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SLL Presentation

• In Ethiopiia,about 52% of under five mortality is related
to new born death.The common cause of new orn
death areprematurity,infection,and birth asphysia,and
they contributeto more than 80%ofneonatal deaths.the
latest study on the common s cause of preterm birth
identified respirstory distress(45%),infection(30%).and
birth asiphysia(13%)as the most common cause of
preterm death.(Lulu Muhe,2019).The saving littlie
life(SLL) project is then applied to avert this high number
of neonatal death through synergistic intervention called
Minimum Care Package(MCP) at NICU,KMC, and LD.
• The primary goal of the SLL project is to reduce
neonatal mortality by35% at the population level
at the scale up site using SLL’s synergistic
interventions the target the primary drivers of
perinatal and neonatal mortality. Overall, the SLL
intervention package will reach 80% of small
babies at the intervention site. This includes 80%
of small babies receiving effective KMC,80%
asphyxiated neonate being resuscitated,80% of
with respiratory distress receiving CPAP.
Evaluation ,design, data source, and data management plan.

• We will use an adapted form of interrupted time series(ITS) design to estimate the
impact of the SLL intervention package on the primary and secondary outcomes.
ITS design is one variant of quasi experimental design that is considered effective
to evaluate longitudinal effects of large scale implementation of intervention
where a randomized controlled trial is unfeasible because of the nature of the
intervention, its expensive cost, or for ethical reason. We will use the District
Health Information System(DHIS2), primary data collected by evaluation research
assistant ,and program learning data as a primary data source for the
implementation research project.Quantitative data shall be collected electronically
using open data Kit(ODK,) ODK is chosen over the platforms with similar function
because it is fee available ,has good support for offline data collection,and support
several local language given the high rate of network interruption, this tool can be
setup off line and data can also be collected in remote areas without much
difficulty.Qualitative data from in depth interviews(IDI),and focus group
discussion(FGD0 will be digitally recorded and immediately
translated,transcribed,and submitted electronically using Microsoft word format.
Some of the key SLL scale upoutcome and input

• Resul statment
• Performance indicator
• type
• So1: scale up high quality care atbirth package
• Number of clinical mentor trained on care at birth package mentorship
• output
• Number of hospital received monthly clinical mentorship on care at birth package
• output
• Proportion of asphyxiated newborn successfully resuscitated
• output
• Proportion of asphyxiated newborn servived.output
• output
• So2: scale up high quality NICU
• Number of clinical mentor trained on care on NICU package mentorship
• output
• Care package
• Proportion of preterm and lown birth weight new born with sepsis whon recived
• output
• Proportion of preterm and lown birth weight new born with sepsis who survived,
• output
• So1: scale up high quality care at KMC package
• Number of clinical mentor trained on care on KMC mentorship and on site training
• output
• Proportion of low birth weight andpremature infant who recived facility level KMC
• output
• Proportion of low birth weight andpremature infant who survived after recived
• output

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