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Patient Care

Dr. Sundas Farooq; PT

• WHO define health
• “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and
not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”.
• A healthy person is one who is physically and mentally fit in all respects.
• Good health makes a man happy and cheerful but sometimes a healthy
person can also fall ill.
• Person may get diseases like viral fever, malaria.
• The illness (sickness) is called disease.
Characteristics of good health
• The person has capability to do work.
• The person feels himself efficient to take decisions and work accordingly.
• The person remains in sound mental condition.
• The person remain free from any disease.
• The person does not suffer from mental tension
Requirements of good health
• We all know that , Good health essential for Leading purposeful life.
• For maintaining a good health following conditions are essential.
1. Nutrition
2. Exercise and rest
3. Good habits
• Nutritive materials provide energy to work.
• A man should take care of following factors for maintaining his good
1. Taking rest in time.
2. Eating balanced diet.
3. Should take bath daily.
4. Food should be fresh. etc
Factors affecting Health:-
• Factors affecting Health:-
1. Social and economic factors
2. Environmental factors
3. Personal factors
4. Hereditary factors
Social and economic factors
• There are many social factors which affects our health.
• For example, superstition, religious and social beliefs etc.
• In absence of proper treatment and care, effect of disease can make the
patient serious.
Environmental factors
• The environment in which a man lives, can
also affect his health
• Environmental factors may be further divided
into two parts:-
• Internal factors
• External factors
Personal factors
• Some personal factors also affects
our health.
• Ex- eating and sleeping, tension,
refrain from taking regular
exercise etc. can make a healthy
person ill.
Hereditary factors
• Some diseases like color blindness, haemophilia
Diabetes etc. transfer from one generation to other
Generation, these situations called hereditary-factors.
Dimensions of Health
• Physical
• Mental
• Social
• Spiritual
• Emotional
• Vocational
• Political
Physical Dimension
• The state of physical health implies the notion of “perfect functioning” of
the body. It conceptualizes health biologically as a state in which every
cell and every organ is functioning at optimum capacity and in perfect
harmony with the rest of the body.
Physical Health
• It means adequate body weight, height and
circumference as per age and gender with
acceptable level of vision, hearing, locomotion
or movements, acceptable levels of pulse rate,
blood pressure, respiratory rate, chest
circumference, head circumference, waist hip
• It means The body structure and functions
confirming to laid down standards within
the range of normal development and
functions of all the systems.
Sign of Physical Health
• A good complexion
• Clean skin
• bright eyes
• lustrous hairs
• body with firm flush
• not too fat
Sign of Physical Health
• Good appetite
• Sound sleep
• Regular activity of bowel and bladder
• Smooth easily coordinated bodily movements
• All organs of normal size and functioning normally
• Pulse rate, BP exercise tolerance within normal ranges
Evaluation of physical health
• Self assessment of overall health
• Inquiry into symptom of ill health risk factors
• Inquiry into Medication
• Inquiry into Fitness
• Inquiry into Medical services
• Clinical examination
• Nutrition & dietary assessment
Mental Health
• Mental health is not mere absence of mental illness.
• Ability to respond to varied experiences of life “ a state of balance
between the individual and surrounding world, a state of harmony
between oneself and others coexistence between the relatives of the self
and that of other people and that of the environment”.
Mental Dimension
• Mental health is not mere absence of mental illness.
• Good mental health is ability to respond to the many varied experience of
life with flexibility and sense of purpose.
• “A state of balance between the individual and the surrounding world, a
state of harmony between oneself and others, a coexistence between the
realities of the self and that of other people and that of the environment”.
• A mentally normal person has the ability to
mix up with others, he/she makes friendship,
behaves in a balanced manner, keeps himself
tidy and observes adequate personal hygiene,
well oriented to time, place and person and
environments and he is unduly not suspicious
of others.
Mental well being
• Characteristics of Mentally healthy person
• Free from internal conflicts
• Well adjusted
• Searches for identity
• Strong sense of self-esteem
• Knows himself, his needs, problems and goals
• Good self control
• Coping with stress and anxiety
Social Health
• It means ability of a person to adjust with
others in his social life, at home, at work place
and with people. Men interact with men and
they inter-relate and inter depend on each other
and pay their effective role in accordance with
a situation.
Social Dimension
• Harmony and integration a) within the individual b) between each individual
and other members of the society c) between individuals and world in which
they live.
• Definition :- Quantity and quality of an individual’s interpersonal ties and the
extent of involvement with the community
Characteristic of social health
• Possession of social skills,
• social functioning
• Ability to see oneself as a member of community
• Focuses on social and economic conditions
Spiritual Health
• Spiritual health is connected with religious beliefs and practices. It also
deals with personal creeds, principles of behavior and ways of achieving
peace of mind and being at peace with oneself.
• It is intangible “something” that transcends physiology and psychology.
• It includes integrity, principle and ethics, the purpose of life, commitment
to some higher being, belief in the concepts that are not subject to “state
of art” explanation
Emotional Dimension
• The emotional dimension of wellness emphasizes an awareness and
acceptance of one's feelings
Vocational Dimension
• Work – fully adapted to human goals, capacities and limitations
• Work often plays a role in promoting both physical and mental health
• Sudden loss of Job / after Retirement
Other dimension
• Philosophical
• Cultural
• Socioeconomic
• Environmental
• Educational
• nutritional
• Curative dimension
• Preventive dimension
Concept Of Health
• An understanding of health is the basis of all the health care.
• Health is not perceived the same way by all the members of a community
including various professional groups (like biomedical scientists, social
scientists, health administrators, ecologists) giving rise to confusion about
the concept of health
• Health has evolved over the centuries from the concept of individual
concern to a worldwide social goal.
• The various changing concepts of health as follows:
• Biomedical concept
• Ecological concept
• Psychosocial concept
• Holistic concept
Biomedical concept
• Traditionally health has been considered as an absence of the diseases and
if someone was free from disease, then that person was considered
• This concept is known as biomedical concept, and it is based on the
“germ theory of the disease.”
• Health means “absence of disease.”
• The medical profession viewed the human body as a machine and disease
is an outcome of the breakdown of the machine, and one of the doctor’s
tasks was to repair the machine.
• This concept has minimized the role of the environment, social and
cultural determinants of the health.
• Developments in medical and social sciences led to the conclusion that the
biomedical concept of health was inadequate
Ecological Concept
• Deficiencies in the biomedical concept gave rise to other concepts.
• The ecologists put forward the concept of ecological concept.
• Ecologists viewed health as a dynamic equilibrium between man and his
environment, and the disease as a maladjustment of the human organism
to environment.
Psychosocial Concept
• Advances in social sciences showed that health is not only a biomedical
phenomenon, but one which is influenced by social, psychological,
cultural, economic and political factors of the people concerned.
• These factors must be taken into consideration in defining and measuring
• Thus health is both a biological and social phenomenon
Holistic Concept
• The holistic model is a synthesis of all the above concepts.
• Holistic concept recognizes the strength of social, economic, political and
environmental influences on health.
• It has been variously described as multidimensional process involving the wellbeing of
the person as a whole.
• The emphasis is on the promotion and protection of health.
• The holistic approach implies that all sectors of the society have an effect on health, in
particular , agriculture, animal husbandry, food, industry, education, housing, public
works and other sectors.

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