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Writing Proficiency

Week 2

Repairing sentence fragments

You can repair most fragments in one of two ways:
•Pull the fragment into a nearby sentence.
•Rewrite the fragment as a complete sentence.

Unlike some other languages, English requires a subject and a verb in
every sentence (except in commands, where the subject you is understood
but not present: Sit down).
Exception: A fragment may be used for effect.
Writers occasionally use sentence fragments for special purposes.

Following the dramatic Americanization of their children, even my parents grew more publicly
confident. Especially my mother.
— Richard Rodriguez
Are these new drug tests 100 percent reliable? Not in the opinion of most experts.

And now the opposing arguments.

Fewer carbs. Improved taste.

Although fragments are sometimes appropriate, writers and readers do not always agree on when
they are appropriate. That’s why it is safer to write in complete sentences.
RUN ON sentences

There are two types of run-on sentences.

When a writer puts no mark of punctuation and no coordinating conjunction between independent clauses,
the result is called a fused sentence.

A far more common type of run-on sentence is the comma splice —
two or more independent clauses joined with a comma but without a coordinating conjunction.
In some comma splices, the comma appears alone.

Air pollution poses risks to all humans, it can be deadly for asthma sufferers.
In other comma splices, the comma is accompanied by a joining word that is not a coordinating conjunction.

There are only seven coordinating conjunctions in English: and, but, or, nor, for, so, and yet.


Air pollution poses risks to all humans however, it can be deadly for asthma sufferers.

However is a transitional expression and cannot be used with only a comma to join two independent clauses.
To revise a run-on sentence, you have four choices:

Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, so,

Use a semicolon (or, if appropriate, a colon or a dash). A semicolon

may be used alone or with a transitional expression.
• Make the clauses into separate sentences.

• Restructure the sentence, perhaps by subordinating one of the clauses.


NOTE: Phrases beginning with the prepositions as well as, in addition to, accompanied by,
and along with do not make a singular subject plural.
A subject with two or more parts is said to be compound. If the parts are connected with
and, the subject is almost always plural.

EXCEPTION 1: When the parts of the subject form a single unit or when they refer to the
same person or thing, treat the subject as singular.

Fish and chips was a last-minute addition to the menu.

Sue’s friend and adviser was surprised by her decision.

EXCEPTION 2: When a compound subject is preceded by each or every, treat it as singular.

Every car, truck, and van is required to pass inspection.

This exception does not apply when a compound subject is followed by each:

Alan and Marcia each have different ideas.


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