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Shape Robot

Teacher Name Mr. Derek De Coste 15/11/2019
Subject Area Art Grade One
Topic Shapes Time/Duration ~40 minutes

General Learner Component 4 MAIN FORMS AND PROPORTIONS: Students will learn the shapes of things as
Outcome(s) well as develop decorative styles.

Specific Learner A. All shapes can be reduced to basic shapes; i.e., circular, triangular, rectangular
Outcome(s) C. Shapes can be made using different procedures; e.g., cutting, drawing, tearing, stitching.

Learning Students will be able to:

Objectives 1) Identify four shapes; circle, triangle, square, rectangle
What do you want your 2) Create a robot using those four shapes
students to learn?
Assessment 1. Identifying shapes as they are shown on the board
How will you know your
2. Creating a robot that uses one of each shape
students have learned?
 Presentation on shapes
Materials  At least 16 sheets of black construction paper for a base
What resources will you
 Different colors of construction paper for different body parts
 Students will need: glue, scissors, pencils/pencil crayons

Introduction Today we are going to be making some robots out of shapes.

(attention grabber)
Shape Review Shape Review
(~10 minutes) - Teacher Actions
o I will gather the students in front of the smart board and go through the shape presentation
o First slide will show off a finished robot so that the students can see what they will be doing
o We will now review some of our shapes
o Slide 3: Circle
o Could someone tell me what shape this is?
o Could someone give me an example of things that are circles?
 Soccer ball, plate, apple, wheel, etc.
o Slide 4: Triangle
o Could someone tell me what shape this is?
o How many sides does a triangle have?
o Could someone give me an example of things that are triangles?
 Pizza slices, street signs, boat sails, sandwiches, etc.
o Slide 5: Square
o Could someone tell me what shape this is?
o How many sides does a square have?
o Could someone give me an example of things that are squares?
 , etc.
o Slide 6: Rectangle
o Could someone tell me what shape this is?
o How many sides does a rectangle have?
- Slide 7: What is the difference between a rectangle and a square?
o Slide 8: Example of Robot (Have a picture here of one I have made and have it in class too)
 Here is what we will be doing today
o Slide 9: What you will need to cut out
o Using the construction paper at your tables you will need to cut out:
 A Head
 A Body
 Two Arms
 Two Hands
 Two Legs
 Two Feet
o You will also need to use at least one Circle, Triangle, Square, and Rectangle
o The shapes will be cut out of the color paper and glued onto the black sheet of paper
o When you are done cutting and gluing your robot together you can draw and color it
- Student Actions
o Students will sit in front of the smart board
o Students will listen and answer questions through the shape review
 About Circles
 About Triangles
 About Squares
 About Rectangles
- Assessment Evidence
o Students will verbally demonstrate they understand what each of these 4 shapes are; circle,
triangle, square, rectangle
- Transition Details
o You can now return to your tables and I will have our hand out students give you your black
piece of paper
Shape Robot
- Teacher Actions
o Make sure all of the students have a black piece of paper, and all have assorted piles of
colored paper at their tables
o Supervise them as they work on cutting out and gluing their robots together
o Have them show you the robot once they are done and give them a sticker if they have used 1
of each shape
o if they have not and all of the parts are glued on, tell them to add the missing
shape as a detail or button on the robot with a pencil crayon or cutting and
gluing it on
- Student Actions
o Students will cut out the different parts of the body using 1 of each of the 4 shapes talked
about during the review
o They will have the remainder of the class to work on this, cutting and gluing the parts out and
adding details to the robot
- Assessment Evidence
o If students are able to make the robot using at least 1:
Shape Robot o Circle
(~25 minutes) o Triangle
o Square
o Rectangle
o If the robot has all of the body parts:
o Head
o Body
o 2 Arms
o 2 Hands
o 2 Legs
o 2 Feet
o Students will be given a sticker for completion of the robot
- Transition Details
o If students finish early have an extra worksheet for them to do, or direct them to read a
o Worksheet: Finish the picture
 Has one of the 4 shapes talked about in class printed on it
 Students will draw and add to the shape to make a picture
 Students will hand in their robot/take it home
 Have students clean up the scrap paper at their tables and have them recycle it
 Have students clean up the other materials that they were using
(~5 minutes)  Collect the paper that was not used
 Direct students get ready for the next activity (reading/snack)

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