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Name : Muhammad Irfan maulana (19)

Class : Xll IPS 4

Review text is a review text that provides an

assessment of a product, service or work.
Generic Structure of Review Text
1. Introduction
2. Evaluation
3. Interpretative
4. Evaluative Summation /
Characteristics of Review Text
1. Contains opinions whose subjective nature depends on the
author's (personal) point of view.
2. Can give preference to readers

Parasite (2019) is a South Korean movie which tells about the

difference of social class in society. The story is about two
different families whose social status are very different.

This film is considered as a great film that it wins Palme d' Or at

Cannes film festival. Director Bong Joon-Ho takes us to live the
life of a poor Ki-Taek's family, then asks us to see how luxury
Mr. Park's family is. At first, Parasite presents social inequality
with comedy. However, the climax will got us into a thrill.

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