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Chapter 5

These two lovely girls are ____.
A. twins B. cloned
• What if Gate’s barber used DNA from
hair follicles to create Gates clone???

• What is cloning ?
• How are clones created ?
• Where does the law stand on live human
• Our thinking
What is cloning ?

Cloning is the creation of cells or whole

animals using DNA from a single
"parent", bypassing the normal
reproductive process. The clone has the
same DNA to the parent.
Natural clone
Natural clone is one that occurs
from the “parent ” in a natural
form of cloning without human
Clone? help.

Man-made clone
Man-made clone is one produced
through human intervention.
In 1978: The first case of tube
infant ( 试管婴儿 ) appeared.
☆A British doctor used the sperm
of a man and fertilized it in a test
☆Then transplanted the
embryo into the womb
of a healthy mother.
☆The first tube infant
called Louis appeared.
In 1996, the famous sheep “Dolly”
was cloned successfully

Dolly and
the Father
of Dolly –

What is a clone?
The advanced technique in genetics
with which scientists can
create or copy things with the same DNA.
The big
breakthrough with
Dolly was to make a
clone from an
ordinary, adult cell
- in this case from a
ewe’s mammary.

Previously, animals
had only been cloned
by using embryo cells
which already have the
potential to become a
complete embryo

And the facts:

• Dolly was born in 277 trials with only

one success.
• Dolly died in 2003,only 6 years old,
while sheep can usually live 12 years.
Are clones normal, healthy
• Just like Dolly. but scientist do not yet know whether

this is the exception or the rule. Some early evidence

suggest that clones may have health problems and

that they may age prematurely.

Look at the following video and answer the
It’s the most famous sheep in the world. Do you
know how Dolly is different from other sheep?

She was cloned while

the others were born
naturally. It is the
copy of another sheep.
Nowadays :
☆ Cloned cat, dog, mouse,
rabbit, goat, ox, pig
appeared .
☆ China become the
seventh country that
has the ability to clone
☆ China has succeeded
in using embryonic cell to
clone many animals.
Is it good cloning people?

Oh! My God! I was cloned!

How a human might be cloned using
the "Dolly" method
live human clones?

• In the UK, human cloning is already banned by law.

• President Bill Clinton has proposed banning research into
producing human clones in the US.
• Some measures have also been made to establish
international agreements banning live human clones.
Thinking of clone
• Cultivating excellent animal species

• Produce transgenic animals.

• Copy endangered animal species, save and

spread animal species resources.
• Help those people with incurable diseases by
cultivating a suitable organ to replace the
diseased one.

• bring hope for those couples unable to have

children because they might choose to have a
copy of one of them rather than accept the gene
intrusion from a donor.

• Cloning of man will bring huge challenge

to human ethics. To call them humans or
products, it's a question.
• Disrupt public order. DNA may no longer
be a effective way to confirm a criminal.
Debate :Are you for or against
cloning human beings

The 10-year-old girl, Kinder died in an accident in

America, clone can produce an exact girl of her.
Clone can make a woman who can’t get pregnant have
a child.
Whether Surrogate mother
should be legal or illegal?
1 Terminology

2 How popular surrogacy is?

3 The conditions of surrogate mother

4 Commercial surrogacy should be illegal

5 Ethical issues: adv. & disadv.


Traditional surrogacy Commercial surrogacy

her own biological

• paid
to carry a child
relinquishing the to maturity in her
child to be raised by womb
others such as the
• financial reward
biological father and
possibly his spouse
or partner
Why do surrogacy become
Big market need:
• Common people: female infertility, medical
issues or the delivery risks.
• Celebrities: …take time off work or ruin
their careers, unwilling to undergo
• Gay couples
• a single male or woman
India's surrogate mother industry

• Legal since 2002

• the relatively low cost
$10,000 and $28,000 for the complete package
of which the surrogate gets about $7,500

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Commercial surrogacy should
be illegal

Ethical issues Commercialization

(wombs for rent)

Medical risks Commercial Moral issues


Legal issues
• At present our
country lacks
organs. The
cloned man
can transform
his organs to
his original

They have the same face. People are no longer special to

each other.
• Our cloning technology is not perfect. Some cloned babies
have deformity from birth.
Advantages to Clone
1) A benefit of cloning is shown through the future
of the medical field. It can product organs for
disease people.
2) Protect endangered animals.
3) It can bring hope for those couples unable to
have children.
4) The replacement of dead people, for example
some famous scientist.
Disadvantage to Clone
1) The threat to genetic diversity and evolution.
2) It can reproduction some dangerous people
and will make the world more chaos.
3) Clone person may have some diseases, what
should we do to them? (technology defect)
4) Some dead people go back and it will throw the
society into disorder.
Answer------ in future!!
Should the society accept
• Established during early childhood

• Genetic or other factors

• Hurt by the opposite sex

• Freedom


• No children
Homogeneous marriage is
legal in these countries

• Holland (2001)
Canada (2005)
Spain (2005)
Massachusetts US (2004)
Questions & Workshop:
1. Do you support the idea of producing human
embryos for medical purposes? Why?
2. Do you think a cloned human should have
human rights & the same talents as the
original ones? Why?
3. How do you think of the issues—“surrogate
mother” & “homosexuality”
Our thinking…in Bioethics
• Deprive of harmless principle;
• Deprive of autonomy principle;
• Deprive of equalization principle.

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