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Menopause is defined as the absence of menstrual periods for 12 months.

Therefore a woman is said to have reached menopause when she has not had a
period for one year. Changes and symptoms can start several years earlier.

Menopause sets in when a woman is in 40s or 50s. Normal age range for
menopause is between 45 and 55 years. However some women enter into
premature menopause in their 30s, while other women reach menopause in their

Menopause is a natural biological process. Although it also ends fertility, a woman

stays healthy, vital and sexual.


Perimenopause means and refers to the time during which a woman’s body makes
the natural transition to menopause, marking the end of the reproductive years.
Perimenopause is also called the menopausal transition.

Women start Perimenopause at different ages. Signs of progression towards

menopause, such as menstrual irregularity, sometimes appear in 40s. But some
women notice changes as early as their mid-30s.

Cause of menopause

The level of oestrogen — the main female hormone falls unevenly during
Perimenopause until the levels are too minimal to maintain the menstrual cycle

Symptoms of the menopause

 Changes in menstrual periods

 The first sign of the menopause is usually a change in the normal pattern of
menstrual periods. Periods may be light or heavy.
 The frequency of periods is also affected. There may be one period every
two or three weeks, or no period for some months.
 Other symptoms include:
 Hot flushes : short, sudden feelings of heat, usually in the face, neck and
chest, which can make the skin red and sweaty
 Night sweats : hot flushes that occur at night
 Insomnia: this means disturbed sleep patterns
 Reduced sex drive (libido)
 Problems with memory and concentration
 Vaginal dryness and pain, itching or discomfort during sexual intercoarse
 Headaches
 Mood swings, such as depression or anxiety
 Palpitations – heartbeats that suddenly become more noticeable
 Joint stiffness, aches and pains
 Reduced muscle mass
 Recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs), such as cystitis
 Osteoporosis

Menopause treatments includes hormone replacement therapy


Also called premature menopause; this is when menopause reaches early even
before the age of 40 years. Usually in 30s,

Cause of premature menopause

 Genetic make-up of the individual

 Auto immune disorders
 Surgery for instance total hysterectomy
 Drugs
 Radiations
 Premature ovarian failure
Assignment: outline at least 5 differences between menopause and

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