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My Fridge

By: Alexys
Kitchen Counter/Pantry:
Why I Placed Foods In Certain Areas Of My Fridge
Top Shelf (cooked rice & cooked corn) - I put the pre-cooked food on top because it’ll
stay far away from the uncooked foods which have a chance of contaminating it such as
raw meat.

Middle Shelf (yogurt, milk, cheese & raw eggs) - I put all the dairy products together for
one, it stays separated from the raw meat and the middle level is the 2nd coldest area in
the fridge, necessary to keep dairy products fresher.

Bottom Shelf (raw chicken, raw pork ribs & raw bacon) - I kept the raw meat at the
bottom so that no cross contamination happens, it would also be safe to make sure the raw
meats are wrapped or stored in something.
Drawer #1 (lettuce & cucumbers) - I put all my vegetables in one drawer because it helps
them stay fresh way longer since in some fridges you can adjust the temperature in each

Drawer #2 (pineapples & strawberries) - Again, just like the vegetables, by putting them in
the drawer with adjustable temperatures, you can keep it fresh longer

Bread - In the pantry on a shelf

Potatoes - Left in the bag and put in the pantry

Unripe Bananas & Avocados - Left on counter in a bowl/stand for fruits

Hot sauce - Outside on counter to keep at room temperature and keep the taste

Chips - In pantry maybe in a box or have a specialized shelf for it

- My fridge does have 50% fruits &
- My fridge does not contain the
recommended amount of whole
- My fridge almost contains 25%
protein but if we include the dairy
products then it has way more

2 Things I Need To Change

1. Since i need more grains i could

add quinoa, lentils and
2. I could add another meat product so
that it can reach 25%, i enjoy eating
3. Even though I have enough fruits
and vegetables I think adding more
would be good so I can alternate
what fruits and vegetables i eat

Complex Carbohydrates - Cucumber, bread, potatoes

Simple Carbohydrates - White rice, fruit juices, milk, pineapple, strawberries,
Complete Proteins - Yogurt, eggs, cheese, bacon, pork, chicken
Incomplete Proteins -
Saturated Fats - Butter, chips
Unsaturated Fats - Avocado
Other: Corn (fiber), Lettuce (vitamins), hot sauce (water&spice), condiments
(can contain all 3 sometimes), pickles(sodium)
Nutrition Content - Strawberries
The major nutrients in strawberries is Excess of carbohydrates:
simple carbohydrates.
- Liver & muscles store more glucose
Function: Helps you be more energized - Can turn into fat
throughout the day - Gaining more weight
- Higher chance for heart disease or
Benefits: It improves your brain strength,
digestion and controls your blood sugar
Deficiency of carbohydrates:
Micronutrients: Vitamin C which helps
strengthen your skin, bones, cartilage, etc - Lack of energy
and manganese which has almost the same - Weakens body
benefits as vitamin C but additionally it - Begin to lose weight
also helps with healing injuries. - Trouble when concentrating
Nutrition Content #2 - Chicken
The major nutrients in chicken is complete Excess of protein:
- Dehydration
Function: Help restore the tissues and - Can lead to your kidneys failing
muscles in your body - More chances of getting heart diseases
- Problems in your digestive system
Benefits: Keeps immune system healthy,
regulates your weight and gives you energy Deficiency of protein:
Micronutrients: Vitamin B6 which helps - Weakening muscles
with the development of your brain, making - Growth problems
red blood cells, reducing nausea and more. - Poor immune system
Zinc is also a micronutrient which helps with - Liver damage
personal growth, healthy immune system,
healthy eyes and skin.
Food Advertising #1 - Rice
In the advertisement for this products I see
Brand Name: India Gate Pure Basmati Rice
that they titles the page as “Eid Mubarak”
Product Name: White rice and rice is a very common but also cultural
food in a way, also, when advertising the
Net Price: $15.58
prices, in a small font they list the actual
Price: $15.99 price under the name of the products, and in
a big red circle they mention the price after
Advertisement: (Page 17)
taking away $4, as the rice is on sale.
70ac483de6e8f146aa8a44d0becc9088/root/ I think this advertising technique is
flyer.pdf effective since not many people would
necessarily read the little box saying the
product name, so the focus is more of the
red circle.
Food Advertising #2 - Yogurt
Brand Name: Danone Activia To advertise this product they didn't include
the original price, instead they mentioned
Product Name: Strawberry and Vanilla
that it was $1 cheaper than the original
price and they displayed the discounted
Net Amount: $5.83 price

Price: $5.49 I’m not to sure if this advertisement

technique would be effective or not, I feel
Advertisement: (Page 3)
like if someone were to see it they’d only
look at the discounted price instead of
seeing how you save one dollar, which yes
it is good but once you add the taxes the
price doesn’t change much
Food Advertising #3 - Corn
Brand Name: No Name The corn was listed under “Dad’s BBQ
Day”, Which makes sense as fathers day is
Product Name: Corn Tray
coming up soon, I also see that they said
Net Amount: $6.48 when you buy 1 pack of the product, you
receive 50 scene points
Price: $4.99
I think this advertisement is effective
Advertisement: (Page
because they used upcoming holidays to
promote the food as well as made a deal by
giving scene points to anyone who bought
the product.
Food Labeling - Bread
Food Labeling - Bread

1. Company: The brand name is Country Harvest and you can buy it from
2. Product Name: Herb & Garlic sliced Bread
3. Seeing that there’s seeds on the crust of the bread lead me to think it’s
healthy since it has many benefits for your body and the package also says
the bread is baked with whole grains which is also healthy
4. To indicate the serving size, it tells you how many grams are in 1 slice of the
bread, specifically they are 80 grams per 2 slices
5. If I ate 2 servings of this bread, i’d be getting 200 calories
Nutrients in this product
- There’s 10 g of protein, ingredients that would provide this are wheat gluten
and sesame seeds
- There’s 3 g of fibre and this can come from whole grain wheat flour and
wheat bran
- There’s 75 mg of calcium and this can come from whole grain wheat flour
and sesame seeds
- There’s 3 g of sugar and this can come from the sugar in the product, there’s
a small possibility that it can also be from the roasted garlic and dried onion
- There’s 2.5 g of fat and this can come from vegetable oil and sesame seeds
- There’s no vitamin C
Continuation of questions

7. This allergens that this bread contains is wheat, soy and sesame seeds
8. Whole grain wheat flour can be healthy since it lowers cholesterol, helps with
your digestive system and reduces chances of getting an illness. Sesame seeds are
also healthy because it helps with your cell growth as well as digesting and it also
contains many nutrients such as protein, magnesium, calcium and way more.
9. Technically all the ingredients in this recipe aren’t necessarily unhealthy unless
your allergic to something, however, some of the ingredients such as vegetable
oil, sugar, calcium propionate and sorbic acid can be bad if you have to much. It
can overall lead to issues with your health.
Continuation of questions

10. I believe that this specific type of bread would be a healthy snack choice
because it contains a lot of nutrients that is required daily for a human being, on
top of that bread is a light snack that doesnt fill you up to much and you can do
so much with it like making a sandwich, a breakfast sandwich, or even eat it with
something else that's good for you such as eggs, avocado, chicken and more.
11. The product itself does not have any contact information for the company but
looking on the walmart website it says in the description that if we have any
questions, to get in touch with the manufacturer.
Environmental Responsibilities
1. When making or taking out food, making sure I don’t waste any food helps the
environment because it won’t create any heat that affects climate change
2. When storing food in the fridge I can use reusable containers instead of plastic
because it can end up in the ocean and affect marine life and their habitat
3. Keeping food in their proper places in the the kitchen is also important because
it’ll keep the food fresh longer and you won’t have to throw it out if it gets
4. When shopping for food, using reusable bags are good for the environment
because again, the plastic bags can end up anywhere and effect animals and their
5. Growing my own vegetables is good because that means less fossil fuels will be
used for transportation when going to a grocery store
I enjoyed this class a lot, it was a really relaxing course and it allowed be to be less stressed
with other subjects, it was like a time to enjoy food and collaborate with other classmates.
One thing i’ll remember from this class is the fun times I had cooking with my friends and all
the jokes we would make in class. One thing I would do differently is try joining other
cooking groups from time to time so I can work with other people who have different cooking
strategies but I will always make sure that the whole group stays on task and if someone isn’t
doing anything, i’ll take matters into my own hands to get the job done. In conclusion I think
you were an amazing teacher, you engaged with your students, made learning fun with hands
on activities and allowed students to take breaks when they needed it, you cared about the
feelings of others and not just education and you also enjoyed having one on one personal
conversations with students.

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