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Lecture Series 2

Radiation Heat Transfer

Lecture Outline

I. Importance of Radiation in SENA Equipment

II. Radiation Fundamentals

III. Radiation Heat Transfer Equations

IV. Bus Bar Example Problem

V. Practical Design Notes/Reference Material

VI. Final Questions

Why Is Radiation Important In SENA Design?
Orion 125 3000A SWBD CB Line Term w/ Paint CB Line Bus w/ Paint

• 16 of 29 TC’s exceeded UL limits--the max rise was 74.8°C

• After paint, 2 of 29 TC’s exceeded UL limits--the max rise was 66.1°C Why?
• One TC dropped by 10°C and 16 other TC’s dropped about 6°C
Radiation Heat Transfer: The transfer of heat by thermal radiation.
Thermal radiation is a specific range of electromagnetic waves (or photons)
which occur solely due to temperature.
• Unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require a medium
to take place, therefore it can occur in a vacuum.
Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum: Visible

X rays
Ultraviolet Infrared
Gamma rays
Thermal Radiation

10-5 10-4 10-3 10-2 10-1 1 10 102 103 104

0.4 0.7

Wavelength , m
• Thermal Radiation Range: 0.1 to 100 micrometers wavelength
(3x1015 to 3x1012 Hz)
• Only a portion of thermal radiation is in the visible range
Planck’s Distribution: Spectral Blackbody Emissive Power

1. Planck’s Law (derived from the

2nd Law of Thermodynamics)
describes the maximum amount of
radiant energy that can be emitted
at a given temperature and
wavelength (Blackbody).

2. As the temperature increases,

more radiation appears at shorter

3. Below 800K (527°C) all the

Spectral Em issive Power (W/m


radiation is in the infrared range
and invisible to the eye (all SENA

4. Solar radiation is at 5800K which


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
peaks in the visible light range
W a ve Le ngth (m m )

Ts = 50 degree C 75 100 150 200

Stefan-Boltzmann Law:
Eblackbody -- the total emissive power or heat flux(W/m2)
n -- the index of refraction (=1 vacuum,~1 gases, =1.5
Eblackbody  n 2Tsurf
for glass)
 -- the Stefan-Boltzmann Constant (5.67x10-8 W/m2 K4)
Tsurf -- the surface temperature of black body (Kelvin)

Important Notes:

• All objects above 0 Kelvin emit thermal radiation

• The amount of energy emitted is based on temperature (K) to the 4th power

• At higher and higher temperatures, radiation heat transfer becomes more and
more significant and can be the dominant form of heat transfer.
• All real surfaces absorb and emit less heat flux than a blackbody.
 

   E  d    E  d
b b
E  T s
 0
 0

 E  d

  = radiative property called emissivity or emittance

– Def: Total emissivity is the ratio of emissive power of the surface to that of a
blackbody (note: surface property only)--% of the maximum amount of
emitted heat flux.
– 0    1,  depends on the surface conditions (roughness, finish, plating,
oxidation, paint, etc.)
– Three types: directional, spectral (wavelength), or total (all)
Important Notes:
– For hand calculations or CFD, use the total emissivity!
– For IR Thermography one must use the spectral emissivity in the IR range of
the IR camera
– Total emissivity  Normal emissivity (except for highly polished surfaces)

• Measured total emissivity of common SENA materials.


Silver Flash Cu 0.03
Tin Plated Cu 0.06
Matte Tin Cu 0.22
Blackened Matte Tin Cu 0.53
Glastic 0.8
Painted Steel 0.87
Grey Painted Steel 0.86
White Painted Steel 0.88
Galvanized Steel 0.06
Alkaline Matte Tin plating Al 0.08
Acid Matte tin plating Al 0.08
Bright acid tin plating Al 0.06
Painted Al 0.82

Irradiation: Total amount of radiation that is incident on a surface (G--W/m 2)

Gtotal  Gtrans  Gref  Gabs  G  G  G Gref

     1 Gabs

• For most engineering problems, surfaces are opaque ( = 0).

   G d
   1  0

 G d

• absorptivity or absorptance (0  1): depends on surface conditions

(roughness, finish, plating, oxidation, paint, etc.) and the irradiation, G.

• Def: Absorptivity () = ratio of absorbed radiation to incident radiation. (note:

depends on surface and nature of incident radiation)
• Three types: directional, spectral (wavelength), or total (all)
• Absorptivity table values are typically described by the irradiation (ex. solar
absorptivity, low temperature absorptivity, etc.)
• In engineering, we assume = 
– Kirchhoff’s Law: blackbody -- = 
– Graybody Assumption extends Kirchhoff’s Law to real surfaces
 G Tsurf 2
Qtotal  Tsurf

Important Notes:
   when the surface emittance and the irradiation lie in different
wavelength ranges.
– Solar heating! Gsolar is concentrated between 0.2 and 3 microns where as
the emitted radiation range of SENA equipment is 2 ESENA 100 microns

• Total solar absorptivity of common SENA materials.


Black Epoxy Paint 0.96 1.1
Gray Epoxy Paint 0.75 0.9
White Epoxy Paint 0.25 0.3
Galvanized Steel 0.65 5.0
Aluminum 6061 0.37 12.3

Other Radiation Terms

– Intensity = amount of energy that departs a surface (information about

directional distribution)
– Radiosity = total amount of energy that departs a surface (reflected +
– Directional = depends on direction
– Hemispherical = all directions
– Diffuse = independent of direction
– Normal = perpendicular to surface
– Spectral = wavelength dependent
– Monochromatic = one wavelength
– Total = all wavelengths, all directions
Radiation Heat Transfer Equations

Qrad  Asurf (Tsurf

 Tsurr
) From a surface to its surroundings

• Qrad is the net heat transferred between the surface and the surroundings
or surface 1 to surface 2 in watts
•  is the emissivity of the surface (unitless).
•  is the Stefan-Boltzmann Constant = 5.67x10-8 W/m2 K4

Qrad 12  Asurff1 2 (T14  T24 ) Between two surfaces

• f1-2 is the view factor from surface 1 to surface 2 (unitless).

Radiation Heat Transfer in terms of a heat transfer coefficient

Qrad  hrad Asurf (Tsurf  Tsurr ) hrad   (Tsurf  Tsurr )(Tsurf

 Tsurr

• hrad is the radiation heat transfer coefficient and has the units (W/m 2-K).
Radiation Heat Transfer Equations
Qrad •Steady-state
•Adiabatic at the ends
•Negligible q at top and bot N N N
E in   E gen -  E out  Est  E st
•Cu mat’l negligible temp
gradient through thickness

n 1 n 1 n 1
As T=50°C=323K  E gen -  E out  0
n 1 n 1
L = 20”
W = 2” I 2 R  qconv1  qrad 1  qconv 2  qrad 2
t = .25”
I 2 R  2hconv As (Ts  T )  2hrad As (Ts  T )
18.00 Rad,Painted E=.87
Rad,Black Matte Tin E=.53
Free Conv I 2 R  2(hconv  hrad ) As (Ts  T )
Heat Transfer Coefficicient (W/m2K)

14.00 Rad,Matte Tin E=.22

Rad,Tin-plated E=.06

2t (hconv  hrad )T

I W
8.00  Cu @105C

hrad   (Tsurf  Tsurr )(Tsurf
 Tsurr
L [1  (0.492 / Pr) 9 /16 ]8 / 27 
2.00   conv
 0.825  L
k 0.387 Ra1/ 6 
85 95 105 115 125 150 175 200 250 300
Bus Bar Surface Tem perature (C)
Radiation Heat Transfer Current Ampacity Improvement
•Adiabatic at the ends
•Negligible q at top and bot
2t (hconv  hrad )T •Cu mat’l negligible temp
I W gradient through thickness
Qrad  Cu @105C


hconv = 5.1 W/m2K Iconv = 631 A

L=20” As tin= 0.06
Iconv+rad-tin = 666A
hrad-tin= 0.59 W/m K2

paint= 0.87
Iconv+rad-paint = 1032 A
W=2” hrad-paint= 8.55 W/m K 2

Cu@105C = 2.31x10-8 -m 55% increase in current capacity over tin
Method of Solving A Solar Radiation Application

1. Determine the equipment orientation and location

2. Use on-line calculator to determine solar irradiation

on a surface

3. Determine the solar absorbtivity of the surface

4. Multiply the solar absorptivity by the solar irradiation to

obtain the total heat flux absorbed on each surface

5. Include heat flux in the energy balance equation or as a heat load in

your thermal analysis software N N N

 E in   E gen -  E out  Est  E st

n 1 n 1 n 1

One surface of enclosure (G ) solar Asurf  hconv Asurf T  hrad Asurf T  0
Practical Radiation Considerations For Design

1. All SENA products emit thermal radiation!

2. For all indoor SENA equipment the radiation is in the infrared range and
invisible to the eye.
3. For engineering calculations or CFD, use the total emissivity!
4. To increase radiative heat transfer and reduce temperature use dull,
painted, or oxidized type surfaces rather than polished or shiny surfaces.
5. For outdoor SENA equipment solar loading is important (  ) . Small
values of the ratio of  /  ( less than 1) are required for external enclosure
surfaces (the surface absorbs less than emits).
6. How well a hot object can “see” a cool surface that it is radiating to, will
determine how much heat will be radiated!
7. For forced convection applications radiation effects are usually minimal.
8. For natural convection in vented enclosures radiation CAN be significant.
9. For natural convection in non-vented enclosures, radiation is very critical!
Radiation Reference Material
1. Introduction To Heat Transfer, F. P. Incropera, and D. P. DeWitt, 2nd ed.,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1990
2. Radiative Heat Transfer, M. F. Modest, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1993

3. Handbook of Heat Transfer, W. Rohsenow, J. Hartnett, Y. Cho, 3rd ed.,

McGraw-Hill, 1998
4. Heat Transfer, J. Holman, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1997

5. Radiation Heat Transfer, E. Sparrow, R. Cess, Augmented Edition,

Hemisphere Publishing, 1978

6. Thermal Radiation Heat Transfer, R. Siegel, J. Howell, Augmented ed.,

Hemisphere Publishing, 1981

7. Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow Data Book I, Genium Publishing Corp.

8. Heat Transfer & Fluid Flow Data Book II, Genium Publishing Corp.


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