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dr. Citra Ayu Aprilia, M.Kes


• Affective disorders - mental illnesses characterized by

pathological changes in mood (not thought – compare with
1. Unipolar disorders
• Depression – pathologically depressed mood (life time prevalence up to
• Mania – excessive elation and accelerated psychomotoric activity (rare)

2. Bipolar disorder (manic-depressive illness) – „cycling mood“

• = severe highs (mania, event. hypomania) and lows (major depressive
• prevalence 1-5%, life-time illness, stronger genetic background
Monoamine Hypothesis of Depression
Monoamine Receptor Hypothesis
of Depression
Gene Expression
Hypothesis of
Antidepressants Classification
Tricyclic imipramine
Antidepressants (TCAs)

• Principal mechanism of action:

• blockade of re-uptake of monoamine
neurotransmitters noradrenaline (NA) and
serotonin (5-HT) by competition for binding site of
the carrier protein.
• in most TCA, other receptors (incl. those outside
the CNS) are also affected: blockade of H1-
receptor, -receptors, M-receptors
Most important TCAs
• imipramine (a representative)
• desimipramine
• demethylated form, the active metabolite of imipramine
• amitriptyline
• nortriptyline
• demethylated form, the active metabolite of amitriptyline

Clinical use and efficacy is relatively close within the

The more significant difference is in their adverse effects
• The TCAs elevate mood, improve mental
alertness, increase physical activity
• The onset of the mood elevation is slow,
requiring 2 weeks or longer.
• These drugs do not commonly produce CNS
stimulation or mood elevation in normal
• These drugs, like all of the antidepressants, can
be used for prolonged treatment of depression.
Therapeutic uses
• The TCAs are effective in treating moderate to severe
major depression.
• Some patients with panic disorder also respond to TCAs.
• Imipramine has been used to control bed-wetting in
children (older than 6 years) by causing contraction of
the internal sphincter of the bladder.
• At present, it is used cautiously because of the
inducement of cardiac arrhythmias and other serious
cardiovascular problems.
• The TCAs, particularly amitriptyline, have been used to
treat migraine headache and chronic pain syndromes (for
example, neuropathic pain) in a number of conditions for
which the cause of the pain is unclear.
• Administered orally – rapid absorption
• Because of their lipophilic nature, they are widely
distributed and readily penetrate into the CNS.
• The initial treatment period: 4 to 8 weeks.
• Biotransformation – These drugs are metabolized by the
hepatic microsomal system (and, thus, may be sensitive
to agents that induce or inhibit the CYP450 isoenzymes)
and conjugated with glucuronic acid.
• Elimination half-lives - generally LONG (T1/2 =10-80h).
Elderly patients – even longer T1/2, risk of accumulation.
• Ultimately, the TCAs are excreted as inactive metabolites
via the kidney.
Adverse effects
• TCA are effective antidepressants but their use is
complicated by numerous troublesome adverse effects
• Anticholinergic (atropine-like) due to M-blockade
Dry mouth, blurred vision, constipation, urinary retention (more in
amitriptyline, less in imipramine) Palpitations, tachycardia
• Postural (orthostatic) hypotension + reflex
tachycardia - -blockade of adrenergic
transmission in the vasomotor center (frequent in
•Sedation, drowsiness, difficulty in
concentration (amitriptyline, H1-blockade)

• Sexual dysfunction (loss of libido, impaired erection)

 Posible problems with compliance ?!!!

Acute intoxication
• Very dangerous and relatively frequent – patients with
depression often have suicidal tendencies
• Precautions:
• taking care about patient education (remind him/her that 2-4
week delay in the effect is anticipated and that it is NOT a
failure of medication)
• therapy of concomitant anxiety/agitation
• prescription of limited quantities of TCA
• high risk patient should be treated under supervision of
specialists or treated as inpatients
Acute intoxication
• Unfortunately a low therapeutic index
• Target systems – the CNS and heart
• Initially excitement, hallucinations and delirium is observed,
may be accompanied with convulsions. Coma and
respiratory depression may follow. Pronounced atropine-
like effects.
• Cardiac dysrrhythmias are very common – tachycardia
(antimuscarine action), atrial or ventricular extrasystoles,
QRS complex widening, QT interval elongation. Ventricular
fibrillation and sudden death may occur.
• Hypotension
• Treatment- diazepam (seizures), physostgmine???
Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitos
• More modern (1st drug fluoxetine available in 1988) and
safe antidepressants
• Principal mechanism of action:
• selective inhibition of 5-HT (serotonin) reuptake 
gradual complex changes in the density and/or
sensitivity both autoreceptors (5-HT1A) and
postsynaptic receptors (important subtype 5-HT2A )
• Other indications of SSRI - anxiety disorders: generalized
anxiety, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive-
compulsive disorder
+ bulimia nervosa, gambling
•The SSRIs block the reuptake of
serotonin→ increased concentrations of
the neurotransmitter in the synaptic
cleft  greater postsynaptic neuronal
•At least 2 weeks to produce significant
improvement in mood, and maximum
benefit may require up to 12 weeks or
Therapeutic uses
• The primary indication for SSRIs is depression, ≈ as
effective as the tricyclic antidepressants.
• Obsessive-compulsive disorder (the only approved
indication for fluvoxamine)
• Panic disorder,
• Generalized anxiety disorder
• Posttraumatic stress disorder
• Social anxiety disorder
• Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, and
• Bulimia nervosa (only fluoxetine is approved for this last
Most important SSRI
• Fluoxetine Enantioselective forms
• Fluvoxamine e.g. escitalopram (S-
• Paroxetine
• Sertraline
• Citalopram
• Good absorption after oral administration
• Food has little effect on absorption (except with
sertraline, for which food increases its absorption).
• The majority of SSRIs have plasma half-lives: 16 - 36
• Sertraline undergoes significant first-pass metabolism.
• Important biotransformation in the liver
• Metabolism by P450-dependent enzymes and
glucuronide or sulfate conjugation occur extensively
• Long half-lives of elimination(s)
• Fluoxetine (T1/2=50h) + active metabolite (S-
norfluoxetine) (t1/2 =240h) → available as a sustained-
release preparation allowing once-weekly dosing
• Drug interaction: based on plasma protein binding and
CYP blockade
• Excretion of the SSRIs is primarily through the kidneys,
except for paroxetine and sertraline, which also
undergo fecal excretion (35 and 50 percent,
• Dosages of all of these drugs should be adjusted
downward in patients with hepatic impairment.
Adverse effects
•GIT – nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
•Sexual dysfunctions
•Restlessness (akathisia)
•Insomnia and fatigue
•Few patients experience an increase in
anxiety or agitation during early treatment
•Serotonin syndrome upon intoxication or drug
Reuptake Inhibitors (SNRI)
• Venlafaxine and duloxetine
selectively inhibit the re-
uptake of both serotonin
and norepinephrine.
• These agents, termed
selective serotonin-
norepinephrine reuptake
inhibitors (SNRIs), may be
effective in treating
depression in patients in
whom SSRIs are
• Furthermore, depression is often accompanied by
chronic painful symptoms, such as backache and
muscle aches, against which SSRIs are also relatively
• Dual actions of inhibiting both serotonin and
norepinephrine reuptake are sometimes effective in
↓ physical symptoms of neuropathic pain, such as
diabetic peripheral neuropathy.
• Little activity at adrenergic, muscarinic, or histamine
receptors and, thus, have < of these receptor-
mediated adverse effects than the tricyclic
• Venlafaxine is a potent inhibitor of serotonin reuptake and, at
medium to higher doses, is an inhibitor of norepinephrine re-
• It is also a mild inhibitor of dopamine reuptake at high doses.
• Venlafaxine has minimal inhibition of the cytochrome P450
isoenzymes and is a substrate of the CYP2D6 isoenzyme.
• The half-life of the parent compound plus its active metabolite
is approximately 11 hours.
• Venlafaxine is only 27 percent bound to plasma protein and is
not expected to be involved in protein displacement
• The most common side effects of venlafaxine are nausea,
headache, sexual dysfunction, dizziness, insomnia, sedation,
and constipation.
• At high doses, there may be an increase in blood pressure and
heart rate.
• Duloxetine inhibits serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake at all
• It is extensively metabolized in the liver to numerous metabolites.
• Duloxetine should not be administered to patients with hepatic
• Metabolites are excreted in the urine, and the use of duloxetine is not
recommended in patients with ESRD.
• Food delays the absorption of the drug.
• The half-life is approximately 12 hours.
• Duloxetine is highly bound to plasma protein.
• Gastrointestinal side effects are common with duloxetine, including
nausea, dry mouth, and constipation. Diarrhea and vomiting are seen
less often.
• Insomnia, dizziness, somnolence, and sweating are also seen.
• Sexual dysfunction also occurs along with the possible risk for an
increase in either blood pressure or heart rate.
Atypical Antidepressants
•The atypical antidepressants are a mixed
group of agents that have actions at
several different sites.
•This group includes bupropion,
mirtazapine, nefazodone, and trazodone.
•They are not any more efficacious than
the tricyclic antidepressants or SSRIs, but
their side effect profiles are different.
• This drug acts as a weak dopamine and norepinephrine
reuptake inhibitor to alleviate the symptoms of depression.
• Its short half-life may require more than once-a-day dosing
or the administration of an extended-release formulation.
• Bupropion is unique in that it assists in decreasing the
craving and attenuating the withdrawal symptoms for
nicotine in tobacco users trying to quit smoking.
• Side effects may include dry mouth, sweating,
nervousness, tremor, a very low incidence of sexual
dysfunction, and an increased risk for seizures at high
• Bupropion is metabolized by the CYP2D6 pathway and is
considered to have a relatively low risk for drug-drug
MonoAmine Oxidase Inhibitors
• Principal mechanism of action:
• Inhibition of intracellular enzyme MAO in CNS neurons
(= decrease in degradation of catecholamines and
• antidepressant action is attributed to MAO-A enzyme
isoform inhibition  ↑ cytoplasmic pool of
monoamines leading among other(s) to spontaneous
leakage of monoamines.
• In contrast to other antidepressants, when given to
normal non-depressed subjects they increase a motor
activity and cause euphoria + excitements (while TCA
would cause only sedation and/or confusion).
 risk of abuse!
mechanism of action
Mekanisme Kerja Antidepresan
•Although MAO is fully inhibited after
several days of treatment, the
antidepressant action of the MAO
inhibitors, like hat of the SSRIs and TCAs, is
delayed several weeks.
•Selegiline and tranylcypromine have an
amphetamine-like stimulant effect that
may produce agitation or insomnia.
Therapeutic uses
• Depressed patients who are unresponsive or allergic to
TCAs or who experience strong anxiety.
• Patients with low psychomotor activity may benefit
from the stimulant properties of the MAO inhibitors.
• These drugs are also useful in the treatment of phobic
• Atypical depression is characterized by labile mood,
rejection sensitivity, and appetite disorders
• Despite their efficacy in treating depression, because
of their risk for drug-drug and drug-food interactions,
the MAO inhibitors are considered to be last-line
agents in many treatment venues.
• These drugs are well absorbed after oral
administration, but antidepressant effects require at
least 2 to 4 weeks of treatment.
• When switching antidepressant agents, a minimum
of 2 weeks of delay must be allowed after
termination of MAO inhibitor therapy and the
initiation of another antidepressant from any other
• MAO inhibitors are metabolized and excreted
rapidly in the urine.
Adverse reactions and toxicity

•Postural hypotension (in up to 1/3 patients)
•CNS stimulation  tremor, excitement,
insomnia, convulsions in overdose.
•Weight gain (increased appetite)
•Atropine-like adverse effects – like in TCA
but less common
•Rare severe hepatotoxicity (hydrazine MAOI)
Interaction with foods
• Tyramine „cheese and wine“ reaction
• some kind of foods contain high amounts of tyramine
(natural indirect sympathomimetic produced during
fermentation), which is however normally metabolized
by MAO in the gut and liver.
• In depressed patients treated with MAOI, these
enzymes are also inhibited  bioavailability of tyramine
is significantly >> which together with
pharmacodynamic synergism  strikingly increased
noradrenaline transmission  hypertensive crisis,
severe headache and potentially fatal intracranial
hemorrhage or other organ damage.
• Dietary precautions: restriction in the consumption of
some maturing cheeses, wine, beer, yogurts, bananas etc
● Awalnya, penstabil mood adalah obat yang mengobati
mania dan mencegah kekambuhannya, sehingga
"menstabilkan“ mania dari gangguan bipolar.
● Baru-baru ini, konsep “mood stabilizer"  "substansi
yang memiliki mekanisme kerja seperti litium“ ke
"antikonvulsan yang digunakan untuk mengobati
gangguan bipolar" hingga "antipsikotik atipikal yang
digunakan untuk mengobati gangguan bipolar."
● Mood stabilizer yang ideal harus efektif dalam mengatasi
fase akut mania / depresi bipolar serta untuk fase
pemeliharaan gangguan bipolar.
● Saat ini tidak ada satu obat pun yang memenuhi kriteria
● Pada kenyataannya, membutuhkan > 1 obat

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013




The Classic Mood
Diabsorbsi di GIT
Tidak berikatan dengan protein
plasma, tidak dimetabolisme di
hati, eksresi melalui ginjal,
½ life : 18-30 jam
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
• Mekanisme kerja pasti masih dalam
• Mempengaruhi transport natrium antar
membran sel saraf dan otot
• Mempengaruhi metabolisme
neurotransmitter termasuk katekolamin
dan serotonin
• Efek pada second messenger
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Pasien mania mengalami
peningkatan :
1. Myo-inositol
2. Konsentrasi Fosfo-
Mono-Ester (PME)
Efektivitas litium didasari
oleh INHIBISI pada:
3. Modulasi protein G
4. Sistem Second
5. Interaksi pada kaskade
transduksi sinyal:
inhibisi GSK-3 & PKC
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Litium mengurangi
aktivitas dopaminergik
Bekerja postsinaptik
dengan mencegah
timbulnya up-regulasi
dan supersensitivitas
reseptor  >mania


Meningkatkan neurotransmisi GABA
Mengurangi neurotransmisi glutamanergik
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
SELULER INHIBISI daur ulang fosfoinositida
yang terdapat pada membran sel
MEKANISME (sistem second messenger)
KERJA 1. Inositol 1-monophosphatase
2. Inositol polifosfat 1-fosfatase
3. Sodium/myo-inositol
transporter (SMIT)
4. Glikogen sintase kinase 3 (GSK-


menyebabkan reduksi myo-inosito
(myo-Ins) dan perubahan
selanjutnya dalam aksi:
5. Receptor-activated
phospholipase C (PLC)
6. Pemecahan phosphoinositide-
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical
application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
4,5-bisphosphate menjadi
diasilgliserol (DAG).
DAG secara langsung mengaktifkan
protein kinase C (PKC)
Litium dan BAD (Bcl-
Valproat memiliki associated-death-
efek promoter) dan
neuroprotektif stres
GSK3 inhibitors MEMANGKAS
(saat ini sedang cabang dendritik
dikembangkan) dan jumlah sinaps.
mungkin terbukti ANTI-APOPTOTIK
menjadi agen FAKTORA: BDNF, Bcl-2
antimanik yang gen. Meningkatkan
percabangan dendritik
dan jumlah sinaps.

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Mania: akut & maintenance (cegah kambuh)

Depresi: augmentasi antidepresan

Perilaku agresif

Antisuicidal effect

< efektif: bipolar eps depresi

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
PEMBERIAN Penggunaan jangka
Panjang :
Dosis Pemberian :
- Mania : 1-1,5 mEq/L - Diindikasikan utuk
- Depresi : 0,6-1 mEq/L
- Dosis pemeliharaan : 0,7-1,0
mEq/L kekambuhan
- Sirup : 10ml 3 kali sehari (mania
akut), 5 ml 3-4 kali sehari (dosis
- Dapat mengakibatkan
jangka panjang) gangguan fungsi
Sediaan :
- Tablet 300mg (slow release), ginjal
450mg (controlled release) - Memerlukan
- Kapsul 150mg, 300mg, 600mg
- Sirup : 8 mEq/5ml pemeriksaan kadar
Cara mengatur dosis : litium darah, fungsi
- Mulai 300mg 2-3 kali sehari dan
naikkan dosis disesuaikan dengan ginjal dan fungsi tiroid
level litium dalam plasma secara berkala.
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Combines' terbaik untuk
respon parsial atau
PEMBERIAN (cont) resistensi terhadap litium :
Cara menghentikan pemberian : - Valproat
- Tapering off bertahap selama 3 - AP atipikal (Risperidon,
bulan untuk mencegah Olanzapin, Quetiapin,
kekambuhan Ziprazidon & Aripiprazol)
- Tapering off terlalu cepat - Lamotrigin
memperbesar risiko kambuh dan - Antidepresan (dengan
bunuh diri peringatan karena
- Gejala-gejala lain akibat antidepresan dapat
penghentian jarang terjadi mendestabilisasi mood
pada pasien tertentu,
termasuk menyebabkan
rapid cycling, dan ide
bunuh diri, secara khusus
Bupropion, juga SSRI &
SNRI, hindari gol MAOI &
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical
application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Efek samping yang mengancam
- Toksisitas litium
Efek Samping yang sering - Gagal ginjal (nefritis
terjadi : interstisial)
• Ataksia, disartria, delirium, - Diabetes insipidus nefrogenik
tremor, gangguan memori - Aritmia, perubahan
• Poliuri, polidipsi (diabetes kardiovaskular, sick sinus
insipidus nefrogenik) syndrome, bradikardi,
 Diare, nausea hipotensi.
 Peningkatan berat badan - Pendataran & inversi
 Goiter-eutiroid atau goiter- gelombang T
hipotiroid, kemungkinan besar - Psudotumor Serebri (Jarang)
dengan peningkatan TSH, dan - Kejang (Jarang)
penurunan level tiroksin
 Akne, ruam, alopesia, Peningkatan berat badan :
Leukositosis - Sering terjadi dan dengan
 Efek samping bertambah peningkatan signifikan
sesuai dosis - Dapat menyebabkan masalah
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and- Berhubungan dengan
practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
peningkatan nafsu makan
EFEK SAMPING (cont) Minum seluruh dosis harian di
malam hari, dengan syarat obat
efektif bekerja sepanjang hari
Sedasi : dengan waktu pemberian ini.
- Dialami cukup sering
dan signifikan Ganti bentuk sediann litium lain
- Dapat membaik seiring (controlled release)
berjalannya waktu
Mengurangi frekuensi pemberian
dari 3 kali sehari menjadi 2 kali
Apa yang harus sehari.
dilakukan jika timbul efek - Jika timbul tanda-tanda toksisitas
samping? : litium  stop obat
- Tunggu - Gejala lambung  diminum
Bersama makanan
- Tunggu - Tremor  hindari kafein
- Tunggu - beralih ke obat yang lain
- Turunkan dosis
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

1. Hubungi dokter layanan primer atau pergi ke

bagian gawat darurat rumah sakit.
2. Litium harus dihentikan
3. Tanda vital dan pemeriksaan neurologis dengan
pemeriksaan status mental lengkap.
4. Periksa kadar litium, elektrolit serum, tes fungsi
ginjal, dan EKG
5. Emesis, cuci lambung, dan absorpsi dengan
arang aktif.
6. Untuk setiap pasien dengan kadar litium serum
lebih dari 4,0 mEq / L. hemodialisis
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Pemeriksaan Lab :
• Sebelum memulai pengobatan, tes • Pemantauan stabil: setiap 6-
fungsi ginjal (termasuk kreatinin dan 12 bulan
berat jenis urin) dan tes fungsi tiroid; • Pemantauan satu kali setelah
EKG untuk pasien di atas 50 tahun perubahan dosis,
• Ulangi tes fungsi ginjal 1-2 kali per penggantian obat lain,
tahun perubahan penyakit (tidak
sebelum 1 minggu)
Tes yang sering dilakukan untuk
• Karena Litium sering
memantau kadar plasma Litium
(sekitar 12 jam setelah dosis terakhir; dikaitkan dengan
umumnya harus antara 1,0 dan penambahan berat badan,
15 mEq / L untuk pengobatan akut, 0,6 sebelum memulai
dan pengobatan, timbang semua
1,2 mEq / L untuk pengobatan kronis) pasien dan tentukan apakah
pasien sudah overweight
Pemantauan awal: setiap 1-2 minggu (BMI 25.0-29.9) atau obese
sampai konsentrasi serum yang
(BMI >30)
diinginkan tercapai, kemudian setiap
Stahl, bulan selama
M. Stahl’s 6 bulan pertama
essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
• Sebelum memberikan obat yang dapat menyebabkan kenaikan
berat badan pada pasien yang overweight atau obesitas,
pertimbangkan untuk menentukan apakah pasien sudah
mengidap pradiabetes (GDP 100-125 mg/dl), diabetes (GDP
>126 mg/dl), atau dislipidemia dan rujuk pasien tersebut untuk
pengobatan, termasuk nutrisi dan manajemen berat badan,
edukasi aktivitas fisik, berhenti merokok, dan manajemen
medis lainnya.
• Pantau berat badan dan BMI selama pengobatan
• Pada pasien yang telah mengalami peningkatan berat badan >
5% dari berat awal, pertimbangkan untuk mengevaluasi
timbulnya pra-diabetes, diabetes, atau dislipidemia, atau
pertimbangkan untuk beralih ke obat berbeda.
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
● Agen anti inflamasi non steroid,
termasuk ibuprofen dan
inhibitor selektif COX-2, ● Acetazolamide,, preparat
dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi xanthine, dan urea dapat
litium plasma; hati-hati pada menurunkan konsentrasi Litium
pasien dalam pengobatan litium plasma
● Diuretik. terutama tiazid, dapat ● CCB, Metildopa, karbamazepin,
meningkatkan konsentrasi dan fenitoin dapat berinteraksi
litium plasma; hati-hati pada dengan litium dan > toksisitas
pasien dalam pengobatan litium ● Penggunaan litium dengan SSRI
● ACE inhibitor dapat dapat meningkatkan risiko pusing,
meningkatkan konsentrasi confusion, diare, agitasi, tremor
litium plasma; hati-hati pada ● Beberapa pasien yang memakai
pasien dalam pengobatan litium haloperidol & Litium dapat
● Metronidazol dapat mengalami sindrom ensefalopati
menyebabkan toksisitas litium yang mirip dengan SNM
melalui penurunan klirens ginjal ● Litium dapat memperpanjang efek
agen penghambat neuromuskuler

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Lansia Jantung/Ginjal
Keamanan dan
efikasi belum Pasien lansia Tidak dianjurkan untuk
direkomendasikan membutuhkan dosis digunakan pada pasien
pada anak di terapeutik lebih rendah. dengan gangguan berat
bawah usia 12 ● Pasien lanjut usia ● Litium dapat
tahun lebih sensitif menyebabkan
● Gunakan terhadap efek perubahan
samping gelombang-T yang
dengan hati-hati reversibel, sinus
● Anak-anak yang Neurotoksisitas,
termasuk delirium bradikardia, sick
lebih kecil sinus syndrome, atau
dan perubahan status
cenderung mental lainnya, heart block
mengalami efek dapat terjadi bahkan ● Beberapa ahli
samping yang lebih pada dosis merekomendasikan
sering dan parah tidak ada modifikasi
● Anak-anak harus terapeutik.
● Bagi lansia kadar dosis untuk laju
lebih sering
litium plasma filtrasi glomerulus
terapeutik (<0,6 (GFR) > 50 ml/min
mEg /})
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Mania “kindle” another episode of mania

Seizure kindle more seizure

Penggunaan antikonvulsan sebagai tx.

• Memblokir voltage sensitive natrium channel
dengan mekanisme yang tidak diketahui
• Meningkatkan konsentrasi GABA DI otak dengan
mekanisme yang tidak diketahui
• Untuk mania akut, efek akan muncul dalam
beberapa hari tergantung pada formulasi obat
• Mungkin membutuhkan waktu beberapa minggu
hingga bulan untuk mencapai efek stabilisasi
mood yang optimal
• Dapat juga mengurangi kejang dan migrain dalam
beberapa minggu
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Waktu paruh terminal 9-16 jam
Dimetabolisme terutama oleh hati,
sekitar 25% bergantung pada sistem
CYP450 (CYP450 2C9 dan 2C19)
Makanan memperlambat laju
penyerapan tetapi tidak mengurangi
kadar yang diserap
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Mempengaruhi kanal sensitif Na+

 Aktivitas Inhibisi oleh GABA

Regulasi kaskade transduksi sinyal

Interaksi dengan kanal sensitif Ca2+

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Menghambat influx sodium

 Mengurangi eksitasi glutamate
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

 Meningkatkan pengeluaran
 Menghambat reuptake GABA
 Memperlambat inaktivasi
metabolisme GABA

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Biasanya Diresepkan untuk
 Mania akut (divalproex) dan episode campuran (divalproex,
divalproex ER)
 Kejang parsial kompleks yang terjadi baik sendiri-sendiri atau
berhubungan dengan jenis kejang lain (monoterapi dan
 Kejang sederhana dan complex (monoterapi dan tambahan)
 Jenis kejang multipel, termasuk kejang absan (adju nctive)
 Profilaks migrain adalah (diva lproex, divalproex ER, asam valproik
tertunda · pelepasan)
 Perawatan pemeliharaan gangguan bipolar
 Depresi bipolar
 Psikosis, skizofrenia (tambahan)
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Bentuk Sediaan
• Tablet Slow Release, sebagai natrium
divalproex (Depakote) 125 mg, 250 mg,
500 mg Rentang Dosis
• Tablet Extended Release, sebagai • Mania: 1.200-1.500 mg / hari
natrium divalproex (Depakote ER) 250 • Migrain: 500-1.000 mg / hari
mg, 500 mg • Epilepsi: 10-60 mg / kg per hari
• Kapsul Sprinkle, sebagai natrium
divalproex (Depakote Sprinkle)] 125 mg
• Kapsul sebagai asam valproat 250 mg
• Kapsul Slow Release, sebagai asam
valproic 125 mg, 250 mg, 500 mg
• Injeksi sebagai sodium valproat 100
mg / ml (5 ml)
• Sirup sebagai sodium valproat 250 mg /

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
• Migrain (dewasa): awal 500 mg / hari;
Bagaimana Mengatur Dosis dosis maksimum yang direkomendasikan
• Dosis awal yang biasa 1.000 mg / hari
direkomendasikan untuk mania atau • Epilepsi (dewasa): awal 10-15 mg / kg
epilepsi adalah 15 mg / kg dalam 2 per hari; ditingkatkan 5-10 mg / kg per
dosis terbagi (sekali sehari untuk minggu; Dosis maksimum umumnya 60
pelepasan valproat yang mg / kg per hari
diperpanjang) Penggunaan Jangka Panjang
• Mania akut (dewasa): awal 1.000 mg • Memerlukan pemeriksaan fungsi hati dan
/ jumlah trombosit secara teratur
hari; tingkatkan dosis dengan cepat; Bagaimana cara menghentikan
Dosis maksimum umumnya 60 mg / pemberian
kg per hari. • Tapering; mungkin perlu menyesuaikan
Untuk mania yang tidak terlalu akut, dosis obat yang di minum bersamaan.
bisa dimulai pada 250-500 mg hari • Pasien mungkin mengalami gejala putus
pertama, dan kemudian naikkan dosis zat, terutama jika putus obat tiba-tiba.
sesuai toleransi • Penghentian cepat meningkatkan risiko
kekambuhan pada gangguan bipolar
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
EFEK SAMPING Peningkatan berat badan :
• Sering terjadi
Bagaimana Obat Menyebabkan Efek • Menjadi masalah kesehatan pada
Samping beberapa pasien
• Efek samping SSP dikaitkan dengan Sedasi:
mekanisme kerja obat pada voltage • Sering terjadi
sensitive Natrium channel • Beberapa pasien mungkin tidak
Efek Samping yang sering terjadi: menyukainya
• Sedasi, tremor (terkait dosis), pusing, • Dapat berkurang seiring waktu
ataksia, astenia, nyeri kepala • Dapat muncul kembali saat dosis
• Nyeri perut, mual, muntah, diare, nafsu ditingkatkan dan kemudian berkurang
makan berkurang, konstipasi, seiring waktu
dispepsia, penambahan berat badan
• Alopecia (jarang) Apa yang Harus Dilakukan jika timbul
• Ovarium polikistik (kontroversial) ESO
• Hiperandrogenisme, hiperinsulinemia, • Tunggu
dislipidemia (kontroversial) • Tunggu
• Kepadatan mineral tulang menurun • Tunggu
(kontroversial) • Konsumsi pada malam hari untuk
mengurangi sedasi di siang hari,
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: terutama dengan divalproex ER
neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge
University Press, 2013
• Kurangi dosis
• Beralih ke obat lain
Efek Samping yang Mengancam nyawa atau

• Dapat menyebabkan takikardia atau bradikardia

• Hepatotoksisitas yang jarang terjadi bila pasien
mengalami gagal hati terkadang parah dan fatal,
khususnya anak di bawah 2 tahun
• Pankreatitis (jarang), terkadang fatal
• Kondisi dermatologis yang jarang tetapi mengancam
nyawa yang dikenal sebagai Reaksi Obat dengan
Eosinofilia (DRESS)
• Aktivasi yang jarang dari ide dan perilaku bunuh diri

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
Mania “kindle” another episode of mania

Seizure kindle more seizure

Penggunaan antikonvulsan sebagai tx.

Memblokir voltage sensitive natrium channel dengan
mekanisme yang tidak diketahui
• Meningkatkan konsentrasi GABA DI otak dengan
mekanisme yang tidak diketahui
• Untuk mania akut, efek akan muncul dalam beberapa
hari tergantung pada formulasi obat
• Mungkin membutuhkan waktu beberapa minggu hingga
bulan untuk mencapai efek stabilisasi mood yang
• Dapat juga mengurangi kejang dan migrain dalam
beberapa minggu
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
• Waktu paruh terminal 9-16 jam
• Dimetabolisme terutama oleh hati,
sekitar 25% bergantung pada sistem
CYP450 (CYP450 2C9 dan 2C19)
• Makanan memperlambat laju
penyerapan tetapi tidak mengurangi
kadar yang diserap
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Mempengaruhi kanal sensitif Na+

 Aktivitas Inhibisi oleh GABA

Regulasi kaskade transduksi sinyal

Interaksi dengan kanal sensitif Ca2+

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Menghambat influx sodium

 Mengurangi eksitasi glutamate

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

 Meningkatkan pengeluaran GABA

 Menghambat reuptake GABA
 Memperlambat inaktivasi metabolisme

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013

Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge University Press, 2013
INTERAKSI OBAT● Valproate menghambat
metabolisme etosuksimida,
● Dosis lamotrigin harus dikurangi hingga
fenobarbital, dan fenitoin, dan
50% jika digunakan dengan valproate,
karena valproate menghambat metabolisme dengan demikian dapat
lamotrigin dan meningkatkan kadar meningkatkan kadar plasmnya.
larnotrigin plasma, sehingga meningkatkan ● Penggunaan valproate dengan
risiko ruam klonazepam dapat menyebabkan
● Kadar valproat dalam plasma dapat absence status epilepticus
diturunkan oleh karbamazepin, fenitoin, ● Terdapat laporan hiperamonemia
etosuksimid, fenobarbital.& rifampisin dengan atau tanpa ensefalopti pada
● Aspirin dapat menghambat
● metabolisme valproat dan meningkatkan
pasien yang meminum kombinasi
kadar valproat plasma topiramate dengan valproate,
● juga dapat ditingkatkan oleh felbamat, meskipun hal ini bukan karena
klorpromazin, fluoxetine, fluvoxamine, interaksi farmakokinetik; sehingga
topirarnate. simetidin, eritromisin, dan pada pasien yang menderita
ibuprofen lethargy yang tidak dapat
● Kadar valproat dalam plasma dijelaskan, vomitus, atau
perubahan status mental, kadar
amonia harus diukur
Stahl, Stephen M. Stahl’s essential psychopharmacology:
neuroscientific basis and practical application. 4th ed, Cambridge
University Press, 2013
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