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Understanding Polygons

• When you first opened up your 3D application, it might be that one of the first
things you did was to create a polygon primitive. These are instant 3D objects. If
you have any art background at all you know you can do a lot with them. There are
several types of primitives: cube, sphere, cylinder, etc.
• To dig a little deeper, let’s break these 3D
models down into their dimensions. A vertex
has no length, width, or height. Zero
dimensions. A line has one dimension:
length. A polygon has two dimensions: width
and length. And a cube has all three: length,
width, and height
• Even a four-sided polygon is unlikely to be a square. Their edges can be all different
lengths. Four-sided polygons are called quads, short for quadrangle. Quads are another
Image Plan
Polygonal Meshes / Editable Poly

• The cube is an example of a closed polygon mesh. This means that all of the
edges are being shared by other faces. There is no hole to get inside the polygon
mesh. Now think of a mesh of four quads all stuck together in a plane. That would
be an open polygon mesh. Each of the edges that are at the outside of an open
mesh are generally called boundary or border edges. A good example of an open
polygon mesh would be the leaves of plants you see in many games
Let’s Practice!

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