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Battle of
 WA B I L




The Battle
The Battle of Hunain took place
within a few weeks of the conquest
of Makkah in AH8 in a valley located
about 16 kilometers away from
Makkah on the road to Taif. It was
fought between the Muslims and the
tribe of Hawazin.
Hawazin And The
Preparations for
battle • While the Muslims were still in Makkah after the conquest,
they heard news that a very large army of Hawazin And his
allies were about to attack them. These enemies of Islam
were afraid after hearing the news of Makkah’s conquest by
the Muslims and thought that Islam should not spread over
the region. On hearing this, Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W)
prepared to meet them with an army of 12,000 soldiers
for battle
The Hawazin had come fully prepared
for battle, even bringing their families,
and animals as an inspiration because
they thought it will make the men fight
more fiercely. The Hawazin were well
trained in archery warfare and placed
their archers in a narrow valley
between Makkah and Taif so they could
attack easily
The battle
and Muslim
As the Muslims entered the battlefield,
they were attacked by arrows. They were
surprised and many scattered as they left
the field. With only Hazrat Muhammad
(S.A.W) and a handful of companions
left, he ordered the Muslims to return as
the Muslims fought with renewed zeal.
The battlefield’s scene changed as the
Hawazin had to seek refuge in Taif, and
later accepted true faith.

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