews.
Context and Participants
 ICT suite( 15 personal computers)
 Mobile trolley lab (18 laptops)
 Cross circular approach to English and ICT by identification of report
 26 participants 14boys, 12girls( 9-10) aged
 Teacher identification of reluctant writers

 Before the start of study children access to internet and interaction with
writing through survey.

 3/4th of students have internet at home , quarter of students have

broadband access to their bedrooms.
 Great opportunity little engagement in writing task.
Setting the project
 Wiki supported context writing about solar systems
 Two aims for this
 Pupils were given mind maps and writing frame work so that they can continue
when without internet
 Boys discarded the use of writing frames and worked entirely on computer.
pupils were given access to books and resources about the given project.

 Division into six groups( yellow ,red orange green) with aim to see supportive
 Two above average groups silver(girls) and blue (boys)
 Boys were particular issue as class contained number of able boys , which were
under achieving in writing
Setting the project
 Class was split so that children have one to one access to computer.
 Each group had its own Wiki to write a collaborative report about solar system.
 Group planning about structure of Wiki by face to face meeting.

 Teacher involvement/intervention was reduced with aim to know how

supportive ideas comes out of mind without the help of teacher, handouts were
provided relating structure of wiki to minimize the visit to teacher.

 Teacher had own wiki that contains helping content relating solar system (list
of helpful websites to avoid distraction from work), Google access for images

 Children were given instruction not to use their own name, in order to prevent
potential approach by adults from outside school.

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