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Table of Contents

3. “Can I get the

1. “I’m taking it 2. Mash potatoes
French Dip 4. Sticky notes
out with corn

5. Don’t add to 8. SyntaxError:

6. 2 minutes 7. 195

Rules of life
much flour invalid syntax

9. Never try
11. Learn the 12. Lab repot
fresh mozzarella 10. Less icing
rules of fractions due at 11:59 pm

By: Tevini
1. “I’m taking it out”
I got Invisalign braces in grade 9. Right
afterwards I went to a park with a family friend
and when it came time to eat. I remember I hit
behind I tree to take them out. I was very self
conscious of them. However as time went on, I
could take it out in front of people and not care
at all. I learned as time goes on uncomfortable
things become comfortable.

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2. Mash potatoes with
I don’t like potatoes, except as a chip. This
always put me at a disadvantage as potatoes are
everywhere. My once put corn in my mash
potatoes, a lot, to get me to eat them. And I did.
Now that’s the only way I eat mashed potatoes.
I learned you can always adapt something to fit

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3. “Can I get the French
Dip Sandwich “?
I’m horrible at ordering food. I always choose
something I don’t like. It made the restaurant
experience sad. One day though, I went to
Brown’s Social House and when I looked at the
menu I knew immediately that I would like the
French Dip Sandwich. It made me realize I
would eventually start to learn what I liked and
didn’t. it just takes trail and error

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4. Sticky Notes
As my life got busier I struggled to remember
everything and started getting disorganized.
Having an agenda didn’t really help me as I
was to lazy to take it out every time. What I’ve
found is just using a sticky with a to-do list
helps me the most. I learned what helps you can
be unconventional.

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5. Don’t add too much
Adding to much flour is very easy to do when
the recipe is in cups. I didn’t get a scale till later
in life so for awhile I had to remind myself to
not add to much flour. I would always forget
and my recipe would be dry. I learned to not
rush and always take your time

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6. 2 mintues
I hated playing piano. My mom would
constantly tell me practise and when I did it
would be roughly for 2 minutes. Not that I was
lazy but I really didn’t like paying piano. I
quite, eventually and I learned its better to stop
doing something you hate than force yourself.

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7. 195
One day I had the goal of learning all 195
countries flags. And I know majority of them
now through doing games I found online. I
learned if I want to learn something, all I need
is commitment and the right tools.

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8. SyntaxError: invalid
In grade 11 I took a coding class. As a beginner
I knew nothing of coding and I would always
get the error message. It would be so
frustrating. Often I would have to ask for help
to find the problem and I learned how to get
comfortable doing so as I was in completely
new territory.

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9. Never try fresh
mozzarella cheese
I’ve seen a lot of people eat fresh mozzarella.
And decided to try it. It was the most bland and
disgusting thing. Plus it was expensive! For
what. So disappointing. I learned just because
other people enjoyed something doesn’t mean I

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10. Less icing

I fell into the rabbit hole of cake decorating. In doing so I convinced

myself the cakes they were making were not only pretty but tasty. I was
wrong. I hate cakes with icing and what I really prefer for my cakes to
look like is a very simple look with icing. I learned from this phase to
be true to my taste and not try to change it based on aesthetics.

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11. Learn the rules of
I never learned how to do fractions properly
and that has continued to affect me till this day.
The hard lesson I learned is ‘learn something
once, then you’ll never have to learn it again.’

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12. Lab report due at
11:59 pm
I can’t ever enjoy a lab as I know a lab report
comes right after. I despise them, yet I must put
a great amount time and effort. And so like
most things I don’t want to do it, I
procrastinate. What I’ve learned to be the best
tactic is to just do. I just have to start it. Start
problem solving and researching what I don’t

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