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•The push or pull on an object with mass

causes it to change its velocity.
•strength or energy as an attribute of
physical action or movement.
•Force is an external agent capable of
changing a body's state of rest or motion.
• It has a magnitude and a direction.
F = ma
F = force in Newton (kg.m/s2)
m = mass in kg
a = acceleration in m/s2

•Contact Force
•Contact Force is the interaction between
objects that touch physically in contact
•Contact force occurs due to the contact
between two different objects.
Two Main Types of Force

•Non-contact Force
• Non-contact Force is the force between
two objects that are not in physical
• Forces that attract or repel even from a
Types of Contact Force
1. Applied Force a force that is applied to an object by a
person or another object.
2. Spring Force it is stretched or compressed.
3. Drag Force is the resistance force of a fluid. This force
applies acting opposite towards the motion of the object
which is moving submerge in a certain fluid.
4. Frictional Force is the force that resists motion when the
surface of one object comes in contact with the surface of
5.Normal Force is the force that surfaces exert to prevent solid objects
from passing through each other.
6. Tension Force can be defined as an action-reaction pair of forces
acting at each end of the said elements.
7. Buoyancy Force is the upward force exerted on an object wholly or
partly immersed in a fluid. This upward force is also called Upthrust.
Due to the buoyant force, a body submerged partially or fully in a fluid
appears to lose its weight
Types of Non-Contact Force
1. Magnetic Force is a consequence of the electromagnetic
force, it is caused by the motion of charges.
2. Electric Force is the repulsive or attractive interaction
between any two charged bodies
3. Gravitational Force pulls objects with mass toward each
other. It is an attractive force between masses.
4. Nuclear Force is a force that acts between hadrons, most
commonly observed between protons and neutrons of

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