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Small Talk

What is small talk?

 The Cambridge English Dictionary says
Conversation about things that are not important,
often between people who do not know each other
Why do people hate it?
They hate it because it’s the bridge to deeper
conversation with someone they don’t know.
They have to bond with a stranger, and this makes
them uncomfortable.
How to start
 Approachable body language:
 Have an "open stance"
 Just make eye contact, don't cross your arms, and face
your shoulders toward that person.
 This will make the person feel like you're giving him
all of your attention.
Friendly greeting
Hi, my name is …
Start with a compliment.
 Just a simple, "I love your shoes, where did you get them?
 Even if the compliment doesn't lead anywhere, it will still make the
person feel appreciated before you start discussing other subjects.
Keep things light
 Conversations are just as much about an exchange of
energy as an exchange of information.
 To make great conversation and great small talk, you
should keep things light, fun, and positive.
 Some people say that the key to small talk is to be interested,
not interesting.
 Ifyou're upbeat, ready to smile at a moment's notice, and
laugh over things that aren't that funny, then you'll make the
other person want to keep talking to you
So, what can you talk about?

Let’slook at the conversations on pages 3

and 9 of the book.
Work in your group
Each person take 2 strips of paper

The paper with number one says who is

The paper with number two says where you
are talking.
Make small talk with that person.
Then put those papers back and take two new

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