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与导师 / 同学产生矛盾怎么办?
问题形式: What would you do if you had a disagreement/
conflict with your mentor/classmates?


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The people around us represent a multitude of values and
possess unique goals and aspirations. I think achieving mutual
understanding is not just a matter of importance, but of

It can help people avoid conflict with others. We may not fully
agree with other people's opinions or beliefs. However, by
understanding the reasons behind their words or actions, we
can learn to “disagree without being disagreeable” so that
quarrels are averted.

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I would handle the conflict by quickly ascertaining what the

problem is and speaking to the other person in private to see if
we could find a resolution that we were both comfortable with.
If I needed to compromise, then I would consider doing so
because the success of the team must always come above
everything else.

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17. 你喜欢什么类型的导师?

问题形式: What kind of professors do you like?


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· have a genuine mastery of their subject-matter and therefore
know how to make it accessible to the students.

· passionate about his field and wants to transmit his passion with
enthusiasm. He has to be charismatic and care about his students
well beings. He can stimulate the smartest students and
encourage/support the most difficult ones.

· passionate about teaching and working with students. They are

excited about influencing students' lives and understand the
impact they have.
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18. 你能为学校带来什么?为什么我们要选择你?
问题形式: What can you bring to our university?
Why should we choose you?


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I think I can bring a positive attitude towards study and to life in
general. I can study and work on my own or as a part of a group or a
team and support other students.

I am enthusiastic and passionate about my chosen subject. And I have

solid communication and written English skills which will help me a lot
when I write essays. Plus, I have an inquisitive mind which means I will
naturally want to research subjects to find out as much as possible.

I'm a determined and resilient person who will study in a smart and
effective way by utilizing study plans and making sure my study
environment will be conducive to consistent progress.

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19. 未来如果有留学的机会去不去?
问题形式: If there were an opportunity to study abroad, what
would you do?


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a. Experience a different style of teaching.

Each country has its own unique style of teaching. Studying

abroad can help me expand my academic horizon and develop
the capacity to adapt to various educational settings.

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b. Improve the language skills.
By studying abroad, I’ll have the opportunity to hone your
language skills. While studying a language in class is
rewarding, applying it to the real world is an entirely different
experience. It’s likely you’ll learn the language faster because
you’re practicing it regularly. You’ll also be able to pick up
conversational language you wouldn’t study in class, enabling
you to speak like a local.

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c. Develop the confidence

Studying abroad can be overwhelming, but the challenges you overcome

can help you become a more mature person. You’ll find out that you can
often thrive in new, unexpected circumstances, and you’ll boost your
communication skills by speaking a new language—helping you further
improve your self-confidence.

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d. Learn about yourself and your own culture
Talking to people from outside your country about what they think of
your home can also teach you a lot, and highlight aspects of it which you
are blind to at the moment. Whether these are positive things or negative
things, you will return to your home with a new, and more balanced
perspective than you left with.

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20. 如果你今天失败了怎么办?

问题形式: What would you do if you failed today?


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Thank you for this question. Honestly speaking, I totally understand that the
postgraduate entrance examination is a fierce competition which is full of laughters
and tears. I've thought about every possible outcome before and I have confidence in

If I fail today, I will say Thank You to myself first for fighting for this precious
opportunity to be interviewed today after a year of hard work. At the same time, I am
extremely grateful to the all the profeesors here because I still learned a lot from this

The philosopher Nietzsche once said ”What doesn't destroy me, makes me stronger”.
Even if the result is not ideal, I strongly believe that last year was not a waste of time
because every effort counts. I guess I’ll have more courage to face any obstacles and
challenges in life because I’ll consider today’s outcome as another kind of victory.
After all, I was only one step away from success.

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21. 你最喜欢的节日是什么? ( 你是如何度过 xx 节日的? )

问题形式: What’s your favorite festival?

How do you spend the Spring Festival?

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The Spring Festival :

My favorite festival is definitely the Spring Festival, which

is the beginning of a new year for Chinese people and
also the biggest extravaganza and a day for family

People often worship the Kitchen God, clean their houses, do their shopping,
put up New Year decorations and couplets until New Year’s Eve on the lunar

In addition to staying up late on New Year’s Eve, having a famuly reunion

dinnner and watching the Spring Festival Gala are two important customs of
this festival.
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The Spring Festival :

There’s also a custom of giving and receiving red

envelopes, or hongbao. Traditionally, adults placed
money into red envelopes and gave them to the
children to wish them peace and luck in the coming

Nowadays, with the popularization of mobile payment in China, it’s a trend

to send red envelopes digitally. The internet can deliver New Year’s wishes
to each and every loved one, even if they’re thousands of miles away.

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The Mid-Autumn Festival :

My favorite festival is definitely the Mid-Autumn Festival, which is on the

fifteenth dayof the eighth lunar month. Enjoying the beauty of the full moon
on this day has been a long-standing tradition Chinese custom for centuries.

Aside from the Spring Festival, the Mid-Autumn Festival is the most
important festival symbolizing reunion. The roundness of the full moon
expresses people’s desire for a wholesome happy family.

Eating moon cakes is also an important custom. Due to the different diet
habits in different regions, moon cakes vary in taste. Traditonal flavors
including fillings of five kernel, egg yolk, jujube paste and red bean paste.
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The Mid-Autumn Festival :

Now, there’re new flavors like ice cream and durian. Although the taste of
moon cake is changing, the symbolic meaning of the full moon remains
unchanged. And the Chinese custom of eating moon cakes and longing for
reunion during this festival will never fade away.

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