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1. Personal Letter
Personal letters are informal
letters written for individuals,
usually only two people who know
each other are involved. Usually a
personal letter contains experiences
or something personal.
2. Exposition Text
Not only opinions, in this type
of text almost all of the author's
arguments against a problem. So it
can be said that exposition text is an
open writing that can produce pros
and cons for the author.
3. Report Text
Report text is text that shows
information about something in
general and what it is. This report
text is the result of research
observation and systematic analysis.
But sometimes people think this
report text is the same or similar to
Descriptive Text.
In contrast to Report text
which shows general information,
Descriptive text shows
comprehensive and detailed
(specific) information. So you just
need to remember that Report text =
general and Descriptive Text =
4. Explanation Text
Explanation text is a type of
English text that contains about how or
why something happened. Generally,
this type of text describes the process
of something happening. The things
described in the explanatory text are
natural and social phenomena.
5. Invitation Text
In everyday life, of course, we
often come across situations where
we invite someone or accept an
invitation from someone else. Such
as meeting invitations, birthday
parties, wedding parties, graduation
parties, and others.
If we get an invitation from
someone we can accept it or reject
it. The way to accept and decline
invitations in English is accepting
and declining invitation.

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