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Mughal Miniature Painting: The art of miniature painting

flourished during the Humayun era. Artists like Mir Sayyid
Ali and Khwaja Abd al-Samad were present at the court.
These miniature paintings often depicted court scenes,
battles, and portraits of rulers.

Influence of Persian Art: The Mughals had strong

connections with Persian culture, and this influence is
evident in their art. Persian elements, such as the use of
bright colors, intricate designs, and detailed depiction of
flora and fauna, were incorporated into Mughal artworks

Humayun's Tomb: One of the most significant architectural

achievements of the era is Humayun's Tomb in Delhi. Built
in 1569-1570, it is considered a precursor to the Taj Mahal
and is a fine example of Mughal architecture. The tomb's
design incorporates Persian and Indian elements and features
a charbagh (quadrilateral garden) layout.

Sher Mandal: Originally built as a personal library for

Humayun, the Sher Mandal in Delhi is another architectural
gem from this period. It later served as the observatory from
where Humayun fell to his death.

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