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Failure of Proton-Electron


Created by - Abhinav Bijla

Class - BSc. IIIrd year
Course Name - Nuclear and Particle Physics
Class Roll.No. - 2011563
Univ. Roll.No. - 2200310016
Date of Submission - 21-03-2023
At the time when the nucleus was
discovered by Rutherford, only two atomic particles,
proton, and electron were known.
It seemed plausible to consider the atom as
consisting of a nucleus made up of A protons
and A−Z electrons, with Z additional electrons outside
the nucleus to make the entire atom electrically neutral.

The proton-electron hypothesis seemed to be consistent with the emission of alpha

and beta particles by atoms of radioactive substances. Since it was assumed that the
nucleus contained electrons, the explanation of beta decay was no problem. It also
seemed reasonable that an alpha particle could be formed, in the nucleus, by the
combination of four protons and two electrons.
Causes of failure :

1. Violation of the Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle :

Although the proton-electron hypothesis was satisfactory in some respects,

it led to serious difficulties and had to be given up. One of the most serious difficulties arose
f r o m H e i s e n b e r g ’s u n c e r t a i n t y p r i n c i p l e i n q u a n t u m m e c h a n i c s .
If the electron has to be within the nucleus, then its de-Broglie wavelength had to be of the order
of the size of the nucleus.
Since the size of a nucleus is in the order of 1 fermi so we can write the uncertainty in the position
of the electron as,

∆x = 10−15 m

Now if Δp is the uncertainty in momentum,

t h e n f r o m t h e H e i s e n b e rg u n c e r t a i n t y p r i n c i p l e ,
∆ p × ∆x ≥
That is;

= 9 8 . 7 M e V / c​
Now from the formula;
E 2 =(pc) 2 (m 0 c 2 ) 2 ​
The energy of the electron correspondence to this uncertainty in momentum is;

≈ 98.7 MeV​
And the Kinetic energy of the electron will be:
K = E – m0C2
= 98.7 MeV−0.511 MeV
≈ 98.2 MeV​
And finally, the speed of the electron is calculated as
≈ 20 c​
So, the confinement of an electron to a space as small as the nucleus would result in the
circumstance that the electron’s speed would be around 20 times the speed of light, which is
not possible according to special relativity theory.
2. Violation of the Angular Momentum Coupling Rule :

It was also observed that the proton-electron hypothesis violates the angular
momentum coupling rule. Let’s understand it by taking an example of the deuteron. The
deuteron is the nucleus of one of the isotopes of Hydrogen, Deuterium.

The deuteron has, A = 2 and Z = 1.

So from the proton-electron hypothesis,
there would be two protons and one electron.
Since proton and electron both have spin = ± ℏ which can simply be written
as ± because in natural unit ℏ =1 so, for the proton and electron, we have spin =
±. Here + sign is for the spin along the +z-axis and the – sign is for the –z-axis.

When you add the spin vectors of

two protons and one electron then
the possible spins of deuteron would
be either ±​ or ± . But the measured
ground state spin of the deuteron
is calculated as +1.
And it is also a measure problem
for the proton-electron hypothesis.
3. Wrong Calculation of Magnetic Moment Value of Nuclei :

Now let’s prove the proton-electron hypothesis wrong by calculating

the magnetic moment value of the nucleus.
The magnetic moment of the electron is;

The magnetic moment of the proton is;

≈ 1836

= 1836
Since the mass of the proton is almost 1836 times the mass of the
electron. So, the magnetic moment of the electron would be
almost 1836 times the magnetic moment of the proton.

Now, if an electron would exist in the nucleus then

the nuclear magnetic moment would be of the order of the
magnetic moment of the electron but the measured magnetic
moment of nuclei is very much less than the magnetic moment of
the electron. Thus the electron cannot reside inside the nucleus.

Also, the presence of some electrons in the nucleus

and rest as peripheral around the nucleus exhibit the dual role of
electrons in an atomic structure which is difficult to understand.

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