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Today’s topic:

October 29, 2023
Pet and Companionship

A person or animal with whom

one spends a lot of time or with
whom one travels.
Stories about a pet
Benefits of having pets.
Discussing challenges
Challenges of having pets

1.Responsibility: Pets need care, like feeding, grooming, and taking them for
walks. It's a big responsibility to make sure they're healthy and happy.
2.Allergies: Some people are allergic to pet fur or dander, which can cause
sneezing and itching.
3.Cost: Owning a pet can be expensive. You have to buy food, toys, and sometimes
pay for vet visits.
4.Training: Pets need to be trained to behave well. This can take time and patience.
5.Time Commitment: You need to spend time with your pets, so they don't get
lonely. This can be a challenge if you have a busy schedule.
6.Mess: Pets can sometimes make a mess with their fur, drool, or accidents in the

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