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Kinds of Property

Dhruba Koirala
National Law College
Kinds of Property

Kinds of Property, as per Salmond:
1. Corporeal
a. Movable
2. Incorporeal
a. Jura in re aliena
i. Securities: Mortgage and Lien
ii. Servitude
b.Jura in re Propria
i. Patent
ii. Copyright

Kinds of Property (on the ground of various Jurists):
1. On the basis of nature of existence and corporeality:
a.Corporeal property
b.Incorporeal property
2.On the basis of Movability of Property:
a.Movable property
b.Immovable property
3. On the basis of English Legal Development:
a.Real property
b.Personal Property

a. Corporeal Property:
 Corporeal property means material things or
objects which is physically and tangibly
existed in a material world.
 Corporeal property can also be called as
tangible or material property. It relates to
material objects for example, movables things,
land and all things permanently attached to it.
 It may be both movable and immovable.

b. Incorporeal Property:
 Incorporeal property is divided into two kinds:
i. Rights in re aliena: Some important rights of
this class are: Securities, servitude, lease and
ii. Intellectual property:

(a)Mortgage: if a debtor gives the whole or any
portion of an immovable property in which the
debtor has title, ownership or possession to a
creditor in consideration of a loan which the
debtor borrows from the creditor, by executing a
deed entitling the creditor to possess that
property with effect from the date of execution of
the deed or after a certain period, such property is
deemed to be given in mortgage-;fx";Fu C0f lnP
afkt s;}n] cfˆgf] xs, :jfldTj jf ef]usf] crn ;DklQ jf
To;sf] s'g} c+z lnvt ePsf] ldlt jf lglZrt ;dofjlw kZrft\
ef]u ug{ kfpg] u/L ;fx"nfO{ lbPsf]df To:tf] ;DklQ
aGwsLdf lbPsf] dflgG5 _. 7
In Nepalese context, it may be mortgage with
possession, mortgage without possession and
re-mortgage.-ef]uaGwsL, b[li6aGwsL tyf
Where the deed provides that the creditor is
entitled to possess the property mortgaged
with immediate effect at the time of lending
or after a certain period, such a mortgage is
deemed to be mortgage with possession.
aGwsLdf lbPsf] ;DklQ ;fx"n] C0f lb+bfs} avt jf
s'g} lglZrt ;dofjlw kl5 ef]u ug{ kfpg] Joj:yf
ePsf]df ef]uaGwsL lbPsf] dflgG5 . ………
Likewise, where the deed provides that the
creditor is entitled to possess the property in
the event of the debtor’s failure to make
repayment of the loan within the deadline set
by the creditor, such a mortgage is deemed to
be a mortgage without possession. C0f r'Qmf
ug{ ;fx" c;fdLn] lgwf{/0f u/]sf] efvfleq c;fdLn]
C0f r'Qmf gu/]sf] cj:yfdf ef]u ug{ kfpg] Joj:yf
ePsf]df b[li6aGwsL lbPsf] dflgG5 .

 If a person who has acquired a property in
mortgage or any part thereof remortgages such
property to another person in consideration for an
amount which is equivalent to, or lesser than the
amount mentioned in the mortgage deed, in such a
case a re-mortgage is deemed to be created. In other
words, remortgage over the mortgage with possesion
is itself re-mortgage. s;}n] aGwsLdf lnPsf] ;DklQ jf
To;sf] s'g} c+z ;f] ;DaGwL lnvtdf pNn]v ePsf] /sd a/fa/ jf
;f]eGbf sd /sd lnO{ cGo s;}nfO{ k'gM aGwsLdf lbg ;Sb5
/ To;/L k'gM aGwsLdf lbPsf]df nvaGwsL lbPsf] dflgG5 .
csf]{ zAbdf eGg'kbf{ ef]uaGwsL dfly k'gM ul/Psf]
aGwsL g} nvaGwsL xf] .
(b) Lien -u|x0fflwsf/_: It is the holding right of a
person (creditor) over the security/collateral.
As per Salmond, Lien applies to only movable
property. For ex: right of company to forfeit
the unpaid share.
Black’s Law: Lien: A legal right that a creditor
has in another's property, lasting usually until
a debt or duty that it secures is satisfied.
Typically, the creditor does not take
possession of the property on which the lien
has been obtained.

Servitude: Servitude is the right to use other's property under
law.;'lawfef/ eg]sf] csf{sf] ;DklQ sfg"gsf] clwgdf /xL cfkm"n] k|of]u
ug{ kfpg] ;'lawfsf] clwsf/ xf] .
If there is a provision entitling the owner of an immovable
property to enjoy or use any immovable property or any part
thereof in which another person has title, ownership or
possession, a servitude shall be deemed to have been created.
Servitude would not be applied in case of movable properties.
Servitude would be applied in the context of contract, nature of
place of immovable properties, usages and customs remained
from ancient time. s;}sf] xs, :jfldTj jf ef]urngdf /x]sf] s'g} crn ;DklQ
jf To;sf] s'g} c+z csf]{ crn ;DklQsf] wgLn] ef]urng jf k|of]u ug{ kfpg]
ePsf]df ;'ljwfef/sf] Joj:yf ePsf] dflgG5 . ;'ljwfef/ rn ;DklQdf nfu"
x'Fb}g . s/f/, crn ;DklQ /x]sf] 7fpFsf] k|s[lt, k|yf jf k/fk"j{sfnb]lv
rlncfPsf] cEof; adf]lhd g} ;'ljwfef/sf] Joj:yf sfod x'G5 .
Lease: If any person gives any other person any goods under
his/her title and ownership to use and enjoy benefits to be
derived therefrom for a certain period for getting rent regularly,
it shall be deemed to have concluded a lease contract. In lease
contract, there shall be two parties, viz. the lessor and lessee.
Person, who gives goods under his/her title and ownership, is
called lessor and person, who takes other's property in lease, is
lessee. During lease period, lessor shall get rent and lessee shall
enjoy the goods as his own. Under such contract only possession
rather than ownership shall be transferred. s'g} JolQmn] cfˆgf] xs
tyf :jfldTjdf /x]sf] s'g} j:t' csf]{ JolQmnfO{ lgoldt axfn kfpg] zt{df
s'g} lglZrt cjlwsf nflu ef]urng ug{ To;af6 k|fKt x'g] nfe k|of]u
ug{ lbg] u/L s/f/ ePsf]df lnh s/f/ ePsf] dflgG5 . lnh cjlwe/ lnh bftfn]
axfn /sd kfpF5 eg] lnhk|fKt stf{n] lnh s/f/sf] clwgdf /xL lnhdf lnPsf]
j:t' cfˆg} ;/x pkef]u ug{ kfpF5 . o:tf] s/f/af6 :jfldTj x:tfGt/0f
geO{ ef]uflwsf/ dfq x:tfGt/0f ePsf] dflgG5 .
 Trust: Guthi as the properties that are separated to carryout
religious and philanthropic activities or the properties
separated to run such organization. Persons involved in
trust or members of trust or members of trust managing
board are trustees and persons for whose benefit the trust
has been established are called beneficiaries. Ownership of
trust properties shall remain under the title of trustee and
beneficiaries are regarded as their de facto owner. wfld{s jf
k/f]ksf/L sfo{ ug{sf lgldQ /flvPsf] ;DklQ jf To:tf] ;+:yf rnfpgsf
nflu /flvPsf] ;DklQ g} u'7L xf] . u'7Ldf ;lDdlnt JolQm jf u'7L
leqsf ;b:o jf u'7L ;+rfnsnfO{ u'l7of/ elgG5 eg] h;sf] lxtsf] nflu
u'7L ;+rfng ul/Psf] xf], To:tf JolQmnfO{ lxtflwsf/L elgG5 .
u'7Lsf] ;DklQsf] :jfldTj u'7Lof/df x'G5 eg] lxtflwsf/Lx? rflx+
jf:tljs :jfdL ePsf] dflgG5 .
 If a person makes necessary arrangements for the
operation and management of a property in which
the person has right, ownership and possession by
another for the benefit of beneficiary, a trust shall
be deemed to be established. s;}n] cfˆgf] xs,
ef]u / :jfldTjsf] ;DklQ lxtu|fxLsf] nflu c? s;}af6 ;~rfng /
Joj:yfkg ug]{ u/L cfjZos aGbf]a:t u/]sf]df u'7L :yfkgf
ePsf] dflgG5 .

ii. Intellectual property: IP is an intangible property. It is
creation of anything, which emanates from human
mind. IPRs are rights given to persons over the creation
of their minds.
 IPRs give the creator right to prevent others from
making unauthorized use of their property for a limited
 IP is categorized as Industrial Property such as Patents,
Industrial Designs, Trade Marks, Geographical
Indications, Trade Secrets etc, and Copyright & Related
rights. Moreover, because of the technological
developments some hybrid sui generis systems such as
Plant Breeder’s Right, Layout-design of Integrated
Circuits etc are emerging.
Patent: A patent concerns the protection of
Inventions, that is a product or process that offers
a new way to the solution of the technical
problem. It is a monopoly right granted to a
person who has invented a new and useful article
or an improvement of an existing article or a new
process of making an article.
Design: Design protection relates to the protection
of ornamental or aesthetic part of an article but
not its technical aspect. Ex: bottle of Coca Cola.
Visual aspect is the subject of protection.

Trademark: A Trademark is a sign which serves to
distinguish the goods and /or services of one
enterprise from those of other enterprise. It may
consists of a word, a logo, a device, a slogan,
numbers, colors, sounds, etc.
Copyright: It is a legal term that describes the right
given to the creators of a broad range of literary &
artistic works. It is a protection system that
covers published and unpublished works,
whatever the form of expression provided such
works are fixed in a tangible or material form.
Copyright provides exclusive rights to the
creators to use or to authorize to use their works.
2. On the basis of Movability of Property:
a. Movable property: Movable property means all
property that is not attached to land but are
movable from one place to another.
b. Immovable property: Immovable property means
and includes land, buildings, things permanently
attached to the land and all things planted on the

3. On the basis of English Legal Development: Real
and Personal Property
 This division of property has been recognized in
English law.
 The law of real property is similar to that of land
or real estate (immovable) and everything else is
personal property.
 Personal property can be both tangible and

Nepalese Context:
As per Constitution of Nepal 2072, explanation given by
Article 25, “property” means all type of movable and
immovable property and the word also includes IP.
Property Tax Act 2047 ;DklQ s/ P]g @)$&: Property means
those in the form of cash or goods and all movable
immovable property that can be transferred from one person
to another and the word also includes the taxpayer’s bank
account and investment made. gubL jf lhG;Lsf] ¿kdf
/x]sf / :jfldTj x:tfGt/0f ug{ ;lsg] ;a} lsl;dsf rn crn ;DklQ ;D´g'
k5{ / ;f] zAbn] s/bftfsf] a}+s Psfp06 / nufgLnfO{ ;d]t hgfpF5 .
Muluki Dewani Sanhita 2074: section 252: A property shall be
deemed to be in either movable or immovable form
irrespective of its material or non-material, tangible or
intangible form.
Nepalese Context:
 While going through the Nepalese laws, we find the following types
of property:
a. On the basis of Movability of Property: (Muluki Dewani Sanhita
2074: section 252, 253, 254)
1. Movable, rn ;DklQ
2. Immovable, crn ;DklQ
b. On the basis of ownership: :jfldTjsf] cfwf/df ;DklQsf] juL{s/0fM
(Muluki Dewani Sanhita 2074: section 255)
1. Private property, lghL ;DklQ
2. Property in common, ;uf]nsf] ;DklQ
3. Joint property, ;+o'Qm ;DklQ
4. Community property, ;fd'bflos ;DklQ
5. Public property, ;fj{hlgs ;DklQ
6. Government property, ;/sf/L ;DklQ
7. Trust property, u'7Lsf] ;DklQ
1. Movable property: (Muluki Dewani Sanhita: section 254)
i. Cash or goods which can be transacted as cash or foreign
ii. Gold, silver, ornaments etc.
iii.Goods that can be moved from one place to another,
iv.Bond, security, promissory note, bill of exchange, letter of
credit or other negotiable instrument, C0fkq, lwtf]kq, k|lt1fkq,
ljlgdokq, k|tLtkq jf cGo ljlgd]o clwsf/kq
v. Intellectual property,
vi.Right in security, lwtf]df /x]sf] xs
vii.Trade good-will or franchise, Jofkfl/s VoftL jf k+]mGrfO{h
viii.Property other than the immovable property.
2. Immovable property: (Muluki Dewani Sanhita: section 253)
i. Building or land or structure fixed thereto,
ii. Any goods attached to a building or land permanently,
iii.Mines, stones or minerals embedded in land, hldg;Fu cfj4 /x]sf]
vfgL, 9'Ëf jf vlghhGo j:t'
iv.Natural water, surface water and underground water, k|
fs[lts :j¿kdf /x]sf] kfgL, e" ;tx tyf e"ldut ¿kdf /x]sf] kfgL
v. Building or other structure made permanently in such a manner
that it can float over a river, lake or pond, gbL, tfn, tn}ofdf t}/g]
u/L :yfoL ¿kdf agfOPsf 3/ jf cGo ;+/rgf
vi.A standing tree, plant or fruit tree or fruits or flowers growing on
such a tree, plant or fruit tree, crops in land, hldgdf v8f ePsf] ?v, la?
jf jf kmnkm"nsf af]6 jf To:tf ?v, la?jf jf kmnkm"nsf af]6df kmn]sf kmn
jf km"n]sf km"n, hldgdf kmn]sf] jfnL
vii.Any movable property attached to immovable property
3. Private property, lghL ;DklQ (Muluki Dewani Sanhita: section
i. Property earned by way of his/her knowledge, skills or effort,
cfkm\gf] 1fg, ;Lk jf k|of;af6 cfh{g u/]sf]
ii. Property acquired by way of donation, will/gift or
inheritance, bfg, as;, jf ck'tfnL :j¿k k|fKt u/]sf]
iii.Property acquired by way of a lottery or gift, lr7\7f jf pkxf/ :j¿k
k|fKt u/]sf]
iv.Property acquired by way of remuneration, gratuity, pension,
treatment allowance, provident fund, insurance or other
social security, kfl/>lds, pkbfg, lgj[Qe/0f, pkrf/ vr{, ;+ro sf]if,
aLdf jf cGo ;fdflhs ;'/If0f jfkt k|fKt u/]sf]
Private property,…
v. Property acquired in any manner whatsoever while living
apart upon separation of board and bread in accordance with
law or while managing own accommodation at own cost
despite not so living apart, sfg"g adf]lhd dfgf] 5'l§O{ leGg a;]sf]
cj:yfdf jf To;/L dfgf] g5'l§Pklg vtLpktL cfkm\gf] cfkm\gf] u/L
vfg' a:g' u/]sf] cj:yfdf h'g;'s} tj/n] k|fKt u/]sf]
vi.Property acquired by way of intellectual property or royalty,
af}l4s ;DklQ jf /f]oN6L :j¿k k|fKt u/]sf]
vii.Property acquired by woman before marriage or after
marriage (Pewa: exclusive property) or (Daijo: dowry)
viii.Written as private property according to law

4. Property in common, ;uf]nsf] ;DklQ (Muluki Dewani Sanhita:
section 257)
i. Property inherited from ancestors, lktf k'vf{af6 k|fKt ;DklQ
ii. Property owned by the co-owners other than private
property, lghL afx]s c+lzof/sf] gfddf /x]sf] ;DklQ
iii.Property earned by the co-owners from the farming,
industry, trade or business in common or property accrued
therefrom, c+lzof/n] ;uf]nsf] v]tL, pBf]u, Jofkf/, Joj;foaf6 cfh{g
u/]sf] jf ;f]af6 a9] a9fPsf] ;DklQ
iv.Except where separated in accordance with law, any property
earned by the spouses or property accrued therefrom shall
also be deemed to be the property in common of the spouses,
sfg"g adf]lhd leGg ePsf]df afx]s klt kTgLn] sdfPsf] jf To;af6 a9]
a9fPsf] ;DklQ klt kTgLsf] ;uf]nsf] ;DklQ x'G5 .
Property in common….
v. Any property earned by parents for the purpose of partition
between the parents and their children shall also be
considered to be the property in common, afa' cfdf / 5f]/f 5f]/L
jLr c+zj08f ug]{ k|of]hgsf] nflu afa' cfdfn] cfh{g
u/]sf] ;DklQ ;d]t ;uf]nsf] ;DklQ dflgG5 .

5. Joint property, ;+o'Qm ;DklQ (Muluki Dewani Sanhita: section
i. Any property owned by two or more persons except
coparceners of the undivided family or property accrued
therefrom shall be deemed to be a joint property,
Psf;uf]nsf c+lzof/x?sf] afx]s b'O{ jf b'O{eGbf a9L JolQmx¿sf]
gfddf /x]sf] jf ;f]af6 a9] a9fPsf] ;DklQ ;+o'Qm ;DklQ dflgG5 .
ii. The entitlement to and share of a joint holder in the joint
property shall be as set forth in a deed setting out such
entitlement and share, and failing such a deed, the joint
holders of that property shall be deemed to have equal
entitlement and share, ;+o'Qm ;DklQdf s'g} JolQmsf] xs jf lx:;f
v'nfO{ lnvt ePsf]df ;f]xL adf]lhd / lnvtdf s'g} pNn]v
gePsf]df ;f] ;DklQ /xg] JolQmx¿sf] ;dfg xs / lx:;f /x]sf] dflgG5 .
6.Community property, ;fd'bflos ;DklQ (Muluki Dewani Sanhita:
section 301)
Any land held by a community for its use, any structure built
in such land or other property owned and possessed by it
shall be deemed to be the community property. s'g} ;d'bfon]
cfkm\gf] k|of]usf] nflu /fv]sf] hUuf, To:tf] hUufdf agfPsf] s'g}
;+/rgf jf ;d'bfosf] :jfldTj /x]sf] cGo ;DklQ ;fd'bflos ;DklQ dflgG5 .
For example, under Section 25 of Forest Act, Government of Nepal
may handover any part of a National Forest to a Users' Group in the
form of a Community Forest entitling to develop, conserve, use and
manage the Forest and sell and distribute the Forest Products
independently by fixing their prices according. This is the property
handed over to a community based on area. Unless the
Government of Nepal withdraws, the forest shall be regarded
property of the community. …
For another example, if any temple has been built for a 'Kul
Puja' (clan worship), the temple shall be the property of the
clan that worships at the temple. It is considered as
community property. Land ownership certificate of such land
shall be prepared under the name of the clan community.

7. Public property, ;fj{hlgs ;DklQ: (Muluki Dewani Sanhita: section
i. Houses, lands, sewerage or roads having been used since ancient
times, k/fk"j{sfnb]lv /x]sf] 3/, hUuf, 9n jf af6f]
ii. Wells, water conduits, shores (Panighat), wells, ponds and banks
thereof, s'jf, kFw]/f], kfgL3f6, Ogf/, kf]v/L tyf ;f]sf] 8Ln
iii.Exits for chattels, pasture lands, graveyards and lands where
these are located, ufO{j:t' lgsfNg] lgsf;, uf}r/, vs{, cGToi6L:yn, jf
lrxfg jf d;fg3f6 jf ;dflw:yn sla|:yfg /x]sf] hUuf
iv.Inns, rest houses, monuments, religious meditation sites,
memorials, temples, shrines, Chaitya, monasteries, Stupas,
churches, courtyards, open parts of markets, platforms or lands
where these are located, kf6L, kf}jf, b]jn, wfld{s pkf;gf :yn, :df/s,
d7, dlGb/, r}To, u'Daf, :t"k, d:hLb, Ouf{j, sj{nf, luhf{3/, rf]s, 8anL,
rf}tf/L jf ;f] /x]sf] hUuf 32
Public places such as open market (Haat Mela), lands
where entertainment is done or playing grounds are located
Other lands as prescribed by Nepal Government publishing
at Nepal Gazette
The ownership of the public property shall vest in a public
organization or the Government of Nepal.

8. Government property, ;/sf/L ;DklQ (Muluki Dewani Sanhita:

section 299)
i. Government houses, buildings or lands,
ii. Highway, road or railway,
iii.Forests, or trees and bushes in forests, jg, h+un jf jg
h+undf /x]sf ?v, a'6\ofg ===================
iv. Rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and banks thereof, gbL,
vf]nfgfnf, tfn, kf]v/L tyf ;f]sf] l8n
v. Canals, ditches or uncultivated, barren lands, gx/, s'nf] jf
P]nfgL, ktL{ hUuf
vi. Mines or mine materials
vii. Himal, terrains, mountains, rocks, sandy lands, public
gardens, lxdfn, le/, kx/f, 8u/, au/, ;fj{hlgs au}+rf
viii. Property other than the public, community, trust or any
one's private property, ;fj{hlgs, ;fd'bflos, u'7L jf s'g}
JolQmsf] gfddf /x]sf] lghL ;Dklt afx]ssf] cGo ;DklQ
9. Trust property, u'7Lsf] ;DklQ
The property title to which belongs to, or which is
owned, the Trust shall be deemed to be the Trust
property. 34

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