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Research involves undertaking systematic procedures to
find out about business and management issues (Saunders
et al.,1997)
A systematic study of materials and sources in order to
establish facts and reach new conclusions (Oxford English
Dictionary, 2007).
‘Systematic’ suggests that research is based on logical
relationship and not just beliefs (Ghauri et al., 1995)
The goal is to expand the known frontier and reduce the
unknown part.
Research has a clear purpose generating new knowledge.
What is Research cont’d
‘Finding out’ suggests a multiplicity of possible purposes of
your research e.g describing, explaining, criticising,
analysing, understanding, exploring e.t.c
The goal is to expand the known knowledge frontier and
reduce the unknown part.
Research has a clear purpose generating new knowledge.
Is systematic and orderly.
The role of research knowledge
Is instrumental in problem resolution
Key tool in decision making
Essential to inform us:
- what we should do,
- How well we will do it,
- How well we have done it.
The need for research knowledge
Contribute to betterment of some situation (‘’ Our
responsibility is to do what we can, learn what we can,
come up with solutions, pass them on’’, Feyman, 1997 )
Research utilisation
Fighting competition
Placing products in the market
Forms of promotion to use
Producing new products
Recruitment of employees
Business expansion
Any other production, marketing, management,
leadership and motivation decisions.
Role of research knowledge cont’d
To review existing knowledge,
To describe some situation or problem,
To construct something novel/ new,
To explain why things are the way they are,
To solve problems,
To explore ideas,
To verify or check facts.
Relevance of Research
Does the research have meaning?
Was the research done before?
Were the findings and recommendations insightful?
Is there any value addition in the study?
If important, how and to whom?

 There shall be a detailed discussion on validity and

reliability of research later.
Outsourcing vs Own Research
 Outsourcing of Research – this is where a research is
carried out by other people outside the organization.
Mainly through research consultancy, research expertise,
research companies, etc
 Own Research:- is where the organisation may have its
own internal research unit or department responsible for
carrying out research.
These are the people who are specifically employed for
carrying out research
Qn: With reference to specific examples, discuss why
some organisations outsource research?
Research methodology vs Research
 Research methodology is the study of the general approach used in a

scientific enquiry.

 It involves two key processes:

i. Process of confirmation to establish the reliability of knowledge.

ii. Process of discovery to create new knowledge.

 Research methods are specific tools, techniques, or procedures

applied to achieve a research objective e.g regression analysis,
mathematical analysis, use of theoretical models, sample surveys

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