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Introduction: Evolution of

Government in the subcontinent

Dr. Seemi Waheed
Evolution of Government in the Subcontinent
 Countries:
 India, Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, and the
 55 million years old
 The African hunter-gatherers were the first Indians. They came 50,000
years ago to the Indian subcontinent. Between 10,000 and 20,000
years ago, just after the last ice age ended
Evolution of Government in the Subcontinent
 The first empire was the Mauryan empire (321 B.C.E. and ended in
185 B.C.E.)
 Chandragupta Maurya was the first ruler
 Consolidated power after Alexander.
 Kautilya, was Chandragupta’s chief minister. He was also called
Chanakya. He Chandragupta and contributed to the empire’s legacy.
 Kautilya is said to have written the Arthashastra, a book about
leadership and government. This book describes how a state should
organize its economy and maintain power.
 Means a book of statecraft, economy, strategy, and politics.
 It has 15 books
 Book 1 Concerning discipline
 Book 2 The duties of government superintendents
 Book 3COncerning law
 Book 4 The removal of thorns
 Book 5 The conduct of Courtiers
 Book 6 The source of sovereign states
 Book 7 The end of the six-fold policy
 Book 8 Concerning vices and calamities
 Book 9 The work of an invader
 Book 10 Relating to War
 Book 11 The Conduct of Corporation
 Book 12 Concerning a Powerful Enemy
 Book 13 Strategic means to capture a fortress
 Book 14 Secret means
 Book 15 The plan of treatise

 We can say that in the subcontinent it is the first book on

public administration and governance.
 It gives a detailed account of how a government should be
 Other books followed
About the subcontinent
 As noted earlier, the civilizations on the subcontinent have lived
thousands of years ago.
 Only three empires have ruled the whole of the subcontinent: the
Mauryan Empire, the Mughal Empire, and the British Raj.
 The rest of the time this land was ruled as a small fragmented
 Each of the periods left indelible marks on the functioning of
government and society.

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