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Endah Fitri Lestari, S.Pd.

What is Label?

Label is a small piece of paper, fabric, plastic or similar material

attached to a product and giving information about it.

Example: food label, drink label, medicine/drug label

Social Function?

To get detailed information about the product.

To avoid harmful effect.

To choose healthy and safe product.

Generic Structure?
brand/name of

direction to use

nutrition facts

expiration date


amount (nett weight)

Language Features?
Tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam menyusun label

1. Kalimat imperative (command or prohibition)

Command: Shake well before use!
Keep refrigerated!
Prohibition: Do not consume after expired date!
Do not accept if seal is broken!
Let’s analyse the label!

EXP DATE 10222023

Let’s analyse the label!

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