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Roles of Research in

Roles of research in Nursing
• Evidence-Based Practice:
• Improving patient outcomes
• Quality improvement
• Education advancement
• Policy Development
• Ethical Practice
• Cost-Effective Care
• Patient and Family Education
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Evidence-Based Practice:
• Nursing research helps in
developing and refining evidence-
based practice guidelines. This
means that nurses can make
informed decisions based on the
latest research findings, ensuring
that patient care is based on the
best available evidence.

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Improving patient outcomes
• Research in nursing leads to
advancements in healthcare, which
can directly translate to improved
patient outcomes.
• New treatments, medications, and
procedures often stem from nursing

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Quality Improvement:

• Nursing research identifies areas

in healthcare that require
• It helps in evaluating the quality
of care and finding ways to
enhance it.
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Educational Advancement
• Nursing research contributes to the
development of nursing education
programs. It ensures that nursing
students are trained based on the
latest evidence and best practices

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Policy Development

• Engaging in research enhances

the professional development
of nurses. It encourages critical
thinking, problem-solving, and
the development of research

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Ethical Practice

• Research helps in exploring

ethical dilemmas in nursing
and finding ethical solutions. It
guides nurses in making ethical
decisions in complex
healthcare situations.

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Cost-Effective Care

• Research can identify cost-

effective interventions and
practices, which can lead to
efficient use of healthcare
resources without
compromising the quality of

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Patient and Family Education

• Nurses can use research

findings to educate patients
and their families about their
conditions, treatment options,
and self-care practices

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In summary, research in nursing is essenti al

for advancing the fi eld, improving pati ent
care, and ensuring that nursing practi ce is
based on the best available evidence. It
plays a vital role in the ongoing
development and improvement of

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N u r s i n g R e s e a r c h : G e n e r a ti n g a n d A s s e s s i n g Ev i d e n c e f o r N u r s i n g
P r a c ti c e " b y D e n i s e F. P o l i t a n d C h e r y l Ta t a n o B e c k .
The Role of Nursing Research in Health Policy and Advocacy" by
M a r y A . P a t e r s o n a n d J e a n n e S . M u r p h y, p u b l i s h e d i n t h e j o u r n a l
Nursing Outlook.
I n t e r n a ti o n a l C o u n c i l o f N u r s e s ( I C N ) w e b s i t e ; h tt p s : / / w w w. i c n . c h /
A m e r i c a n N u r s e s A s s o c i a ti o n ( A N A ) w e b s i t e :
h tt p s : / / w w w. n u r s i n g w o r l d . o r g / n u r s e s - b o o k s / c l i n i c a l - r e s e a r c h - n u r s
i n g - s c o p e - a n d - s t a n d a r d s - o f- p r a c ti c e /

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